CMC markets -legal action

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I salute your resolve gentlemen! humouring this clown
I stopped reading this thread when its creator started getting offensively rude, It would be good to close the thread with the last word from our offensive newcomer then he will see that everyone had lost interest in him when he stopped being funny.
No - I want the last word myself. Me!


Careful GammaJammer, you're getting very close to the Royal Purpleness and we all know where that leads....:cheesy::cheesy:
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i cant even get out this comedian's den. Does anyone know how to delete profile or do i have to write to site?

Hello £1m,
I've just had a look at your profile and it says "no trading experience", so it's obviously wrong anyway.
I suggest you simply log out and never log in again.
Hope that helps.
Hello £1m,
I've just had a look at your profile and it says "no trading experience", so it's obviously wrong anyway.
I suggest you simply log out and never log in again.
Hope that helps.

I do have some compassion for one million, whose first language isn't, obviously, English. Unfortunately, his response to several posts has been abrasive and confrontational. Had he been more specific from the outset and approached the matter with a calmer attitude, he might have received a better reception.

His mistake was to open an account with Steal4Free (sorry CMC) in the first place. I'm sure that had he become a client of IG, City or 2Way Spreads, this thread would never have been initiated.
Listen guys, i dont need advice about trading and i dont realy take other's advice. that is the first rule when you trading.

But what i need if anyone had problems with CMC, like

After taking some good money from them, they stop you trading instantly and delay your trades long enough to couse you max loss. they deliberately slowing your account. they have always deny that , but i know for a fact that they are doing it deliberately. All the reasons they give, are nothing but lies. they are liying. Can i prove that, no problem.

Money disepears from your account, and you cant trace it and they also delay transfers as long as they can, then all they say sorry it was a technical error.

After slowing your account they always force you to trade at worst price. this happens all the time. Noting to do with underliying price, size or amount.

what they are doing is trading against clients while they are controling the system. i know so many people had problems with them. i like to hear from those people.

You all know how important is to keep a good reputation in financial market. one little mistake can bring the whole company down. i have seen enough cases in the past. Those co's need people like us to stay alive. Losing money is not the problem, but stealing from you, makes me annoyed. i honestly think This co should not be allowed to trade as they have broken every rule in the book. Proving all those points is not difficult, there are enough evidence around.

Problem is the world is full of whingers, complainers, negative attitude, always see the glass half empty etc etc etc, and it is these type of guys who NEVER SUCEED.

Of course you will have problems, off course there will be instances you get stopped out EXACTLy at YOUR stop - nobody likess it,
But lets face it 90% lose, they will blame the broker, the blogs, the cnbc, bloomberg, gurus, mentors , teachers. All you need to do is just look at the mirror and blame the guy you see!!!!

off cource I have had problems with brokers, but nothing that serious.
On the whole I have made money out of trading.

have i taken money from the broker? No it is the 90% of losers

This may hurt some of you - but the first rule of sucess is KNOW YOURSELF - SELF STUDY
One million you are the sort of client that futuresbetting.comwould have wanted as the are true DMA they hedge ALL bets at the market and do not take on any clients positions and since there is no trader intervention bets execute in milli seconds plus they only make their money from the spread they charge ie they want you to make money as the more money you make the more bets you will place

I did say you were a client they would like that was because they stopped trading in March due to capital reguirement but i understand that they are about to open again, the real plus from them was that when the stopped trading they returned ALL clients funds 🙂

Thanks, I have looked at few article about thic co. They have the right idea. I might open an account with them.

For those comedians who only trade in Jokes. Why dont you call yourself joke trader and read the text below. One advice to new traders on this site, you will get better advice from a London cub driver than those comedians. Do not believe when they say, they are expert, market makers or high flying traders. Most wouldnt know the differance betwenn Bid and Ask.

Financial-Spread-Betting: Spread betting companies are sometimes criticized for playing the markets themselves against clients but it is our understanding that is acting as a pure intermediary and hedges all positions. Could you give us some insight about how you are able to hedge your exposure with such short term "target" time frames?

Mike (MD Personally I think the criticism is entirely valid. Making variable spreads or re-quotes whilst potentially knowing a clients position cannot be right. Worse still the client is more often than not giving up too much of an edge on the spread to stand a chance of making money. No wonder some 90% of spread bettors lose money. on the other hand is completely transparent. Every price we make can be cross referenced to the underlying. If you are stopped you can independently verify from the exchange website that the future traded at that particular level."
mate the only person here that has been taken for a ride is you. i'm a pro trader so i don't have to f*ck about trying to scalp/arb a bookie- i take money out of the 'proper market' every'll probably call me a billy bigshot/comedian[sic] but the top and bottom is i make a good living out of it. judging by your posts you have plenty to learn and the SB's plenty to make from mugs like you. as i said earlier you keep banging that drum and some day somebody might listen but rest assured, i'll keep my eyes on the papers for your case against cmc....good luck. you'll need it.
Mike (MD Personally I think the criticism is entirely valid. Making variable spreads or re-quotes whilst potentially knowing a clients position cannot be right. Worse still the client is more often than not giving up too much of an edge on the spread to stand a chance of making money. No wonder some 90% of spread bettors lose money. on the other hand is completely transparent. Every price we make can be cross referenced to the underlying. If you are stopped you can independently verify from the exchange website that the future traded at that particular level."

