Classic FX

Still holding all four Usd/jpy short positions.

Current open position balance.
+ 14.15 %
Average position price 84.54'4

A Financial Crisis in 2012 is Inevitable! Here’s Why’s-why/

2012 is shaping up to be the blockbuster main event of the ongoing financial crisis. Massive amounts of new debt, vast quantities of additional digital dollars and the spark of higher interest rates will set off version 2.0 of the credit-driven financial implosion. Let me explain. Words: 1954

So says Arnold Bock ( in an article which Lorimer Wilson, editor of, has edited for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement. Bock goes on to say:

Why Was Financial Crisis 1.0 Only a First World Crisis?
The original 1.0 version had its origins in the collapse of the US subprime mortgage derivative deck of cards in 2007 before morphing into a broad-based financial crisis in the fall of 2008. It gradually spread to most other first-world advanced economies, but did not wreck havoc on emerging markets and second and third world nations. Most such economies were insulated from the folly of first-world finance – credit, borrowing, overwhelming debt and onerous interest payments – simply because they did not qualify for the intoxicating elixir of credit.

Can the US Government Prevent Another Financial Crisis?
A plethora of fact and opinion has been offered to explain what went wrong – Wall Street greed, crony capitalism, deficient and inadequately administered regulations, a credit and debt engorged consumer-driven economy, imprudent lending standards, negative real interest rates and nonexistent savings. Invariably, all reasons rest on the overwhelming availability and excessive abundance of cheap and easy credit and cash.

The meagre measures that have been designed and implemented since the onset of the Great Recession to mitigate financial risk, such as the Dodd Frank Financial Reform legislation, have merely institutionalized the shortcomings of the regulatory framework. Moreover, the ‘too big to fail’ private financial institutions which qualify for unlimited taxpayer bailouts are even fewer and larger today. Indeed, the supposed solutions to the problem exemplify what the problem really is – government!

Deficits are exploding rapidly leading inexorably to massive debt at all levels of government from federal, to state and into local governments. US sovereign/federal debt is now over $14 Trillion and is expanding in the current fiscal year at over $1.65 Trillion – over three times greater than just three years ago. Currently 37 percent of all federal spending comes from borrowing, which means much more debt…and a veritable fairyland of more magic money created by the FED to service the ballooning beast.

To this cauldron of crud one must add all the unfunded and underfunded obligations of the social safety net represented by Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, all conveniently excluded from the federal government’s annual operating budget. Depending on what assumptions are made for such factors as future inflation, eligibility criteria, program utilization and related issues, further unfunded liabilities of between $60 Trillion and $110 Trillion must be added to the US federal government’s debt tab.

State and local governments contribute a further $3.87 Trillion in unfunded liabilities attributable to their employee pensions and health insurance benefits. Recent state and municipal employee demonstrations militating for retention of the unsustainable status quo have profiled what clearly are bloated pension and health benefits.

Respected economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, in their recent book entitled “This Time is Different” outlined how a debt to GDP ratio of 90 percent is a nation’s tipping point. Their conclusions are based on an analysis several hundred years of economic history. The USA, United Kingdom, Japan and others are lined up to join Greece, Ireland, Portugal among others staring at the looming financial abyss.

Fundamentals are therefore in place for another financial collapse. This time governments will join private financial institutions heading toward the financial debt wall. Government won’t be able to perform its previous role of bailing out ailing financial giants since government itself is now in need of rescuing.

Indeed, the most challenging questions today are how and who will bail out our failing governments? European nations in the EU and those who share the Euro currency can’t help since many of them occupy an equally perilous perch on the financial precipice. It seems all advanced nations not supported by a strong natural resources sector (Canada, Australia) or high productivity manufacturing (Germany) are facing financial catastrophe.

What Will Trigger Financial Crisis 2.0?
Rising interest rates are all that is necessary to trigger the round two collapse of the ongoing financial crisis. It doesn’t take Mensa level intelligence to notice that current interest rates are lower than they have been since the early 1950’s. Real interest rates are also perilously close to being negative, if not already. With rapidly growing price inflation, interest rates will be forced northward.

