Have entered the following positions and orders.
Long Slv /silver and Gld /gold.
Still holding Xag(silver) and Xau (gold) positions.
Current prices are:
Xag $20.76
Xau $1274.21
The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy
September 15, 2010
America is not well. What’s worse, the problems facing the nation appear to come more from within than without, and the minority of citizens paying attention find it frustrating that the political system appears incapable of change.
I recently read The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs, and found it in agreement with many of the articles I’ve written diagnosing America’s troubles. In this extended review, I’ll explore the book’s main points along with supporting material from my own work and other sources.
Before I begin, you should know that I don’t generally read conspiracy material. I find in mainstream publications plenty of reasons to doubt the intention of our nation’s leadership. I spend most of my time reading analyst reports and think tank white papers. I don’t need darker sources for the generation of dark conclusions. What I find remarkable in The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy, however, is that many of the points made by its author are also made by more mainstream researchers. When people approaching their research from very different angles reach similar conclusions, it’s worth sitting up and taking notice. To that end, let’s explore the state of affairs as seen through the eyes of a conspiracy researcher, a type of journalist not often encountered on this site.
Marrs claims that the United States has become a nation of zombies, “dumbed down by controversial education programs, drugged out by an ever-growing pharmaceutical industry, and frightened into submission by constant threats of terrorism and economic collapse.”
He asks if a previously robust republic can transform into a zombie nation through a natural course of events, or if it needs a conspiracy. He thinks the latter. He sees the conspiracy coming from a new world order of elite globalists who are the “real rulers of America.” Until they’re “identified and confronted, no amount of hand-wringing, letter writing, or demonstrating can have any meaningful effect.”
Economically, the globalists want to rule the planet without regard to national borders. Hence the rise of multi-national corporations with fingers in every government pot. That requires socialism, which has taken root in almost every country except the United States. It needs to overtake America as well, which is why “a plan is in play to debase the US economy and impose a socialist system — whether Obama’s Marxist Socialism or Bush’s National Socialism apparently makes no difference to those wealthy or powerful enough to control the central bureaucracy of the state.”
The goal is to “turn the once-free and prosperous Republic of the United States into a socialist state populated by dumbed-down and destitute zombies by draining dry the nation’s money supply.”
He finds it fishy that the American economy is in danger of going through another Great Depression, but that “unlike the individuals of the 1930s — many of whom had come from an agricultural background and knew how to fend for themselves — the people in modern America can only look to government for their basic necessities.” He wonders if creating such dependence among the masses is the “real agenda behind the contrived financial meltdown” of the past few years.
He points out that both Democrats and Republicans chipped away at the economic foundations of the nation, a concept more fully explored in my book, Financially Stupid People Are Everywhere: Don’t Be One of Them. Marrs thinks the well documented fact that both major parties work to dismantle the US economy “adds considerable weight to the argument” that both “are controlled by the same globalists seeking to install a worldwide socialist system.”
He runs through a number of examples of wealthy globalists buying favor with government, including a disturbing suggestion that Freddie Mac’s former acting chief financial officer David Kellerman was murdered to prevent him from revealing to shareholders how much the Obama administration’s “housing recovery plan” was going to cost the firm. Regulators didn’t want that getting out, smacking as it did of somebody at the top wanting a catastrophic collapse. When Kellerman was found dead in his apartment, one police spokesperson said he had died of a gunshot wound before getting word that the official cause of death was to be that he’d hanged himself.
About Kellerman’s death, Marrs wrote, “More than one conspiracy-minded researcher believed that something more than suicide was at work” and that “there may have been other deaths connected to an effort to silence insiders who might have knowledge of the situation that someone does not want made public.”
Marrs quotes Lyndon LaRouche as saying, “There is no evident motive for suicide in this case, but there is a motive for suppressing making Kellerman’s views known. . . . The question is what else did David Kellerman know which influential circles did not want him to reveal?” Separately, LaRouche wrote an interesting article two weeks ago claiming that the emergency measures implemented by President Roosevelt in 1933-34 are needed to rescue America from the “disaster which the combination of the George W. Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama administrations have done to destroy this nation’s economy.”