Whilst I agree, there is no guarantee that the same 90% would have made money if they had placed the same trades with a DA futures broker. In any case, there are more reasons why trading DA enhances your edge than just the lower spread. This by far outweighs any tax free benefit gained by S/B. Although I should really say that S/B companies actually remove this altogether. The fact that Futuresbetting actually says "Every price we make can be cross referenced to the underlying." is enough to make me not want to trade with them. I don't want a price to be 'made', I want THE price from the CME Globex electronic trading platform or nothing.
Whilst I agree, there is no guarantee that the same 90% would have made money if they had placed the same trades with a DA futures broker. In any case, there are more reasons why trading DA enhances your edge than just the lower spread. This by far outweighs any tax free benefit gained by S/B. Although I should really say that S/B companies actually remove this altogether. The fact that Futuresbetting actually says "Every price we make can be cross referenced to the underlying." is enough to make me not want to trade with them. I don't want a price to be 'made', I want THE price from the CME Globex electronic trading platform or nothing.

Listen comedians who claims to be trader. I think you and your pals in here shoul call yourself Joke Trader. i proablely do more trades in a week then you and your pals do in your life time (providing you have a life)

Dont push me to expose Joke Traders like you and others. i have seen more then few Joke traders, i know what they look like.

Few example: Joke traders make money everyday (like gooseman) (no one makes money everyday).

They all call themself pro trader, but they only come out from their holes during good market condition where even a donkey could make a few quid.

Joke Traders always claim they are ahead of everbody and have the best. Like yourself, getting Globex price.

They wear expensive suits (one with the stripe is very desireable) which is usualy bought from second hand charity shop bcos they cant afford the real one.

They are usualy armed with complicated system and methods (which new traders cant realy understand,) and also armed with charts and waves (favorite one is called Elliot waves- i call it Idiot's wavws) and will claim that it will make them money all the time.

These Joke Traders was most wiped out during 2000 market crach, but they have started to come out in last few years when market started to turn around.

new traders beware of them.

If you think you are making money everday and alwasy, why dont you post few real time trades on this site, so we can see how good you are.

i like to know if anyone made money listening these comedians.

this is the last warning to these comedians. i have taken on 30 thousand people before and beat them fairly. i can take on few Joke Traders.
Listen comedians who claims to be trader. I think you and your pals in here shoul call yourself Joke Trader. i proablely do more trades in a week then you and your pals do in your life time (providing you have a life)

Dont push me to expose Joke Traders like you and others. i have seen more then few Joke traders, i know what they look like.

Few example: Joke traders make money everyday (like gooseman) (no one makes money everyday).

They all call themself pro trader, but they only come out from their holes during good market condition where even a donkey could make a few quid.

Joke Traders always claim they are ahead of everbody and have the best. Like yourself, getting Globex price.

They wear expensive suits (one with the stripe is very desireable) which is usualy bought from second hand charity shop bcos they cant afford the real one.

They are usualy armed with complicated system and methods (which new traders cant realy understand,) and also armed with charts and waves (favorite one is called Elliot waves- i call it Idiot's wavws) and will claim that it will make them money all the time.

These Joke Traders was most wiped out during 2000 market crach, but they have started to come out in last few years when market started to turn around.

new traders beware of them.

If you think you are making money everday and alwasy, why dont you post few real time trades on this site, so we can see how good you are.

i like to know if anyone made money listening these comedians.

this is the last warning to these comedians. i have taken on 30 thousand people before and beat them fairly. i can take on few Joke Traders.

no mate-i'm not allowed to post my trades. institutional stuff and I believe you're familiar with regulatory framework....also i'm sure you're aware of the different types of trading and that not every trader in the world w*anks away on SB'ers looking for ticks or taking outright positions. open our eyes and broaden you horizons.

call me what you like mate-i really don't give a flying shi*te. you're obviously a very successful trader so a hundred grand must be chicken feed for you which is kind of why i'm confused as to why you're making a song and dance about it. get back on the horse and write off the cmc debacle as a lesson learned.

so a donkey could make money in these conditions? there must be sophisticated four-legged beasts out there as there are plenty of institutional traders finding it tough...

best of trading to you.....
Listen comedians who claims to be trader. I think you and your pals in here shoul call yourself Joke Trader. i proablely do more trades in a week then you and your pals do in your life time (providing you have a life)

Dont push me to expose Joke Traders like you and others. i have seen more then few Joke traders, i know what they look like.

Few example: Joke traders make money everyday (like gooseman) (no one makes money everyday).

They all call themself pro trader, but they only come out from their holes during good market condition where even a donkey could make a few quid.

Joke Traders always claim they are ahead of everbody and have the best. Like yourself, getting Globex price.

They wear expensive suits (one with the stripe is very desireable) which is usualy bought from second hand charity shop bcos they cant afford the real one.

They are usualy armed with complicated system and methods (which new traders cant realy understand,) and also armed with charts and waves (favorite one is called Elliot waves- i call it Idiot's wavws) and will claim that it will make them money all the time.

These Joke Traders was most wiped out during 2000 market crach, but they have started to come out in last few years when market started to turn around.

If you think you are making money everday and alwasy, why dont you post few real time trades on this site, so we can see how good you are.

Sh1t, he's knows who I am.😆
Fire, fire

I've followed this ridiculous thread for the last few days and come to one conclusion - onemillion, your pants are on fire.

I've followed this ridiculous thread for the last few days and come to one conclusion - onemillion, your pants are on fire.


yep, in about a hundred posts, this thread has progressed about as far as an athsmatic ant with heavy shopping.

Mind you, it's worth it for the laugh. Come back Onemillion, we miss you.

yep, in about a hundred posts, this thread has progressed about as far as an athsmatic ant with heavy shopping.

Mind you, it's worth it for the laugh. Come back Onemillion, we miss you.


A Castillian flavour perhaps ?
I think t2w management itself creates new increasingly ridiculous personas and their posts to generate responses and more and more hits on the site to justify higher advertising revenue.
Of the 100,000 members only 17 are genuine, the rest are auto-generated by a bit of software Paul created whilst waiting for the cistern to re-fill.
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