Best Thread CMC Markets owner answers your questions

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Hi Mr Black swan,

We limited the number to 30 people, 29 registered and 27 turned up.
The object of the traders club was to explain charts, market movements, swap ideas about the markets. It was not a next gen promotion, it was purely based on the markets. we had ipads, computers so clients could test their ideas and speak to our in house technical analysts and financial people. It was really an open club for ideas to be bounded around. All clients brought their own computers and ipads as well. There were some potential clients there as well.

It started at 10am and was supposed to finish at 2pm but we still have clients at 3pm when we had to ask them to leave.

Yes there was free lunch, sandwiches, light drinks etc. It was great, every body really enjoyed it and we hope to do more. maybe you should come next time and check it out, would be nice to meet you and some of the posters here. Even Ross is invited, but only when we get white back ground charts, ha ha. We wanted to try something different, it was a success and definitely will be doing it again.

Ipad is doing well for us, lots of interest. I used mine last week when I was on holiday. I found it awesome. I am getting to the stage when I cannot live without my ipad. Not just to follow the markets but reading newspapers, books, news, listen to music. I am saving up for ipad2. ha ha.

Let me know if you want to come to next traders club and any body else on this forum. I will be at the next one so anybody from this forum is welcome but let me know here so I can make sure you get on the list. Next one is already filling up quickly. But if you let me know on this forum I can make sure you get into next one. There is no cost, it is not about CMC, it is about clients and the markets and to find out if we can help clients in any way.
Thanks for your posting and good luck with your trading.
regards Peter.

I saw this press release from CMC through pr newswire, do CMC also do a free lunch on the day Mr C.? How many turned up? Anyone on this thread fancy going to the next one?

Still playing around with the spread bet iPad app PC, will do a review in a week or so.

LONDON, August 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --
CMC Markets [], one of the leading providers of spread betting and CFD trading, last week held its first monthly Traders' Club - a unique live trading session for customers. *

CMC Markets has developed the Traders' Club as part of its on going commitment to educating customers and keeping them informed about both the markets and the best trading techniques. *The Traders' Club, based at CMC's head offices in the heart of the city, gives CMC customers access to the specially created trading suites with added insight from CMC's experienced staff. *Customers have the opportunity to meet and share ideas with other like-minded traders whilst actively trading the markets. *

The session, aimed at enhancing customers' existing trading ability, is held in the newly developed 'Dream room' which gives customers the opportunity to trade in the ultimate trader environment. *The suite boasts the very latest trading technology as well as 50 inch screens providing a live feed to CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN and BBC News - giving customers the experience of a real life trading floor. *

The day's activity provides customers with insight into different trading strategies and technical analysis alongside unique volume data and live heat maps. *The Traders' Club is held by Market Analyst, Michael Hewson and Product Managers Ryan O'Doherty and Craig Inglis at CMC's offices in Houndsditch. *

Ryan O'Doherty, Product Manager at CMC Markets said "Customer service is at the core of our business and we want to assist our traders throughout their journey. *This includes assisting traders during exploration, through to education and fulfilment. *The first Traders' Club was a huge success and was very well received by all our customers that attended."

He added: "It is our on-going commitment to educate and inform our customers to give them the very best foundations on which to become a successful trader, including showing them how make use of risk management tools, as well as giving them access to the most innovative, sophisticated and easy to use trading platform on the market. *We look forward to our next Traders' Club in September."

The next Traders' Club event will be held at CMC Markets head office in Houndsditch on 23 September 2011. *To apply, call +44(0)20-7170-8209.
Notes to Editors

CMC Markets is a leading global provider of financial spread betting, CFD and foreign exchange (FX). Since Peter Cruddas founded CMC Markets in 1989, the company now services more than 75,000 clients worldwide, who placed a total of 26 million trades last year.

CMC Markets UK Plc and CMC Spreadbet Plc (collectively known as CMC Markets) are authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Services Authority.

For further information on spread betting with CMC Markets please visit
You know how it is with us Northerners PC, pork pies for lunch on the menu and I might make it. 😀
Hi PC,

What's happened?

Have made a few trades on your platform of late and have noticed a severe slow down on entries - the same as has been mentioned recently by others. More alarmingly *every* stop gets slipped. Last one today was slipped by 0.9 which completely negates any spread advantage. The market wasn't particularly fast and IG closed the exact same level bang on the money as they nearly always do - bit disappointed to say the least.