Marrs sees all around us evidence that power from wealth “comes with the ability to donate to political parties, engage lobbyists, and provide grants to experts to think up new policies beneficial to the wealthy.”
By now, long time readers of this site and any other that explores the consequences of entrusting our money supply to private bankers at the Federal Reserve know that currency issued as debt is fraudulent. Marrs touches on this, quoting Darryl Robert Schoon, author of How to Survive the Crisis and Prosper in the Process: “In economies based on the fraudulent issuance of money as debt, there are only predators and victims. Bankers are the predators, society is the victim (businessmen are victims who often believe they’re predators) and governments are the well-paid-off referees in the rigged game being played out in today’s capital markets.”
Marrs finds it noteworthy that both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were assassinated while attempting to get around the international bankers, “Lincoln by issuing his own money, greenbacks, and Kennedy in bypassing the Fed with US notes in 1963.”
He touched on why third parties in US politics are useful only to whichever of the two major parties don’t share the vote with them. Third parties never win, they just assure that whichever major candidate is closest to them in ideology will lose when they split the vote and leave the other candidate with the most votes of any of the three candidates — though not necessarily a majority.
In 1992, voters saw this happen with Ross Perot causing the first George Bush to lose, thereby enabling Bill Clinton to become president with less than a majority of votes cast. However, that same trick has happened many times in US history: Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressive Party in 1912 comes to mind.
My August 25 article, Both Democrats and Republicans Are Bad For America’s Finances, explored the uselessness of third parties as well. If you visit the article, be sure to read the excellent reader discussion at the bottom. I concluded that without campaign finance reform and instant runoff voting put in place, third parties will never serve as anything more than foils to one of the major candidates on the ballot. Thus, we’re stuck with choosing between kettles and pots in every election, and the kettles and pots are forged in the same fires of special interest funding.
Marrs commented on this subject in the Veritas interview attached at the bottom of this review. He discusses how politicians need television advertising, which is outrageously expensive and must be paid in cash, so they end up accepting money from the usual special interest groups. From 4:20 to 4:50 in the attached segment, Marrs says that once they’ve done that, “now they’re on the payroll; they’re bought and paid-for. And that’s a good majority of them. But if that doesn’t work, then they set you up with a woman or a young boy or something, and they get the goods on you, or they take you out to a party and say, ‘here, you know, try some of this,’ give you some crack cocaine then take pictures of you, and then they got the rest of them blackmailed. And then, for the handful that refuse to be blackmailed or bought, well their plane crashes, and they just kill you.”
Taking over a nation’s finances à la the Federal Reserve was a coup for private bankers. The only one better would be taking over global finances, and that’s what Marrs and others think is going on right now. He writes that many “believe the goal of the current financial crisis is to destroy the US dollar as the currency of world finance and, in the resulting chaos, put in its place a globalist-run monetary authority that pledges such a crisis shall not happen again.” If so, it would not be the first time that panic and emergency measures were used to implement long-term goals that would be impossible in normal times when clearer heads dominate.
Marrs discusses the Financial Stability Board (FSB) created in April 2009 during the G-20 London Summit. The FSB has its roots in the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) created in 1999 within the Bank for International Settlements. The new FSB “can set standards, policies, and regulations and then pass them on to the respective nations.” The chair of the FSB is Italy’s central bank head, Mario Draghi, a former Goldman Sachs executive and World Bank director. And you thought Goldman owned only America’s financial system! President Obama committed the US to follow the directives of the FSB when he signed the G-20 communiqué in London on April 2, 2009. With that, America’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other financial regulatory bodies became subordinate to central bankers of other nations and the European Union.
Bruce Wiseman, president of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights and former chairman of the history department at John F. Kennedy University, told Marrs that Obama had “essentially turn[ed] over financial control of the country, and the planet, to a handful of central bankers, who, besides dictating policy covering everything from your retirement income to shareholder rights, will additionally have access to your health and education records.”
That “handful of central bankers” met just last Sunday for the Basel III negotiations and came up with a proposed set of new international banking rules, to be ratified by the Group of 20 leading industrial and developing nations in November.
