Climate Change

& now the Aussie Military has accidentally set fire to the National Park outside Canberra...

Triggering a State of Emergency in the Capital as the main blaze, in the territory's south, burns over more than 18,500 hectares.

Authorities warned the fires "may become uncontrollable" as temperatures climbed to 40C and were fuelled by strong winds.

Storms are expected over the weekend.

So far, the worst blaze is just south of the district of Tuggeranong, a 20-minute drive south of Parliament House in Canberra.
In terms of seeking higher ground,...

If the UK floods, well, I have a caravan, just hitch-up and go to sunnier, warmer, higher climes, hmmm, Spain, Italy, France, Croatia, Greece........ 😀

Don't forget your passport!
& now the Aussie Military has accidentally set fire to the National Park outside Canberra...

Triggering a State of Emergency in the Capital as the main blaze, in the territory's south, burns over more than 18,500 hectares.

Authorities warned the fires "may become uncontrollable" as temperatures climbed to 40C and were fuelled by strong winds.

Storms are expected over the weekend.

So far, the worst blaze is just south of the district of Tuggeranong, a 20-minute drive south of Parliament House in Canberra.

Those bloody state sponsored arse-nists at it again! I bet the BBC don't mention the root cause.
A big hooooorah from me to Jeff Bezos for committing $12 billion to help reverse climate change. Let's
hope it alerts other rich folk into doing something useful in their lives.
A big hooooorah from me to Jeff Bezos for committing $12 billion to help reverse climate change. Let's
hope it alerts other rich folk into doing something useful in their lives.

If only they would spend it on flood defences or something useful to humanity rather than vanity projects to make investors richer pretending to reduce CO2 which benefits neither man, nor beast, nor plants and will likely send us plunging into an ice age and global famine faster than the grand solar minimum.
I see UKGov tying itself in knots over Heathrow 3rd runway, how long before UK dumps its climate change policies in favour of business, OR did the Secretary of State deliberately overlook the Paris agreements knowing that a court challenge would rule the 3rd runway illegal, thereby sloping its shoulders on the matter?

I see UKGov tying itself in knots over Heathrow 3rd runway, how long before UK dumps its climate change policies in favour of business, OR did the Secretary of State deliberately overlook the Paris agreements knowing that a court challenge would rule the 3rd runway illegal, thereby sloping its shoulders on the matter?
There is going to be an appeal against this decision by the airport authorities - but not the government. So, there's still hope that the decision will be reversed. Oh no, wait, the appeal is to the Supreme Court, so there's no hope at all. They'll back the Court of Appeal ruling 100% - it's game over, I think.
There is going to be an appeal against this decision by the airport authorities - but not the government. So, there's still hope that the decision will be reversed. Oh no, wait, the appeal is to the Supreme Court, so there's no hope at all. They'll back the Court of Appeal ruling 100% - it's game over, I think.
Time to revive Boris's airport "in the Thames estuary" plan. A much better project than HS 2.
Time to revive Boris's airport "in the Thames estuary" plan. A much better project than HS 2.

Rising sea levels should scupper that plan too. It'll be under water in a decade or two.
Rising sea levels should scupper that plan too. It'll be under water in a decade or two.
You drain the bits you want to use. The Dutch (and Singapore) know a thing or two about reclamation. They drained one of the most flood prone areas of the UK (The Fens ) a couple of hundred years ago and it's been ok ever since. Drove through last week – no problems, meanwhile west of the Midlands they struggle because nothing's been done.
Let me guess, Carney is an 'influencer', what a scam the Paris accord is, it actually increases pollution, not decreases it, whilst making the elite richer at the cost to the consumer and business and of course the planet loses out most of all.

You drain the bits you want to use. The Dutch (and Singapore) know a thing or two about reclamation. They drained one of the most flood prone areas of the UK (The Fens ) a couple of hundred years ago and it's been ok ever since. Drove through last week – no problems, meanwhile west of the Midlands they struggle because nothing's been done.

Some idiot no doubt influenced by money grubbing built houses on the flood plain and not surprisingly they keep getting flooded. Capitalism without realism imho.
Some idiot no doubt influenced by money grubbing built houses on the flood plain and not surprisingly they keep getting flooded. Capitalism without realism imho.

Who buys houses on flood plains allows builders to build and flog houses on floodplains!! Seriously!

That'll be money grubbing local councils then.