Best Thread CMC Markets owner answers your questions

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FFS, your conclusions are based on a sample size of 2. I despair.

I used to trade with Oanda, and even they do what they need to do in times of high volatility (who could ever forget the 200 pip spread they fat fingered in during one NFP !)

Brokers occasionally need to protect their assess, and although they are acting in their own best interests when they do this, it's also in the interests of their customers as it would all be pretty pointless if CMC goes tits up cos they took on a mountain of risk that they didnt manage cos it might mean pissing a few people off disconnecting a platform for a few seconds.

You might want to take this guys advice:

Ronnie Johns - Chopper - Harden the **** Up - YouTube
See patterns? In your fantasy world you probably hear voices too..let me repeat it 'cos you're bit hard of thinking like, you're the last person in your Rampton media study group I'd give a contact too, or ask to get involved in anything I know offer nothing.

PC is too polite to you, I don't have to be. You're moaning your tits off over two trades that didn't happen.." oh oh, but they could have if I'd taken them!!" gtf you weirdo..

You trip yourself up more than Forrest Gump trying the 110 meter hurdles..which reminds me..

This is you this is..

Ha ha, what a language, I must admit it is kind of funny.🙂
Ha ha, what a language, I must admit it is kind of funny.🙂

Funny..funny!! Twuth seekers deadly serious..look at him at work..testing all of the interweb for us to make sure it's safe. It's a big job that matey..

Good points and I do Jimmy. I also use Pro-spreads which offer a spread bet wrapper with tax free profits as well as normal brokers. But I got pulled into all the hype and to be honest CMC were executing trades a lot fairer not so long ago, something has changed and now the executions are a lot worse, even to the point they will stick a few second delay on it or flat out close the market.

I am obviously wasting my time here, I just can't be bothered to deal with cretins like black swan or listen to PC dodge my direct questions with indirect answers, he knows exactly what I'm talking about, maybe he should have been a MP, and black swan his fluffer 😆

To add substance to your accusations, how about taking screenshots or videos of some live trades? Until you supply some hard evidence, CMC can't really investigate, as PC has said.


Last post to you and your small band of cretins on this thread..
You have made yourself look like a idiot with your childish postings. The mature who read this thread will see this and move on. All you will get for customers will be immature £1k new traders who you can feed off with your ridiculous leverage levels designed to blow their accounts.
I do find it funny that you are so desperate for customers you have to resort to posting on a free bb and have the cretin crew on your side trying to rail road anyone who talks any sense that appears to be negative towards CMC.
Be rest assured everytime your company turn me over on a trade I'm going to make it known to the public. Network marketing, you can't beat it.
hi truth seeker,

You will be back. I promise



Last post to you and your small band of cretins on this thread..
You have made yourself look like a idiot with your childish postings. The mature who read this thread will see this and move on. All you will get for customers will be immature £1k new traders who you can feed off with your ridiculous leverage levels designed to blow their accounts.
I do find it funny that you are so desperate for customers you have to resort to posting on a free bb and have the cretin crew on your side trying to rail road anyone who talks any sense that appears to be negative towards CMC.
Be rest assured everytime your company turn me over on a trade I'm going to make it known to the public. Network marketing, you can't beat it.

Last post to you and your small band of cretins on this thread..
You have made yourself look like a idiot with your childish postings. The mature who read this thread will see this and move on. All you will get for customers will be immature £1k new traders who you can feed off with your ridiculous leverage levels designed to blow their accounts.
I do find it funny that you are so desperate for customers you have to resort to posting on a free bb and have the cretin crew on your side trying to rail road anyone who talks any sense that appears to be negative towards CMC.
Be rest assured everytime your company turn me over on a trade I'm going to make it known to the public. Network marketing, you can't beat it.


Urban Dictionary: flounce

When a member of an online community announces they are leaving, usually after a protracted disagreement with other members of the community. -"I'm gone. You all enjoy your little discussions."

Tested the new CMC Platform a few days ago and I really like it, well done.


- terrific spreads
- low margins
- mobile trading on the Iphone availabe
- cool looking flash platform
- extremely flexible unit sizes. CFD's can not only be traded in 1 unit, but also in 0.1 or 0.01 units
- Open positions of a single symbol are displayed as a single position as well as combined into one position. This is very helpful because then, invididual positions can be modified or all units can be closed at once.


- No One-Click-Dealing available. With this, it would be the perfect platform. Is something planned regarding One-Click-Dealing?

Tested the new CMC Platform a few days ago and I really like it, well done.


- terrific spreads
- low margins
- mobile trading on the Iphone availabe
- cool looking flash platform
- extremely flexible unit sizes. CFD's can not only be traded in 1 unit, but also in 0.1 or 0.01 units
- Open positions of a single symbol are displayed as a single position as well as combined into one position. This is very helpful because then, invididual positions can be modified or all units can be closed at once.


- No One-Click-Dealing available. With this, it would be the perfect platform. Is something planned regarding One-Click-Dealing?

Yes I'm waiting too and hopefully the upgrade will combat the current slippage.
What we need to know is whether the alleged slippage happens both ways, negative and positive, as it should if the platform is fully automated. If it does then we can't really complain.
What we need to know is whether the alleged slippage happens both ways, negative and positive, as it should if the platform is fully automated. If it does then we can't really complain.

Had positive slippage on the iPad spread bet app..
What we need to know is whether the alleged slippage happens both ways, negative and positive, as it should if the platform is fully automated. If it does then we can't really complain.[/QUO

Also you will have to measure how many times you get for and against slippage to get a true figure but with my own experience is that negative seems to be the trend.
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