Got a question or 2 to Peter:
I'm trialing a demo platform and the last couple of days have given it some good attention and obviously had a string of winners which is increasing my account at a good rate of notts.
Today I placed a trade and I clicked 'Confirm' at the end to place the trade as normal and your circular timer appeared for several seconds which delayed my trade..buggered it up a bit actually because execution speed is a must in my style of trading. Now, I was looking at the other prices and they were updating nicely so there wasn't a connection problem, so what was the delay?
You don't have a delay type interface do you for serial winners? Can't help but get a bit paranoid as I had all this type of experience on the old platform, not in the form of the timer but dealer referral, phone the desk, blah blah. I hope this isn't the sign of things to come and the 'straight to market' is only if you're a serial loser...
Would like to know what the delay timer is though.
Ahh, before I go, what's the spread on your Natural Gas, is it 20 points?