Until this year foreign purchasers have been the largest buyers of US Treasury debt, with China and Japan in the lead. Japan now has other priorities following its recent highly destructive tsunami. China has already substantially reduced its purchases citing lack of confidence in the declining value of the United States dollar. They have also found that spending their inventory of surplus US dollars by ensuring future supplies of minerals and energy to be much more beneficial to the Chinese economy. Moreover, bond purchasers find sixty year low interest rates on US Treasury bonds, less than the rate of inflation, a very risky and unattractive investment.

In the absence of enough foreign or private sector purchasers, the US central bank, the Federal Reserve Board, has been ‘monetizing’ federal government debt through its purchases of Treasury bonds. The process dubbed Quantitative Easing, by which the FED creates money out of thin air, allows the FED to become the purchaser of last resort of government debt. At the present rate it is expected that the FED will purchase a full 50 percent of all new and maturing Treasury bonds in the current fiscal year. This is necessary simply because there are not enough foreign or domestic, private sector or government buyers to be found at current rates of interest and levels of risk.

The most telling and perhaps scary portent occurred recently when PIMCO, the largest private bond fund, sold its entire US Treasury bond holdings, thereby demonstrating its concern about federal government debt. Reasons cited for the sale by PIMCO head Bill Gross are risks associated with near negative interest rates and the declining value of the US dollar stemming from excessive money creation.

Knowing that institutional money managers representing pension funds and insurance company investment pools frequently follow industry leaders, we can confidently predict that many more Billions and Trillions of Treasury bonds will soon be dumped into the sickly bond market. When this process plays out, FED money creation and debt monetization will go into overdrive, since price inflation will take off as the dollar devalues.

Why America’s Political Process Virtually Guarantees Financial Crisis 2.0?
How can we be so certain that another and more serious financial crisis is on the horizon? Salient factors include:

1.the magnitude and momentum of expanding government deficits, debt and unfunded liabilities,
2.the monetization of Treasury debt by the Federal Reserve Board using manufactured money acquired through the somewhat mystical process labelled ‘Quantitative Easing’,
3. the strong prospect of higher interest rates necessitated by an inflating and devaluing currency followed inevitably by increasing price inflation.
The political process virtually guarantees that no tough, but essential, measures of consequence will be undertaken by political decision makers to stabilize the financial system. Witness the recent embarrassing public tussle between the two parties in Congress over a mere $33 Billion of pocket change in budget reductions when the total shortfall is $1.65 Trillion.

To suggest that strong leadership at this time of looming financial crisis is needed is to state the obvious. However, politicians are like most other people in that they are ambitious careerists who worked hard to secure the jobs they so treasure. Ditto for government bureaucrats who want to preserve their careers and the associated benefits, including the cushiness of defined benefit and inflation protected pensions as well as gilded health insurance. Preservation of the status quo is understandably their top priority.

Voters expect their elected representatives to be active and to ‘do something’ when a crisis strikes them between their eyes. However, there is absolutely no incentive to scan the horizon and to implement tough measures designed to head off a mounting crisis.

Politicians of across the partisan spectrum and range of ideologies have learned, indeed they have thoroughly inculcated, the reality that the voting public does not want to hear about emerging or imminent problems. They want reassurance, not anxiety, but when a crisis blindsides them, they want immediate action from their government.

Until the crisis arrives, politicians who assume leadership roles as educators and disseminators of serious policy options are frequently branded as bad news bears and messengers of mayhem for calling for belt tightening and sacrifice. Instead, voters reflexively point to government waste and to the ‘rich people’ for austerity and additional revenue.

Politicians of vision are invariably chastised by losing their jobs at the next election. Candidates who ignore the storm clouds and who promise good times ahead are most frequently rewarded with the endorsement of a vote. Political will wilts in this kind of hostile electoral environment. Is it any wonder the voting public hears what it wants and gets what it deserves?

Presidential election years are traditionally awash with positive investment environments. Politicians in power know that the public can be bribed with their own money…actually borrowed money. Voters enjoy their apparent prosperity and the general feeling of financial wellbeing. Incumbent Presidents, legislators all, do well in such circumstances.

