Climate Action = A New Tomorrow

I love my family & will always love family.

I am a happy peaceful law abiding citizen brother son & uncle.

Please believe in family freedom & love.
I'm a happy healthy peaceful human being.

Please don't hurt me or harm me.

I want to be there for family.

That's why I offered to do anything anywhere anytime to prove myself innocent.

So I could have a nice happy healthy positive life & share myself with family.
I never hurt or harmed anyone in my life.

Please don't hurt or harm me now.

I went to the mental health facility 150 times in over 20 years to keep society safe.

Those hospitals exist to keep society safe & protect people from hurting & harming people.
Hi Everyone.

Great day for trading on Friday.

Good for our fellow people and planet earth when renewable energy performs well. My portfolio was up over 2% on the day.

Beautiful day here in Western Michigan today.

Weather looks nice for the entire holiday weekend.

Everyone enjoy a nice evening tonight.

Dinner time here.

Take Good Care.
Hi All.

Everything is fine here right now.

Easy Peezy Sunday Morning for us.

Fresh strawberries & blueberries with sausage biscuits & eggs for breakfast.

We are planning on an afternoon walk which should be a nice way to spend a day.

Everyone enjoy a good day today.

Good Afternoon.

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice memorial day weekend.

Quiet day here at our rehabilitation center.

We had plans to take a walk into town & maybe do some shopping?

My father made us all some cornhole boards.

Next time my parents visit they are planning on bringing them with.

Would be nice to have a fun activity to do together over the holiday weekend.

Feels really nice to be able to spend a holiday free from the hospital at least.

For over a year I spent every holiday in the hospital. My sister & I are planning on a vid chat today. My father & I were able to play chess. My mom & I played some cards. All things I wouldn't be able to do with family if I were in the hospital.

Thank Goodness I'm here in my recovery center.

Anyways, please spend our holiday safely & enjoy a peaceful day today & tomorrow.


Happy Memorial Day.

Hope we all enjoy a nice Holiday together today.

Celebrate Honor & Cherish all our soldiers who keep the world safe. For those who fought to defend our rights & freedom.

You are much appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi Folks.

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice holiday weekend.

Thank You to all the past & present members of our militaries who have served our country.

I try to love & respect all our militaries in the world fighting to protect us. Please continue to do your best to protect our rights & our freedoms. Heroes of society have risked everything to keep the world safe.

You are much appreciated.

We are getting ready to eat dinner here.

My sister & I are going to try an online game of pictionary over our zoom video chat with my nieces.

Anyways Wishing Everyone Happiness & Good Health tonight.

Should be another good week on the market starting tomorrow.

Will message you all in the morning.

Take Good Care

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It was a Good Memorial Day Weekend.

Thanks again to our men & women who serve & have served our country.

Many of my friends from highschool & college have enlisted in our militaries. Very thankful & grateful for their time served protecting our country. Defending our nation & world is an awesome task.

Just want to give thanks today to all the men & women in our world who have fought to protect us & keep us all safe.

Everyone have a nice night.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Take Good Care

I made these drawings to show love to our militaries.​

My apologies for being misunderstood here.

My only intention for my threads were to offer self help advice & inspire us all to embrace simple positive changes into our lives.

My mental health journal was never intended to offend, insult or upset anyone.

I'm happy I decided to share my voice here.

I did offer a lot of advice or ways folks could improve their lives.

It was designed to deliver a good positive message to anyone who was interested in listening.

I'm glad I made an attempt to improve myself & promote more peace & prosperity in the world.

Maybe my advice wasn't perfect?

Maybe my advice wasn't even good at times?

Maybe I put forth a sustained effort day after day to help everyone improve?

Maybe I did the best I could over the years?

Perfection is more of a direction than destination anyways?

I was able to achieve some great success for some folks.

If I helped save one life or inspired one individual to change for the better these threads were successful?

There were many people who helped me throughout my journey, helped me recover & kept me safe.

I am forever grateful for those folks who provided help, aid & support in my time of need.

Anyways, thank you for your interest & support for green growth over the years.

You have been & are much appreciated.