EDIT: Should have written - *a large majority* rather than every.
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Hi 4x4

I haven't heard of any issues regarding performance of the system. In fact it is quiet now compared to last couple of weeks.
With regards to stop if you send me private email with details I will look into it.
The system executes trades and stops and limits automatically, there is no built in slippage and the system cannot be over ridden by dealers so will need more details to look into your stop.

many thanks Peter

Hi PC,

What's happened?

Have made a few trades on your platform of late and have noticed a severe slow down on entries - the same as has been mentioned recently by others. More alarmingly *every* stop gets slipped. Last one today was slipped by 0.9 which completely negates any spread advantage. The market wasn't particularly fast and IG closed the exact same level bang on the money as they nearly always do - bit disappointed to say the least.

EDIT: Should have written - *a large majority* rather than every.
Hi 4x4

I haven't heard of any issues regarding performance of the system.

I still seem to be having a brief delay when placing trades, could this be something on my computer or is it at your end?

Today I placed a trade and I clicked 'Confirm' at the end to place the trade as normal and your circular timer appeared for several seconds which delayed my trade..buggered it up a bit actually because execution speed is a must in my style of trading. Now, I was looking at the other prices and they were updating nicely so there wasn't a connection problem, so what was the delay?
Not too worried about the few hundredths of a second delay on entry, as this will probably balance out over time.

I have just re-checked - the slippage was in fact 0.7 (today @ 10:40), not 0.9 as I previously stated - the time before that was 0.3 (19-08 @ 09:03) - would you say this should be considered acceptable trading costs by your clients?

I will keep a record of stop slippage in comparison to IG's - it will be interesting to see how the true charges compare over a period of time. I was getting slipped similar amounts by IG, but only during the times 07:00 - 08:00 and was what first motivated me to search for a different platform.

hi 4x4
I think you should also keep a record of execution of trades as well not just stops.
I note you have posted about price improvements in the past from us on execution.
Of course when quoting 0.9 fixed spreads on some products then our pricing has to be fast and accurate. Remember there are no re quotes and no ticket time outs, we do not operate a fill or kill service.

I think this is important point. One competitor you mentioned operates fill or kill so what happens if the markets move quickly and you get timed out of your ticket and your deal is not executed. you should measure our execution against the new ticket execution you get in this instance, from a fill or kill service. we operate a fill or fill service. Execution is always done electronically and without intervention. that is the name of the game.
Also you should look at our typical spreads. we publish them every week on our web site and compare them to our competitors.

anyway keep us posted.
remember spread betting is a leveraged product and you should understand the risks before trading.

regards Peter

Not too worried about the few hundredths of a second delay on entry, as this will probably balance out over time.

I have just re-checked - the slippage was in fact 0.7 (today @ 10:40), not 0.9 as I previously stated - the time before that was 0.3 (19-08 @ 09:03) - would you say this should be considered acceptable trading costs by your clients?

I will keep a record of stop slippage in comparison to IG's - it will be interesting to see how the true charges compare over a period of time. I was getting slipped similar amounts by IG, but only during the times 07:00 - 08:00 and was what first motivated me to search for a different platform.

Hi 4x4
I know you are experienced trader but are you coming to our traders club on 23rd September. It is over lunch time in the city and it will be a chance for the team to hear your views. Would also be good to meet up with you for coffee.
Let me know. Might even get black swan along.
tks pc
Sorry, but I´m looking for the solution to solve the "timeout" problem on the new platform TRACKER.
Can somebody help me?
hi siscu,

Thanks for your first post and welcome here.
The time out issue is not a next gen issue as such it is more to do with your browser. It is worst with chrome for some unknown reason.
However, we do have a fix coming along soon that should prevent time outs.Next gen works slightly better from a time out point of view on firefox and explorer.
I use chrome for my demo system. It is annoying but will be fixed in next couple of weeks.
Thanks for taking the time for your posting. would be good to get your views on next gen trackers on this forum.

tks pc

Sorry, but I´m looking for the solution to solve the "timeout" problem on the new platform TRACKER.
Can somebody help me?
Hi 4x4

I seem to always get slippage in my favour on take profit orders, so it will even it's self out over time!

