Climate Change

Twelve reasons I don’t believe there’s a climate emergency
In Mad World, Russell David explains why he’s a climate change sceptic. I concur with all twelve - he's spot on, IMO!

"I’m not a scientist. But I have reasons why I don’t fully trust the ‘climate emergency’ narrative. Here they are:
1. Looking back through history, there have always been doomsday prophets, folk who say the world is coming to an end. Are modern-day activists not just the current version of this?

2. I look at some of the facts – CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere; humans are responsible for just 3% of CO2; Britain is responsible for just 1% of the world’s CO2 output – and I think ‘really’? Will us de-carbonising really make a difference to the Earth’s climate?

3. I have listened to some top scientists who say CO2 does not drive global warming; that CO2 in the atmosphere is a good/vital thing; that many other things, like the sun and the clouds and the oceans, are more responsible for the Earth’s temperature.

4. I note that most of the loudest climate activists are socialists and on the Left. Are they not just using this movement to push their dreams of a deindustrialised socialist utopia? And I also note the crossover between green activists and BLM ones, gender ones, pro-Hamas ones, none of whom I like or agree with.

5. As an amateur psychologist, I know that humans are susceptible to manias. I also know that humans tend to focus on tiny slivers of time and on tiny slivers of geographical place when forming ideas and opinions. We are also extremely malleable and easily fooled, as was demonstrated in 2020 and 2021.
[i.e. lockdowns, masks and the ‘vaccines']

6. I have looked into the implications of net zero. It is incredibly expensive. It will vastly reduce living standards and hinder economic growth. I don’t think that’s a good thing. I know that economic growth has led to higher living standards, which has made people both safer and more environmentally aware.

7. Net zero will also lead to significant diminishment of personal freedom, and it even threatens democracy, as people are told they MUST do certain things and they must not do other things, and they may even be restricted in speaking out on climate matters.

8. What will be the worst things that will happen if the doomsayers are correct? A rise in temperature? Where? Siberia? Singapore? Stockholm? What is the ideal temperature? For how long? Will this utopia be forever maintained? I’m suspicious of utopias; the communists sought utopias.

9. If one consequence of climate change is rising sea levels, would it not be better to spend money building more sea defences to protect our land? Like the Dutch did?

10. It’s a narrative heavily pushed by The Guardian. I dislike The Guardian. I believe it’s been wrong on most issues through my life – socialism, immigration, race, the EU, gender, lockdowns, and so on. Probably it’s wrong about climate issues too?"

11. I am suspicious of the amount of money that green activists and subsidised green industries make. And 40 years ago the greenies were saying the Earth was going to get too cold. Much of what they said would happen by now has not happened. Also, I trust ‘experts’ much less now, after they lied about the efficacy of lockdowns, masks and the ‘vaccines’.

12. I like sunshine. I prefer being warm to being cold. It makes me feel better. It’s more fun. It saves on heating bills. It saves on clothes. It makes people happier. Far fewer people die of the heat than they do the cold.

Who profits exactly, from Net Zero..?

". . . The bottom line is that supporting the man made climate alarm is compulsory for anyone in publicly-funded education, arts and science establishments, who depend upon government or international organisations for their livelihoods. Any discoveries challenging the agenda will result in withdrawal of funding. And it’s not insignificant amounts. The US National Science Foundation gave almost half a million dollars to a research team ‘discovering’ that glacial science is sexist in their paper: 'Glaciers, gender, and science: A feminist glaciology framework for global environmental change research.' $ 0.5 million to find glaciers are sexist is a new benchmark for the absurd. Anyone thinking academia somehow attracts human beings exempt from agendas, money and idiotic ideas needs to do a research paper on it. . ."
$ 0.5 million to find glaciers are sexist is a new benchmark for the absurd.
The girl glaciers don't have it so bad. For example, they have their own sex toys.

The real problem with glaciers is institutional racism. MSM outlets like the BBC and National Geographic hardly ever show any glaciers except the blue-tinted, white ones.

I have a dream that one day this world will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident that all glaciers are created equal.

BBC Blames Singapore Turbulence Incident on Climate Change

A couple of btl comments go to the heart of the matter . . .
Stewart writes:
The BBC’s report is worth reading in full if only to see what indolent journalism looks like.
"Vague references to reports isn’t the result of laziness. It’s a very deliberate part of the climate change psyop strategy.
The whole thing is nebulous, from the unspecific references to climate, to the concept of “global temperature” that is unmeasurable and meaningless, to the total absence of concrete predictions against which to verify one’s hypotheses, which is the very basis of science.
Nothing to do with laziness."