We will see this scenario play out again in 2012…but only if the persons in power can engineer it yet again. But can they? Will record low interest rates continue? Will the large institutional Treasury bond purchasers such as pension funds and insurance companies follow PIMCO’S Bill Gross out of the Treasuries market? Will the dollar plummet with the excess of FED money printing? Will emerging price inflation in food and energy make for a grouchy voter? Can the government keep the lid on or will the financial pressure cooker explode?

Conclusion: 2012 Will Be the Year of the Perfect Financial Storm…
Buying time by creating ever more magic money, which inevitably results in price inflation, overheated stock and commodities markets and which devalues the currency – will work until it doesn’t.

This analyst sees the perfect storm of converging criteria almost perfectly timed and aligned with the 2012 election cycle. When the moment arrives, the financial earthquake will rapidly demolish the existing highly precarious financial system. Government will stand by helpless, unable to shield itself, much less its vulnerable citizens or private financial institutions from the tsunami of debt and currency destruction.

If starting tomorrow morning our politicians were to act like adults, willing to lead in a pragmatic and focused fashion, free from the concerns of partisan advantage, rancour and rigid ideology, financial collapse could be delayed…perhaps avoided. Unfortunately the challenge seems insurmountable and the political will too feeble.
Have entered a fifth Usd/jpy position.

Usd/jpy short 83.51'6
s/l 84.26'6

Current open position balance.
+ 22.64 %
Average position price 84.48'6
Still holding Usd/jpy positions.

Have entered a sixth Usd/jpy position.

Usd/jpy short 83.08'8
s/l 83.29'2

Current open position balance.
+ 32.44 %
Average position price 84.23'3
Still holding Usd/jpy positions.

Have entered a sixth Usd/jpy position.

Usd/jpy short 83.08'8
s/l 83.29'2

Current open position balance.
+ 32.44 %
Average position price 84.23'3
This position hit s/l for about -1%.

Have entered the following Usd/jpy short position for a total of six open positions.

Usd/jpy short 83.63'9
s/l 83.78'6

Current open position balance.
+ 20.09 %
Average position price 84.29'6
Have entered a seventh Usd/jpy position.

Usd/jpy short 83.21
s/l 83.50'3

Current open position balance.
+ 33.03 %
Average position price 84.18'6
For this week I suggest people trade Usd/cad the rest of the week, trading it both long and short off a lower time framed chart. You might also want to keep an eye on Gbp/usd, waiting for it to move sideways (staying under 1.6395) into tomorrow, then start trading it both long and short.
Personally, I won't be able to trade this week, do to other commitments.
This also is not what I consider an optimal week, but if I was to trade, the above is how I would go about it.

Good luck
For this week I suggest people trade Usd/cad the rest of the week, trading it both long and short off a lower time framed chart. You might also want to keep an eye on Gbp/usd, waiting for it to move sideways (staying under 1.6395) into tomorrow, then start trading it both long and short.
Personally, I won't be able to trade this week, do to other commitments.
This also is not what I consider an optimal week, but if I was to trade, the above is how I would go about it.

Good luck
As suggested, Usd/cad has been tradable on both the long and short side. Gbp/usd did not stay under 1.6395 into today.
In the attached chart, the purple circle is when I originally posted to start trading the pair in both directions.
Trading using Ichimoku, I think one could have made a profit.



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I have precious metals as being weak against usd for this week. I suggest buying off a lower time frame like 5, 15 minute. Personally I have other commitments early this week, but will try to get around to trading later this week.
Good luck
Have just entered my first Xag/usd long position for the week.

Xag/usd long $45.9504'3
s/l $44.6097'1
I have precious metals as being weak against usd for this week. I suggest buying off a lower time frame like 5, 15 minute. Personally I have other commitments early this week, but will try to get around to trading later this week.
Good luck
Hey, any of you traders been able to take advantage of this 'back-fill' ?
Some prime entrances available.
I have taken a few positions and had one Stoploss hit.


  • XagUsd 27 04 11.jpg
    XagUsd 27 04 11.jpg
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Umm, I take it no one has got on the train to $50++
Holding Xag/usd longs.
Average price $47.5961'4
Current open positions.

