Climate Action = A New Tomorrow

Folks should be here soon with lunch.

I am hungry & ready to eat.

If we take any pics, I’ll try to post them up after our visit.

Everyone enjoy a nice Saturday Afternoon.

Take Good Care

Nice to see my folks this afternoon.

They just left for home back to SE Michigan.

They are much loved & appreciated.

Even tho I’ve struggled through 20 years of voices it’s really nice to spend time with them every chance I can.

I love them very much & would like to make sure they are happy & healthy.

Hope they can love me for who I am today & support me in my recovery journey.

Things are going well here at our rehabilitation center.

Hospital free now for close to 3 weeks & determined to grow my hospital free days.

Anyways, life is good when free from the hospital.

People here at turning leaf are all chill & things are gradually getting better day after day.

Everyone please enjoy our Saturday night.

Glad we had a nice family visit together this afternoon.

Take Good Care

Btw our bbq for lunch was great.

Classic beef brisket sandwich on a big fresh roll topped with spicy bbq sauce.

BBQ Baked beans with sausage.

Saucy red skin potato salad.

Barrett’s Mac n Cheese with Bacon.

I skipped breakfast but filled up on our tasty BBQ smokehouse this afternoon.

Happy we enjoyed a nice meal together as a family today.
Hi Everyone.

Very chill day here today.

I do enjoy a day off to rest & recover from a busy week. Looking forward to another brand new week tomorrow. It's been over a month here at rehabilitation. I do believe I've earned an opportunity to walk daily & volunteer in the community a few times a week.

There is a public library right around the corner & food bank 10 to 15 minute drive away from our center. Should be a great way to spend a day doing good for our community here in SW Michigan. I have experience working in the library & food banks. Gradually I plan to build back a busy schedule full of positive & productive ways to contribute to society. Probably won't be able to post here as often, but thank goodness I will have positive ways to spend my days.

Everyone enjoy a nice evening.

Continue supporting our clean, green & sustainable stocks & companies who care about our fellow people & planet.

Take Good Care of Yourselves.

Be Happy

Be Healthy

Live Free

Hi All.

Decent Day here at the center. We made it out for a walk to our small downtown area for some shopping. Really nice to be able to get some fresh air, sunshine & exercise.

Plan on reaching out to my support team in order to receive approval for community access tomorrow. Volunteering can be a very fulfilling & rewarding way to spend a day. The food bank, library & humane society are all places on my list.

Anyways, all is well tonight.

Everyone enjoy a nice evening.

Message you in the morning.

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Hi Everyone.

Hope everyone is doing well today.

Feels like it has potential to be a really good week.

We have a full agenda of groups & activities on our board scheduled for tomorrow.

The menu is up for our meals & it sounds like a day of great eats. Life is good here.

I've never hurt or harmed anyone, but have went to the insane asylums to keep society safe over 150 times.

Please don't hurt or harm me. Hurting & Harming people is wrong & against the law.

Sure everything will be fine.

I'm having a difficult time sleeping tonight is all.

I really do enjoy my time here.

After a year of hospitals living at TL is really great.

Things are slowly improving here as well.

Message you all tomorrow.

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Hi folks.

Great day in recovery today.

My rehabilitation center has cleared me for daily walks & volunteering once a week.

Once my guardian approves, I will have the freedom to exercise & donate time once again.

Food banks, libraries & human societies are all areas of interest for me.

Thank Goodness things are improving in my life.

I am putting forth some effort to be included in our community & things have slowly been getting better.

Will message you all after receiving my phone back tonight.

Everyone enjoy a nice night.

Please continue to support me in my recovery journey.


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Hi All,

Good news from my family physician.

I’m scheduled to start back up my adhd medication after my consultation next week.

If anyone has a hard time focusing or keeping attention on one thing at a time you may have add?

I sometimes have a difficult time staying organized & productive in my house.

ADHD medicine completely transforms my life.

I’m full of energy, calm, composed, stable, can focus & concentrate very well.

Sustained energy & stable mind is what my concerta delivers when taken once a day.

I would recommend going in for a screening to see if you have add or adhd.

If so concerta has been an excellent medication outperforming all other adhd meds.

Anyways, good day today.

Thanks for supporting our clean & green energy movement.

Great day for renewable energy.

Cheers to a successful day for green growth in the world.

Plan to message again after receiving my phone back tonight.

Take good care everyone.

Thanks for all your help & support.

We did good today.​

Hi Folks.

Please continue to believe in renewable energy to replace fossil fuel.

This video delivers a good solid message.

The video should help everyone understand how urgent it is to act now to save our planet & correct our climate change crisis.​
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Hi All.

Over 20 years now I have been attempting to raise awareness to climate action & spread a good positive message about EVs & Renewable Energy. My efforts have been to help reduce carbon emissions & free our planet from fossil fuels which will help reduce global warming.

You don't have to listen to me.

Climate change scientists exist in the world who you should listen to however.

I will continue to do my best to offer safe, sane, sustainable & sensible solutions to meet our ever changing world, people & planet.