When I'm aiming for 5 pips a time, and I get 1 pip slippage in my favour, that's always a nice treat 🙂 Only had that once though, it's normally 0.1-0.3 in my favour, so can't grumble!

Hi Mr Big,
Thanks for this post. The reason you have got slippage in your favour is more luck than anything else. we always quote blindly to whoever wants a price. whatever, the price is, when we receive your order is the price we execute at. It is completely blind to the client. we just give the market price every time. We do not operate fill or kill service. do not want clients to miss the markets.

I am glad you have got favourable fills. I wished every client got favourable fills, it really doesn't matter to us. we just quote the price and you execute. that's it. plain and simple.

anyway thanks for the pat on the back

good luck with your trading.


Hi 4x4

I seem to always get slippage in my favour on take profit orders, so it will even it's self out over time!

When I'm aiming for 5 pips a time, and I get 1 pip slippage in my favour, that's always a nice treat 🙂 Only had that once though, it's normally 0.1-0.3 in my favour, so can't grumble!

hi pc,
many thanky for your quick reply.
I am also using chrome, but I have not a solution.
Can you tell me please your solution for the demo?
Thanks in advance.
hi siscu,

not sure what your question is. If you use chrome you will get timed out quicker than fire fox or explorer. We have fix coming soon to prevent time outs across all browsers.
should be with you in couple of weeks.
in the meantime, you just have to re enter system if you get timed out.

tks peter
hi pc,
many thanky for your quick reply.
I am also using chrome, but I have not a solution.
Can you tell me please your solution for the demo?
Thanks in advance.
hi 4x4
I think you should also keep a record of execution of trades as well not just stops.
I note you have posted about price improvements in the past from us on execution.
Of course when quoting 0.9 fixed spreads on some products then our pricing has to be fast and accurate. Remember there are no re quotes and no ticket time outs, we do not operate a fill or kill service.

I think this is important point. One competitor you mentioned operates fill or kill so what happens if the markets move quickly and you get timed out of your ticket and your deal is not executed. you should measure our execution against the new ticket execution you get in this instance, from a fill or kill service. we operate a fill or fill service. Execution is always done electronically and without intervention. that is the name of the game.
Also you should look at our typical spreads. we publish them every week on our web site and compare them to our competitors.

anyway keep us posted.
remember spread betting is a leveraged product and you should understand the risks before trading.

regards Peter
I can't see any reason why there should be any slippage on stop loss orders (unless there is a gap in the market of course). fill or fill service, meaning you can get slipped (market orders) like crazy in a volatile market?
hi 4x4
I think you should also keep a record of execution of trades as well not just stops.
I note you have posted about price improvements in the past from us on execution.
Of course when quoting 0.9 fixed spreads on some products then our pricing has to be fast and accurate. Remember there are no re quotes and no ticket time outs, we do not operate a fill or kill service.

I think this is important point. One competitor you mentioned operates fill or kill so what happens if the markets move quickly and you get timed out of your ticket and your deal is not executed. you should measure our execution against the new ticket execution you get in this instance, from a fill or kill service. we operate a fill or fill service. Execution is always done electronically and without intervention. that is the name of the game.
Also you should look at our typical spreads. we publish them every week on our web site and compare them to our competitors.

anyway keep us posted.
remember spread betting is a leveraged product and you should understand the risks before trading.

regards Peter

As I mentioned before - the execution (although a lot slower than it was) is not too much of a concern to me. I've rarely had any execution problems from IG as I don't trade news releases, just at times of what I would call 'normal volatility' on the day. Nothing has changed my end - still using a Falcon F-22 computer and BT broadband.

It is the accuracy of my stops being triggered that is of most concern to me, because this unknown cost has to be added to the spread to get the REAL costs - an important part of any business, as I'm sue you'll agree. When I tried your platform before, stop slippage was occasional enough not to be of concern - now it seems like a regular occurrence.

Fortunately my partner trades with me, so cost comparison can easily be made against an alternative broker - I will keep a log and will report back - I will include entries also, but as these are made manually they won't be scientific as she's always a couple or so hundredths slower than me at getting in, but 8 times out of 10 will get a better price than me - even on the same platform.
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