Meanwhile, the pillaging of America’s finances continues expeditiously in the offices of the Federal Reserve. Its inspector general, Elizabeth A. Coleman “stunned a congressional panel” in May 2009 by “verifying that her office could not account for $9 trillion worth of off-balance sheet transactions made by the Fed between September 2008 and May 2009.” That’s quite a collection of misplaced receipts.
Beyond finance, Marrs examined the way large multinational food companies have taken control of government regulatory bodies to pave the way for mass-produced, unhealthy products that are more profitable than their natural alternatives. He looked at how Monsanto, specifically, patents seeds and takes over entire agricultural systems by legally binding farmers to use its seeds. He quotes Brian Thomas Fitzgerald of Greenpeace as saying, “By claiming global monopoly patent rights throughout the entire food chain, Monsanto seeks to make farmers and food producers, and ultimately consumers, entirely dependent and reliant on one single corporate entity for a basic human need.”
The entire food industry is locked up by a few giants that run such scams as the Smart Choices Program, supposedly intended to provide consumers with a quick guide to what’s good for them based on dietary guidelines. Marrs quotes its website as saying that the program “covers food and beverages in 19 distinct product categories, including cereals, meats, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and snacks, allowing shoppers to compare similar products.” In reality, it’s “nothing less than an industry scam, created and paid for by such outfits as Coca-Cola, ConAgra, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Kraft, and PepsiCo.”
The program’s approved products receive a bold, green checkmark printed on the fronts of their packages beside the reassuring phrase, “Smart Choices,” hinting to consumers that they don’t need to pore over the tedious list of ingredients and chemicals to guarantee their families nutritionally good taste. The items receiving the mark, however, are questionable. The list of approved brands includes such mainstays of nourishment as Froot Loops and Fudgesicle bars.
Marrs quotes former Texas agricultural commissioner and syndicated columnist Jim Hightower as saying, “But even by industry standards, this is goofy. I mean — come on, Froot Loops? A serving of this stuff is 41% sugar. That’s a heavier dose than if you fed cookies to your kids for breakfast. Wow, talk about setting a low bar for nutritional quality! Indeed, food manufacturers can slap a Smart Choice label on a product just by adding some vitamin C to it, even if the product also contains caffeine, saccharine, and chemical additives known to cause cancer and other diseases. That’s not smart, it’s stupid — and deceptive.”
It’s also a great way to get chemicals into people that make them more controllable, which is what Marrs thinks is actually going on. This began at roughly the same time the Federal Reserve came onto the scene, about 100 years ago. The Pure Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906 to supposedly protect the public from harmful chemicals found in many food preservatives that had begun showing up at about that time. In 1933, however, Arthur Kallet and F. J. Schlink published 100,000,000 Guinea Pigs: Dangers in Everyday Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics. The authors said that they wrote the book “in the interest of the consumer, who does not yet realize that he is being used as a guinea pig.”
Marrs quotes Kallet and Schlink: “If the poison is such that it acts slowly and insidiously, perhaps over a long period of years . . . then we poor consumers must be test animals all our lives; and when, in the end, the experiment kills us a year or ten years sooner than otherwise we would have died, no conclusions can be drawn and a hundred million others are available for further tests.”
With lifespans growing longer each decade, it’s hard to make the case that life has become less healthy under the influence of corporations. However, could it be possible that the food-borne “poisons” are not intended to kill people, but rather to control them? Marrs thinks so.
Another group with strong governmental ties is the pharmaceutical industry, and it, too, seems to be filling humans with chemicals that make them more docile and malleable to the desires of globalists. Big pharma has been phasing out natural remedies and leaving only expensive prescriptions on the market as healing agents. Marrs traces the origins of many of today’s largest big pharma outfits to the Nazi IG Farben complex, famous for its chemical research by luminaries like Otto Bayer, but infamous for working to help the Nazi government achieve its goals and for exploiting slave laborers at places such as Auschwitz concentration camp. In June 1943, US Senator Homer T. Bone told the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, “Farben was Hitler and Hitler was Farben.” After the war, 13 of the company’s directors were sentenced at the Nuremberg Trials.
What became of the patents and methodologies of IG Farben? They were claimed by the United States. West Germany’s first chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, said, “According to a statement made by an American expert, the patents formerly belonging to IG Farben have given the American chemical industry a lead of at least 10 years.”