Goldberg Plays Race Card On Birth Certificate Issue
Kurt Nimmo
April 28, 2011

Now that Obama’s handlers have released an easily debunked birth certificate, it’s time to dismiss those of us with questions as racist pond scum.

Whoopi Goldberg did this yesterday on The View, the popular ABC daytime television show that ran off actor and stand-up comedienne Rosie O’Donnell because she questioned the official version of 9/11 and was vehemently opposed to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Such ideas are too incendiary for the sheeple. Television was designed to brainwash, not incite.

Near the end of above segment, Goldberg said she is now playing the “damn race card” on the birth issue. She believes a large number of white Americans are racist.

In order to trivialize the issue, the corporate media used a recent PPP poll to make it a Republican versus Democrat kind of thing. “In the poll, 48% of registered Republican voters said Obama was not born in the U.S., while 26% said he was. Additionally, 26% said they were unsure,” writes Jon Terbush for Talking Points Memo.

The poll was conducted after billionaire Donald Trump raised the issue as part of his undeclared bid to replace Obama in 2012 — or maybe just grab the media spotlight like any other narcissist. Following up on the birth issue, Trump has demanded to see Obama’s college records. The Donald points out that Obama was a terrible student at Occidental and wonders how it is he went on to attend Columbia and then Harvard.

If Donald Trump really wanted to ignite a political firestorm, he would ask why Obama’s tuition was paid for by Business International Corporation (BIC), a documented CIA front company. After graduating from Columbia, Obama worked as a researcher in BIC’s financial services division where he wrote for two BIC publications, Financing Foreign Operations and Business International Money Report, a weekly newsletter.

BIC is also linked to the banksters through the Bank of England. In 1986, BIC was bought by the Economist Group in London and its operations were merged with the Economist Intelligence Unit, an organization linked to British intelligence.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen covered Obama’s links to the CIA in depth. In response, one of Madsen’s insider sources revealed that the Obama administration wants him dead. Madsen has decided to leave the country for his own safety.

Former Nixon crony Pat Buchanan has suggested that the only reason Obama made it to Harvard is because of affirmative action. This plays right into Goldberg’s race card argument. Leftists like to portray Buchanan as some sort of racist throwback to the pre-civil rights era.

Obama was placed in Harvard and became an editor of the prestigious Harvard Law Review despite his lackluster academic record not because of government mandated affirmative action. He was groomed by the elite to ultimately become president of the United States.

Obama was selected for the presidency by top members of the Trilateral Commission, most notably Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with top globalist David Rockefeller in 1973. Brzezinski was Obama’s foreign policy advisor prior to becoming an Oval Office seat warmer and accomplished teleprompter reader. Brzezinski taught at both Harvard and Columbia.

Upon winning the rigged dog and pony show that passes for democratic elections in America, Obama wasted little time packing his administration with globalist and bankster operatives from the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and Goldman Sachs.

So-called conservatives and Glenn Beck acolytes like to say Obama was groomed by leftists and Muslim radicals. In fact, he was groomed by the elite and shepherded by the CIA. He is wholly a creation of the financial elite and the intelligence community.

Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetero, was not selected to be president by the global elite as some sort of gesture toward equality. He was selected primarily because having a black man in the White House at this point in history serves the interests of the New World Order. The political opposition can now be dismissed by television personalities such as Whoopi Goldberg as an ugly manifestation of racism.

Resisting the bankster plan to bankrupt America and turn it into an impoverished third world backwater and elevate the totalitarian dictatorship in China as the global government model is racist.

It also proves you’re with al-Qaeda, as former Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill said recently about those of us who oppose jacking up the national debt. Government deficits and the national debt are the primary weapons now being employed to take down America and eradicate its constitutional principles forever.

It’s Obama’s job to make sure this national hijacking takes place without a hitch.


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volatile market lately!
I don't trade silver. Back when it was $10-$12 range there was not enough movement for me to get interested so I never bothered. Apparently that has changed? lol

Good Luck!

volatile market lately!
I don't trade silver. Back when it was $10-$12 range there was not enough movement for me to get interested so I never bothered. Apparently that has changed? lol

Good Luck!