Take Good Care

A Brand New Day & Week is Here.

We Can All Contribute Towards Improving Together.

Let's Unite to Build a Beautiful & Sustainable Earth.

Let's Make An Effort to Save our Home.

We can Stop Dividing & Destroying our Planet.

Let's Choose to save our fellow people & planet.

Replace hate in our world with love for humanity.

This week has potential to be a great one.

Let's make an effort to produce a positive, productive & successful week together.

Life might not be perfect for us, but we can choose to be happy with what we do have today.

We can also commit towards improving our lives & planet for a better tomorrow?

Lets come together & generate some green growth this week for our fellow People & Planet.

Love You All

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Hi Folks.

Nice day here at our center.

We had a dbt group therapy class & it went pretty well.

Happy to see some of our stocks producing good quality results today.

Will message again for a daily recap after closing on the day.

Everyone enjoy a nice afternoon.
Hi Folks.

Good Day for trading today.

Everything is fine here at our center.

I've been isolating myself all day which isn't good.

Dinner is in a couple hours & I'm going to make sure to eat with the group.

Everyone enjoy the rest of our afternoon.

Message you later tonight.

Hi Guys n Gals.

Looks like a decent day.

At first it appeared like everything was down.

Some of our selections actually look pretty good.

At least the weekend is here.

We got out for a morning walk which was nice.

Lunch was fantastic today.

Hot Ham n Cheese, Potato Wedges & Green Beans n Bacon

Anyways, everyone have a nice day.

Message you later.

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Over 20 years I tried really hard for my family & to prove myself to the world.

When the voices became angry over things I didn’t do I did my best to get in for help.

150 times I checked myself into the hospital so society stayed safe.

If someone accuses you of doing something usually you are given a chance to prove yourself innocent?

Hopefully the voices I hear will calm down & understand I’m doing my best to recover here.

I’m also willing to stand trial or take a lie detector test to prove myself.

All I did over 20 years is mind my own business & cross the road without using a crosswalk?

If anyone should be angry shouldn’t it be me?

Over 20 years I didn’t get to go to school, finish my education, work a career or date & enjoy a relationship?

I’m not angry at all.

Just looking forward to completing recovery here in my treatment center.

Please do your best to keep me safe & allow me an opportunity to rehabilitate myself here in Vicksburg.


Everyone enjoy a nice afternoon & have a good weekend.

Make sure to love & appreciate your families.

If I am allowed, I will try to post again tonight.

Thanks for your interest in my thread here.

Take Good Care of yourselves.

Voices i hear sometimes go on a witch hunt.

You’re not supposed to hurt or harm people.

It’s against the law to hurt or harm people.

There are mental health facilities in society to prevent folks from hurting, harming or killing each other.

I went in for help over 150 times to keep all of society safe.

Hopefully people will keep me safe.

I would go in for help to stabilize the voices if they would let me.

A fair & speedy trial would prove my innocence?

Please allow me an opportunity to prove myself.

Please give me a chance to recover & rehabilitate myself.

I speak with my mom everyday.

Please protect me.
Hi Folks.

Good Saturday Morning.

Life is good outside of the hospital.

Glad my recovery from alcohol is going well.

Sober since mid July of last year.

Almost a full year without a drop of alcohol.

That is something to feel good about.

Making progress in my rehabilitation at our center as well.

I have been free from the mental health hospital for over a month now.

My recovery from alcohol & Rehabilitation has been going great.

Sometimes I hear voices which can be confusing, but I've been managing my condition very well.

There are no perfect people in the world.

In the past 20 years all I'm guilty of is crossing the road without using the crosswalk & minding my own business.

Not sure why I hear Voices that go on a witch hunt?

I'm a law abiding citizen working towards recovery & Rehabilitation.

Hopefully the voices can look at the big picture & be happy for my progress?

Anyways, everyone please enjoy a nice day & have a great weekend.

Take Good Care

Good Day Today.

We worked out in the front yard & then we were treated to ice cream at a parlor named apple knockers.

Fun way to spend a day together in a group.

Almost dinner time & then we might play cornhole.

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice night.

Message you all later.

Take Good Care