Among the Nazi methods of controlling people that are now accepted as normal in America, Marrs examined sodium fluoridation. Is fluoride in toothpaste and municipal water systems really intended to keep your teeth white and healthy, or to make you more psychologically controllable?
Marrs quotes Charles Eliot Perkins, a US industrial chemist who was sent by the US government to help rebuild the IG Farben chemical plants in Germany at the end of World War II. In 1954, Perkins wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, announcing that he’d learned the Nazi regime had used sodium fluoride as a method of “mass control.” The following is an excerpt from Perkins’s letter that Marrs provides:
I want to make this very definite and very positive. The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth. . . . The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty. Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluorine will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of brain tissue, and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. . . . I say this with the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years’ research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of “fluorine”. . . . Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically.
I’m glad I grew up drinking from a private well in the Rocky Mountains!
Even that might not keep a person safe, though, as Marrs makes clear. Fluoride is a key ingredient in Prozac and many other psychotropic drugs. The scientific name for Prozac is even fluoxetine, which is 94% fluoride.
CORRECTION: I wrote the above paragraph in the original review after reading the following in Marrs’s book: “Most people do not realize that fluoride is a key ingredient in Prozac and many other psychotropic drugs. Prozac, whose scientific name is fluoxetine, is 94% fluoride.” Reader and medical doctor Don Frommer corrected that by emailing me the following: “The formula for [Prozac] is C17H18F3NO and its molecular weight is 309.3. This means that fluorine is only 3 out of the 40 atoms constituting it and 18% of it by weight.” I checked two other sources, and they confirmed what Dr. Frommer wrote. Thus, Marrs is wrong on this point. That makes Dr. Strangelove, referenced in the following paragraph, all the more amusing. I would like to thank Dr. Frommer for his help, and apologize to all of my readers for not catching this error prior to publishing my initial review.
To be fair, the claim that fluoride is being used to control the masses has been widely dismissed over past decades as excessive paranoia. It was part of the “Red Scare” of the 1940s and 1950s, and was even lampooned in Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Dr. Strangelove, in which the character General Jack D. Ripper kicks off a nuclear war to head off what he sees as a communist plot to “sap and impurify” the “precious bodily fluids” of the American people with fluoridated water.
Still, what if making fun of fluoridation is exactly what the globalists want? Marrs claims that studies show that the benefits of fluoride are greatly outweighed by its detriments but, “Given the massive amounts of money being paid by the pharmaceutical corporations to the corporate mass media, it is highly doubtful that many Americans will learn of the results of these studies any time soon. The entire history of fluoride in America is one of deceit and conspiracy.”
Beyond fluoride, Marrs examines the way the medical industry has morphed over time to reward doctors for prescribing drugs and to use experimental drugs on soldiers. With those twin platforms in place, government-connected pharmaceuticals that trace their roots back to the days of Nazi Germany have a drug pipeline into the veins of almost every American.
What’s the plan? Marrs writes that being able to put toxins into the masses fits “the agenda of the wealthy elite who have long supported eugenics and have been looking for ways to cull the human herd of ‘useless eaters.’” He refers to a 1974 report from the US National Security Council under Henry Kissinger stating that population growth in the so-called lesser-developed countries represented a serious threat to US national security. It’s not just the US population that globalists want under their thumbs, it’s the world population.
Marrs quotes Maxwell Taylor, former ambassador to South Vietnam and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and England’s Prince Philip as saying that the world population is out of control and should be brought back into control. Taylor suggested limited wars, disease, and starvation and said, “I have already written off more than a billion people.” Philip said, “The more people there are, the more resources they’ll consume, the more pollution they’ll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.”
While callous, the statements are factual. I’ve examined at length how all of the world’s major challenges share a root cause of overpopulation. I’ve also given up hope that the population will rein itself in voluntarily. The parts of the world growing quickly aren’t even aware of most of the planet’s challenges, much less the desirability of not breeding beyond replacement level. Still, if Marrs is correct that many of the government manipulations by industry are part of a global elitist plan to “cull the herd,” it’s a tad disturbing.