Hey Wacky, yeah this week has been wild as silver is about to break through $50 area. There has already been a $5 range that has traded this week. We could still break that high in the next 24 hour until week close.
Yep, I can remember $10-$12 days, I was screaming for people to invest in Silver and gold, nobody would listen to me though.
One person who listened to me was my mother. I would go over to her house every day driving her mad talking about the impeding dollar crash until she would ask me to leave. Finally years later, probably just so I would quit talking about it, she split her entire retirement funds between silver and gold.
She bought into Slv at $16.99, which she is up over a +170% gain and bought into GLd at $117.59
Silver will be priced in the $?00s in the next few years, Gold will be the $10ks some where.
25K oz?

By that time the only real commodity for barter will be Ammunition and Food.
I have precious metals as being weak against usd for this week. I suggest buying off a lower time frame like 5, 15 minute. Personally I have other commitments early this week, but will try to get around to trading later this week.
Good luck
Just closed my positions son, I'll take my stack in Ones please. Place I'm going runs on ones 😉


Not trading any products this week, not seeing optimal parameters met.
If that changes, will let you know.

Is The SLV Wired To Blow?
Friday, April 29, 2011 at 8:13 pm

I’m not real big on suspense, so I’ll tell you upfront, I think so. Once again, we may be about to find out what happens when regulators are asleep at the switch.

As of this writing there are 364 million shares of SLV outstanding. In the past five trading days (April 25 – 29) more than 755 million shares have been traded, and get this, more than 10 million ounces of silver were taken from the trust between the 26th and the 28th, taking available shares with them. From :

Note: is the only free website that I know of that accurately tracks the number of ETF shares outstanding and changes (wish I could say the same of my broker). Enter the ETF ticker with the suffix “.SO”

At what point does trading volume relative to existing shares become unbelievable?

Information on institutional holdings of ETF shares is also hard to find. but according to, 86 million shares of SLV are held by institutions, but that does not include any holdings reported since April 1, 2011. And speaking of missing data, does anybody know where China Investment Corp’s 13F‘s are? The sovereign wealth giant filed its initial holdings with the SEC on February 5, 2010, but no additional data has been released. The SEC requires the form to be filed within 45 days of the quarter’s end.

The point is that the SLV has become one of the most heavily traded instruments on our exchanges and there is an all too finite number of shares. There’s at least some evidence that the SECs institutional holdings data is outdated and/or incomplete. What happens when all the shares are spoken for? If it hasn’t happened already (I suspect it has), it should soon…..

Then what?

Will the SEC suspend sales of the SLV? Will the SLV start trading at huge premiums to NAV? Will the SEC even notice?

I don’t know about you, but I’m going with “SEC will never notice,” because they have no mechanism in place to ensure “shares owned” doesn’t exceed shares outstanding (remember Mary Schapiro’s only qualification to Chair the SEC is her inability to recognize a Ponzi).

Obviously if SLV starts trading at huge premiums, it isn’t tracking the price of silver anymore. It will have a market dynamic unto itself. Suspending sales until more silver is deposited with the trust will immediately cause a run on physical silver the likes of which has never been seen before. The silver exchange on the COMEX will blow up in a matter of minutes, followed shortly thereafter by JP Morgan and the class structure of western civilization. If you don’t know how tight the silver supply is getting, take a peak at this chart from 24HOURGOLD:

Kudos to for doing a better job tracking the rapidly vanishing supply of registered silver than the COMEX!!!! (Hope it’s OK I stole a screenshot).

To make matters even worse, SLV trades options. Lots and lots and lots of options. So when the shares outstanding are all sold, there will be people with call options, who have bought the right to buy shares of SLV at a given price. Forcing cash settlement means the SLV no longer can claim to track the price of physical silver, because the purchase of silver by an authorized participant to create the shares to cover the options would have surely moved the price of the metal.