All I would ask is that you believe in recovery for me & provide me an opportunity to rehabilitate myself while in my treatment center here in Vicksburg.

I am actually achieving a small amount of success in treatment. Very important that I am allowed the chance to complete our program & recover fully.

Thank You For Your Time & Interest.

If I had to offer my own personal advice to help improve our world tonight it would be as follows.

As long as you're not hurting people, harming people or breaking the law, you have the right to live your life however you choose. You have every right to be happy when you live your life within the law. My mental health therapist used to reiterate this concept to me time & time again.

Anyways, hope everyone is well tonight.

Wish you all a wealth of happiness & good health this evening.

Have a nice night.

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Good Morning Folks.

Wishing Everyone a happy & healthy day today.

Please believe in Freedom for me so i can make a full recovery. I am actually innocent. I honestly attempt to tell the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth. If you still don't believe me, thats fine. Just please don't chose to be mad with me today when you could be happy with me. You could allow me an opportunity to prove my innocence to you. Maybe then you might even be proud of me?

I love the people here at Trade 2 Win. I have much love for the residents here at Turning Leaf Rehabilitation as well as for all the staff that work here. Please choose to love & accept me for being me. So what if I'm unusual or different? I'm not afraid to be myself & think for myself.

I choose to love & accept all our fellow human beings on planet earth equally. I look at our lives like we live in 1 big family here on planet earth. I have much love appreciation & respect for all of humanity.

The world needs more love. We all could benefit from more love & support from one another. I'm no different than any other human being that wants love & acceptance in their life.

Let's all choose to love & enjoy a nice day today.

Please do your best to keep me safe & stable. If you allow me the opportunity to rehabilitate myself, I will be able to make a full recovery. We then can achieve great success together as 1 big family.

Together we can Generate the world so much more needed happiness, health & wealth. Unite with one another. Place our differences aside & set goals together to better our planet. Let's create a future where we are all happy, healthy & wealthy?

Lets continue to Go Green for the Green Graphs. Go Renewable Energy & Electric Vehicles today. Maybe the future has better to offer, but for today we can embrace our fleet of electric cars, trucks & suvs.

Go solar & wind today. Might be powering our cities with nuclear fusion in the far future, but today solar & wind power are available & awesome.

Let's unite together & do our best to help protect our homes, people & planet from climate change. Let's come together to achieve more peace & prosperity for our fellow people & protect our planet.

Why are we dividing each other? Fighting wars in the world when we could be uniting with each other to overcome things that save homes, save people & save planet earth.

Let's try to resolve & prevent conflicts in the world. We should believe & live our lives so that we protect our militaries from war & future conflicts in the world. Believe in love, support & invest in our planet. Together we can make a big difference.

Let's Embrace Love Today.

We can stand up & contribute by sharing our voice.

Take Good Care.

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Hi Folks.

Long day today without my phone but a good day to be here at our rehabilitation center. We made it out to town for a day of shopping & went to a cool store named Ollie's. Reminded me of Big Lots but with more merchandise & better prices.

Just checked our results & noticed that renewable energy was down big. Frustrating but not the end of the world. Stocks rise & fall all the time. Unfortunate for our planet when renewable energy goes down, but the world isn't coming to an end. Maybe today's down day creates a big opportunity to buy low for tomorrow's investors?

Everyone enjoy a nice evening. Will post again when I wake up tomorrow morning.

Take Good Care.

Hi All.

Just messaged my family thought I would share my text with everyone here as well.

We had a good day today at the center. Kind of a strange night tonight but the world isn't coming to an end. I offered to do anything anytime anywhere for family to prove my innocence so I could enjoy life with you all. I offered to take a lie detector test & jump off a bridge if I failed over 20 years ago. Right now it feels like there is a witch hunt going on & I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do? Please do your best to support me in my rehabilitation center and keep me safe. I love & care about you all. I'm an uncle for 4 beautiful nieces & an awesome nephew. I would like to be there for them & be a part of their lives. Anyways, just wanted to let you know I love you & apologize if I ever disappointed any of you. I did my best in life. All I was attempting to do was finish my education in East Lansing when the voices began. I tried so hard to remain positive & make the most out of everyday for the last 20 years. Anyways just know I love you all & just want you all to be happy & healthy.

What should I have done in order to prove my innocence? I offered to do anything anytime anywhere? I asked to take a lie detector test & offered to jump off a bridge if I failed. Don't you believe in fair & speedy trials or innocent until proven guilty. The Constitution of America exists to protect our rights & also ensure no cruel and unusual punishment? What would you all have done if you were falsely accused of a crime you didn't commit?

What do you want me to do now? I came here to Turning Leaf in Western Michigan to rebuild my life. I'm here to rehabilitate myself? What do you want me to do now? I'm an uncle for 5 children & just want to be able to enjoy life with them & be a part of their lives as they grow up?

I love Margot, Sylvia, Edith, Maxwell & Mabel. I love my family. It's been 20 years of trying my best to be there for family. Please love & forgive me. Please support my recovery in my rehabilitation center.

In the past 20 years all I'm really guilty of is minding my own business & crossing the road without using a crosswalk.
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