President Obama’s “science czar” is a man named John Holdren. His job is to counsel the president on the role of science in public policy. Back in the 1970s, Holdren wrote, “If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they [could] be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility. . .” Among the methods of enforcing population limits, Holdren researched involuntary sterilization, abortion, and mass sterilization through the infiltration of sterilizing agents into the public water supplies. Aha! A pattern emerges. Given Holdren’s background, it was hard to not think twice about his endorsement of mass vaccination against the swine flu.
Speaking of which, did you ever wonder what happened to that scare? I wrote a short piece called “Swine Flu’s Pandemic of Fear” in the May 2009 issue of The Kelly Letter, here in its entirety:
Swine flu. What a joke. Every year, the media get more desperate for ways to rile up the masses as the masses are ever more zoned out in front of game consoles and whatever else they waste time on.
It seems the word “pandemic” still packs firepower, now that Hollywood has made it the focus of a few blockbusters. The phrase “swine flu” combined with “pandemic” was too good to pass up, so it became the news item with the biggest media footprint year to date.
People are so out of touch, they stopped eating pork. Real news flash: it was never communicable via cooked meat. It was only communicable via exposure to infected pigs, and very few people experience that. Had anybody bothered to read past the headlines, they might have noticed.
For that matter, had anybody bothered to read history, they might have noticed this wasn’t the first time we’ve seen a pandemic scare in the media, nor even the first time we’ve seen a swine flu scare. The first swine flu scare happened all the way back in 1976, and we seemed to have pulled through that one intact. We also survived SARS in 2003 and bird flu in 2005. I guess we were due for a new one.
The word “pandemic” needs to be reserved for true population-threatening outbreaks. One way for journalists to make sure it’s reserved for such moments would be to read its definition. From Merriam-Webster, a pandemic is an “[Epidemic] occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population.”
Did swine flu ever qualify? No. Less than 400 people were infected in the source country of Mexico, and less than 20 died. A single plane crash or train wreck affects more people, and some auto accidents are deadlier.
Moreover, it wasn’t even deadly as far as influenza strains go. The US reports an average of 36,000 deaths per year from influenza. That’s about 100 people per day in normal times, yet swine flu with its total body count of less than 20 turned into a news story so big that the president of the United States felt compelled to urge Americans to stay calm, but wash their hands and cover their mouths when coughing.
Vice President Joe Biden went further, saying on the Today show last week: “I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined places now. It’s not going to Mexico, it’s you’re in a confined aircraft when one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That’s me. I would not be, at this point, if they had another way of transportation, suggesting they ride the subway. So from my perspective, what it relates to is mitigation. If you’re out in the middle of a field and someone sneezes, that’s one thing. If you’re in a closed aircraft or a closed container, a closed car, a closed classroom, it’s a different thing.”
Then again, why go out of the house at all? The right thing would have been to issue a nationwide lockdown where only those with enough rations to wait out the pandemic could survive. Don’t forward this to any politicians. They’d probably run with it.
In case you’re wondering what real pandemics look like, here’s a quick summary. The bubonic plague wiped out half of Europe’s population between 550 and 700 (Think the news cycle could keep people interested for 150 years?). Black Death, which was probably also bubonic plague, killed 75 million people in the four years from 1347 to 1351. More recently, the 1968 Hong Kong Flu killed 750,000.
Just to recap, swine flu killed less than 20. That’s so far. A week ago, the figure was around 200, then dropped to 100, so the next stop may be zero.
Yesterday, Mexican Health Secretary Jose Cordova said, “The attack rate is not as broad as was thought.” You don’t say. Some of us never did think it was broad. Perhaps health officials could employ a little common sense in future situations so they don’t stumble into panicky assessments based on thin data.
The only good to come of this news cycle was a reminder to thinkers like you that media need to be taken with more than a grain of salt, they need a 50-pound block.
Marrs agrees with me. He wrote, “Despite the fact that only twenty swine flu deaths were reported in Mexico by September 1, 2009, the US corporate mass media continued a blitz of coverage on what was described as a pending pandemic.” He quotes Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief as writing, “[Swine flu is] not an epidemic. This has all the markings of a propaganda campaign benefiting the huge pharmaceutical firms producing vaccines. It’s more than monetary motives that are driving this push. There seems to be a long-term agenda of making people totally dependent upon government money and actions to manage health.”