Jon Garvey writes:
"When a major channel sinks to generating news by Pavlovian reflexes, it’s time to have it put down."
Here is the reality of Chinese "green" products.

A non-partisan research post - London
Global Warming - Putin after his Delhi India visit

How Britain’s Met Office works the 'Climate Change' racket; a look at the mechanics of the thing​

What does the Meteorological Office in London mean when they announce that temperatures are higher than average or above normal for the time of year?


“The Climate Scare Will Crumble Sooner Than You Expect”: An Interview With Climate: The Movie Producer Tom Nelson

“You don’t have to be a climatologist. You don’t have to have a degree. Just an ordinary person who can read data and use Google and look at graphs – you can check all these alarming things yourself,” Tom Nelson says. “It’s a complete crock. All of it. Every single bit of anything alarming you’ve heard about the climate and CO2 causing bad weather, it’s all a complete baloney. Not true and no evidence supports it.”

BBC Hails Green Election Letter From “408 Climate Scientists” Signed by Psychologists, Accountants and Landscape Designers

As always, if you 'follow the money' - it inevitably leads to those with skin in the game and the most to gain from promoting the agenda come mantra of the day, be it 'safe and effective', 'Putin's unprovoked invasion' or, as in this case, '97% consensus among scientists on climate change'. In the U.K. one of the main people behind this nonsense is billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham who openly advocates: "You should lobby your Government officials – invest in an election and buy some politicians. I am happy to say we do quite a bit of that at the Grantham Foundation… any candidate as long as they are green."

Net Zero Will Prevent Almost Zero Warming, Say Three Top Atmospheric Scientists

Recent calculations by the distinguished atmospheric scientists Richard Lindzen, William Happer and William van Wijngaarden suggest that if the entire world eliminated net carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 it would avert warming of an almost unmeasurable 0.07°C. Even assuming the climate modelled feedbacks and temperature opinions of the politicised Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the rise would be only 0.28°C. Year Zero would have been achieved along with the destruction of economic and social life for eight billion people on Planet Earth. “It would be hard to find a better example of a policy of all pain and no gain,” note the scientists.
The climate scaremongers: Proof that our Net Zero drive is pointless

". . . The message is stark. While Western countries are slowly moving away from fossil fuels, the rest of the world have made it clear that they are not concerned about climate change, real or imaginary. Their only priority is to grow their economies and improve the lot of their people. For this they need abundant and cheap energy, something that renewables cannot supply. . ."
Climate Discussion Nexus’s Dr. John Robson examines the top 10 inconvenient facts about Climate Change that activists, politicians and journalists won’t talk about. Links to sources appear beneath the video. Enjoy . . .

#10: We’re in an ice age
#9: Thermometers invented during a Little Ice Age
#8 Data for less than 50% of Earth’s surface
#7 CO2 far higher previously
#6 97% Consensus
#5 CO2 small warming effect
#4 IPCC Doesn’t call it an emergency
#3 No connection with extreme weather
#2 Exaggerated scenarios
#1 Too much warming in models
#11 Low ECS means no mitigation

Tall Climate Tales from the BBC, 2023

Paul Homewood’s annual review of the BBC’s climate output sets out more than 30 of the most egregious misrepresentations of the facts, with climate change spuriously blamed for everything from hot weather in Spain, to rare birds in England, to potholes in the roads.

Shrinking island, vanishing polar bears — the climate scare stories that turn out to be false

Shrinking islands, vanishing polar bears, collapsing coral reefs — the media loves a good climate scare story. There’s just one problem, says Bjorn Lomborg in the New York Post: all of these have turned out to be false.

Bjorn Lomborg is President of the Copenhagen Consensus, Visiting Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, and author of “False Alarm” and “Best Things First.”
I find it hard to believe that if subscribers to this thread have been following the hard evidence that I - and other so called 'climate change deniers' have posted - that there's anyone left who still believes in this nonsense. In the unlikely event there are one or two peeps desperately clinging to the lies and deceit because they don't want to admit to themselves they've been fooled - then this article will surely open your eyes to just how absurd the whole man made Co2 climate emergency really is. Enjoy . . .

The climate scaremongers: BBC blame child marriage in Bangladesh on climate change