So once again America, ignoring the grim reality of the situation is the only logical course of action. The SEC knows all too well that that’s what porn sites are for. So unless somebody posts this on Pornhub……

I’m sure that Tyler Durden’s instincts will be proven correct again, when he stated that Blackrock’s Kevin Feldman’s defense of the SLV was a red flag in and of itself. Blackrock is the sponsor of the SLV, and Kevin urged everyone to read the prospectus. That was probably not such a good idea. Be extra careful when you try to download the prospectus, I got the following warning:

Comedy ensued after using Firefox (safe mode) to view the prospectus:

“The sponsor does not exercise day-to-day oversight over the trustee or the custodian”

Which seems to conflict with Kevin’s letter:

“At BlackRock, we take the responsibility of protecting shareholder interests very seriously and spend a lot of time constructing our iShares products to help ensure they meet investor expectations.”

So in reality Blackrock takes protecting shareholders about as seriously as the US Department of Justice takes perjury. To his credit, Kevin did link to a list of bars the SLV holds in some vaults over in England. The list was prepared by JP Morgan, because if you can’t trust them regarding silver, who can you trust? Rather than spoil all the potential ways the SLV might not meet “investor expectations”, I thought it would be fun to make a contest of it (see comments).

The SLV pimps out the price action of the silver it holds to shareholders. It can terminate the trust for a long list of reasons, not the least insignificant of which is if the Authorized Participants (who actually own the silver) feel like it.

Suddenly everybody has an opinion of what the price of silver should be, but as JPM is now finding out, if you don’t have silver to sell your opinion doesn’t count.

I don’t wish any ill on SLV shareholders, but make no mistake, you don’t own silver. History has not been kind to people who made similar mistakes, and recent history should tell you no one is looking out for you.

Miscellaneous Fun Facts:

•In February, 2007 the author contacted the SEC via email regarding Countrywide Financial CEO Angelo Mozilo’s insider trading.
•In March 2007 the author applied for an SEC bounty regarding Angelo Mozilo’s insider trading (up to 10% of recovered amount) . Countrywide’s stock was trading at about $37 at the time. It would trade over $40 in May and implode to less than $5 by late 2007.•On June 4, 2009 (27 months later) the SEC charged Mozilo with insider trading and securities fraud.
•In October 2010 Mozilo agreed to pay $67.5 million in fines to the SEC to settle the charges against him.A
•At its peak, Countrywide had a Market Cap of more than $26B. Angelo Mozilo has an estimated net worth of $600 million.
•The SLV currently has a Market Cap of approximately $17B.•The author never received a bounty from the SEC, because the Dodd-Frank “Financial Reform” legislation repealed the previous SEC bounty program. Bounties can no longer be paid based on an outsider’s analysis of publicly available information.
•In 2010, the author applied for a job as an “abusive trading practices specialist” with the SEC. He received no reply.
•In February 2011, the US dropped its criminal investigation against Mozilo.
•Paybacks are a bitch.
If I had to trade today (during USA session), I would be watching to short Aud/usd, buy Usd/cad. With that said, I do not have this week as an optimal week to trade, so will probably be sitting out. I don't see any reason to force trades when I have been able to find easier weeks to trade.

Home Values See Biggest Drop Since 2008
Published: Monday, 9 May 2011 | 8:36 AM ET

U.S. home values fell in the first quarter at the fastest rate since late 2008, real estate data firm Zillow said on Monday, suggesting that a bottom will not be seen until 2012 at the earliest.

Zillow said its home value index fell 3 percent in the first three months of the year from the previous quarter, and was down 8.2 percent year-over-year.

The number of homeowners under water—or, those who owe more on the mortgage than their house is currently worth—amounted to 28.4 percent of single-family homeowners, representing a peak since Zillow began calculating the data in 2009.

That was up from 27 percent in the fourth quarter of last year.

Foreclosures also rose, following the moratoriums that had been in place in late 2010. In March, one out of every 1,000 homes was in foreclosure.

Given all those factors, it is unlikely home values will reach a bottom this year, Zillow said, and the firm pushed its forecast out to 2012.

"Home value declines are currently equal to those we experienced during the darkest days of the housing recession. With accelerating declines during the first quarter, it is unreasonable to expect home values to return to stability by the end of 2011," Zillow chief economist Stan Humphries said in a statement.

Almost all of the 132 markets covered by Zillow saw home value declines. Only Fort Myers in Florida, Champaign-Urbana in Illinois, and Honolulu, Hawaii, managed quarterly increases.