Marrs finds it “necessary to note that Daniel Vasella, chairman and CEO of Novartis, has regularly attended the secretive Bilderberg meetings since 1998.” It can’t be a coincidence that, “just two months after the 2009 Bilderberg meeting in Athens, the US government gave Novartis $690 million to manufacture swine flu vaccines.” Who else attends Bilderberg meetings? Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, among others.
Marrs concludes that swine flu was “just another scam to increase profits for the pharmaceutical corporations and a failed attempt to see how much public control could be garnered by the globalist fascists.”
He reports that a former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Marcia Angell, said that big pharma “has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs and it [is] now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit.” She thinks big pharma “uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself [as] most of its marketing efforts are focused on influencing doctors, since they must write the prescriptions.”
Chemicals weren’t the only way that Nazis controlled German society or that Communists controlled Soviet society. Another way was through psychiatric manipulation, and Marrs finds plenty of evidence of that taking place in America.
He quotes an article from the April 1993 edition of Atlantic Monthly: “A growing proportion of many school budgets is devoted to counseling and other psychological services. The curriculum is becoming more therapeutic: children are taking courses in self-esteem, conflict resolution, and aggression management. Parental advisory groups are conscientiously debating alternative approaches to traditional school discipline, ranging from teacher training in mediation to the introduction of metal detectors and security guards in the schools. Schools are increasingly becoming emergency rooms of the emotions, devoted to … repairing hearts.”
Marrs backs that up with numbers, reporting that “the number of child psychologists in US schools grew from a mere 500 in 1940 to more than 22,000 by 1990. In 2006, the number of school psychologists, including clinical and consultation, had grown to 152,000, with an anticipated 176,000 by 2016.”
This stunning growth is “worrisome to those who recall that in both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, the incarcerations and, ultimately, the genocides practiced there all began innocuously as mental health programs. Persons who were considered defective, either physically or mentally, were the first victims of the Nazis, long before they turned to the Jews.”
It seems to Marrs that “our entire educational system merely churns out young people prepared for either wage slavery or to become teachers.”
Of course, things don’t always go according to plan. Not every subject responds desirably to a regimen of brainwashing and drugs. You may have noticed the growing number of school shootings and teen suicides in recent decades. Marrs finds it disturbing that “virtually all of these killings have involved a student who was on — or was just coming off — mood altering drugs.” The tragedy at Columbine High School was partly caused by Eric Harris taking the prescription drug Luvox, argues Dr. Peter Breggin in his book Reclaiming Our Children. This is not a new type of observation. Consider the following from a 1999 article by Dr. Julian Whitaker in Health and Healing: “[V]irtually all of the gun-related massacres that have made headlines over the past decade have had one thing in common: they were perpetrated by people taking Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox, Paxil or a related anti-depressant drug.”
Is it possible that the collapsing economy and skyrocketing debt, which cripple the ability of ordinary people to amass capital with which to create personal financial freedom, is a deliberate creation by those who want to retain power for themselves? Specifically with regard to the drug industry, Marrs thinks so: “The effort by big pharm to mold education, physicians, politicians, and even health care in general to its will requires massive amounts of money. Such great sums are only available to the globalists with Nazi roots and well beyond the reach of even well-off Americans, thanks to a crumbling economy and never-before-seen debt.”
Our nation, which was “once an industrial fountainhead, spewing forth streams of consumer goods such as automobiles, televisions, and refrigerators in international trade” is now “merely a nation of zombies working in the service industry. Today, America’s largest consumer goods industries are health care and legal drugs.”
The poor educational results in America are fishy, too, seeing how they help further the agenda of those who want to control the masses. Marrs writes, “The dumbed-down condition of the schools is puzzling to many people since never before in history has a student population had access to such a wide variety and depth of educational resources. Yet, at the same time, never in the history of the world have students as a whole been less informed about the world largely due to a fixation on technology and self-interest.”
He quotes Mark Bauerlein, author of The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future: “Once youths enter the digital realm, the race for [their] attention begins, and it doesn’t like to stop for a half-hour with a novel or a trip to the museum. Digital offerings don’t like to share, and tales of Founding Fathers and ancient battles and Gothic churches can’t compete with a message from a boyfriend, photos from the party, and a new device in the Apple Store window.”
The education system is dumbed-down, so it produces dumbed-down teachers who produce dumbed-down students who become a dumbed-down population. Marrs calls that “the exact situation desired by old man Rockefeller and the elite globalists. The correlation is uncanny. It begs the question: Is this sheer happenstance or a conscious agenda?”
The zombie population is doing its part. Marrs reminds us that “there are more Americans living off the government than paying into it” because “Congress has allowed more and more nonproducers to live off the largesse of fewer and fewer producers.” Americans watch more TV these days than ever before, around 150 hours per month, with the “mass media currently in the hands of only five major multinational corporations: AOL-Time Warner, the Walt Disney Company, Viacom, Vivendi Universal, and News Corporation.” That’s led to once so-called watchdog media turning “into lapdogs for their corporate (and political) owners, which in turn has allowed the government to manipulate the public through national fearmongering.”
Echoing sentiments I’ve written many times, Marrs thinks the political charade we endure every couple of years when choosing between the puppet on the left and the puppet on the right will never reinstate “the individual freedom and capitalist initiative that once brought this nation to new heights of technological and social success … Simply bouncing back and forth between conservative and liberal presidential administrations, both controlled from the shadows by the same globalists, will not do the job.”
Unfortunately, Marrs runs up against what everybody seeking change eventually hits: the only people who can effect change are those currently in office who are controlled by forces that don’t want change. He offers good ideas like changing the currency system so that dollar printing is approved by Congress and issued by the Treasury as Treasury notes, placing Congress under the same Social Security plan as the rest of the nation, rescinding the National Security Act of 1947 that allows presidents to start wars without the consent of Congress, limiting corporations to just one lobbyist per congressman, rescinding the PATRIOT Act to stop its infringements on Americans’ civil liberties, and truly reforming the global banking system.
Every smart person I know agrees with that list and others like it. The problem is that each idea is politically impossible to achieve. Most have a been-there-tried-that quality to them, and yet the general deterioration of American society continues apace.
Marrs himself seems to acknowledge that reality when he predicts the tone of upcoming elections: “Taxpaying Americans will become so disenchanted and disgusted with the government’s attempts to turn America into a socialist government that they will accept an inevitable right-wing backlash. Again, America will oscillate back to a National Socialist administration as an answer to the country’s problems. As the economy deteriorates and the police state tightens its grip, the corporate mass media will present to the public a new leader as the nation’s savior.”
The evidence points to a worsening situation on all fronts, hinting that a major collapse is all that will reset the system. Marrs touches on this by mentioning that it’s “time to remember the three boxes of freedom — the Soap Box, the Ballot Box, and the Ammo Box.” Fine, but the first two have failed us miserably for nigh on 50 years now. That leaves only the third box, and citizens are already making sure it’s ready for what’s coming.
Marrs reports, “According to Federal National Instant Criminal Background Check system statistics, between January and March 2009 [the first three months of the Obama administration], Americans bought 3,818,056 firearms. . . . Is it possible that the nation is arming for something other than self-protection? Is a violent revolution inevitable?”
I’ve been exploring that theme in recent issues of The Kelly Letter, with a specific focus on the coming scramble for oil. The outlook is not good.
I’ll conclude with a paragraph from the final section of the book, which follows one suggesting that the only way Americans can prevail against the global elitists is by coming together in a way that enables “men and women of good intention and faith” to “agree to disagree…without being disagreeable.” The problem:
“To prevent such thoughtful unity, the globalist fascists have attempted to break the United States into divisions of race, sex, age, generation, and culture. They pit bureaucrats, politicians, academics, corporate leaders, and the public against one another in an agenda of divide and conquer … using their corporate mass media assets to degrade the popular culture, downgrade the education process, permit acceptance of a steady flow of illegal immigrants, and divide the population over peripheral issues such as party politics, abortion, sexual relationships, stem-cell research, so-called hate crimes, and the like.”
Right, and as I wrote in Financially Stupid People, “the moronic masses open wide for every lure.”