Classic FX

"The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu"

Honolulu, Hawaii?

Isn't that part of the USA?

4. December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986
If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens and at least one had a prior residence in the United States, you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no conditions for retaining it.

If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16. There are no conditions placed on retaining this type of citizenship. If your one U.S. citizen parent is your father and you were born outside of marriage, the same rules apply if your father legally legitimated you before your 21st birthday and you were unmarried at the time. If legitimation occurred after November 14, 1986, your father must have established paternity prior to your 18th birthday, either by acknowledgment or by court order, and must have stated in writing that he would support you financially until your 18th birthday.

Am I a U.S. citizen?
You are if you were born in the United States, which is the easy way, or if you have been naturalized, which is the hard way.

The easy way is to have been born in the United States, no matter where your parents were born. The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says you are a citizen of the United States and of the state in which you were born. That gives you two levels of legal protection, two levels of democratic participation, and two levels of laws to obey.
"The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu"

Honolulu, Hawaii?

Isn't that part of the USA?

4. December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986
If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens and at least one had a prior residence in the United States, you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no conditions for retaining it.

If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16. There are no conditions placed on retaining this type of citizenship. If your one U.S. citizen parent is your father and you were born outside of marriage, the same rules apply if your father legally legitimated you before your 21st birthday and you were unmarried at the time. If legitimation occurred after November 14, 1986, your father must have established paternity prior to your 18th birthday, either by acknowledgment or by court order, and must have stated in writing that he would support you financially until your 18th birthday.

Am I a U.S. citizen?
You are if you were born in the United States, which is the easy way, or if you have been naturalized, which is the hard way.

The easy way is to have been born in the United States, no matter where your parents were born. The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says you are a citizen of the United States and of the state in which you were born. That gives you two levels of legal protection, two levels of democratic participation, and two levels of laws to obey.

Being a US Citizen is not enough.

The 2003 Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment, a proposed amendment to the US Constitution, would, if adopted, have removed the prohibition against naturalized citizens holding the office of the President.

It is thought the origin of the natural-born citizen clause can be traced to a letter of July 25, 1787 from John Jay (who was born in New York City) to George Washington (who was born in Virginia), presiding officer of the Constitutional Convention. John Jay wrote: "Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen."

All persons born in the United States, except those not subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. government (such as children of foreign diplomats) are citizens under the Fourteenth Amendment. Persons born in the United States, and persons born on foreign soil to two U.S. parents, are born American citizens and are classified as citizens at birth under 8 USC 1401. There is some debate over whether persons who were born US citizens and are classified as citizens at birth under U.S. law should also be considered citizens "by birth," whether they should all be considered to be "naturalized," or whether they should be considered "statutory citizens." There is also some debate over whether there is a meaningful legal distinction between citizens "at birth", citizens "by birth" and "statutory citizens" since U.S. law makes no such distinction, nor does the Fourteenth Amendment use the term "at birth." Current U.S. statutes define certain individuals born overseas as "citizens at birth."[4] One side of the argument interprets the Constitution as meaning that a person either is born in the United States or is a naturalized citizen. According to this view, in order to be a "natural born citizen," a person must be born in the United States, or possibly an incorporated territory; otherwise, they are a citizen "by law" and are therefore a "statutory citizen," (not necessarily, however, a naturalized citizen, which implies a pre-existing foreign citizenship).[5] Current State Department policy reads: "Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a facility is not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth."[6] However, the State Department is of the opinion that this does not affect those who are born abroad to U.S. citizens and who otherwise meet the qualifications for statutory citizenship.[7]
Had entered the following position yesterday as usual.

Usd/jpy short 97,01 9

Classic FX (start date 10/08/08)

Closed Positions +0.89%
Closed ROI yr. +3.31%
"The document lists Barry Soetoro as a Indonesian citizen, born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu"
Security clearance
Dual citizenship is associated with two categories of security concerns: foreign influence and foreign preference.

Appearance of foreign allegiance
In addition to the formal adjudicative process of security clearance, there is a matter of public perception for individuals with dual citizenship as demonstrating potential dual loyalty that applies to any government office, even one that does not require security clearance.
Had entered the following position yesterday as usual.

Usd/jpy short 97,01 9

Classic FX (start date 10/08/08)

Closed Positions +0.89%
Closed ROI yr. +3.31%
Well I'm not going to waste my time telling you to prepare for the end, none of you even care. I'm not even going to waste my time analysing the market, all you need to know is that the market is shot and you have zero will to survive. What do you care that your mom just lost 60% of her savings. What do you care that there will be food shortages in a year.
Who cares, I know none of you do.

We're on the verge of a complete financial meltdown and nobody cares.

Still holding Usd/jpy short from just above 97.01 up about 0.65%

Classic FX (start date 10/08/08)

Closed Positions +0.89%
Closed ROI yr. +3.31%
Had entered the following position yesterday as usual.

Usd/jpy short 97,01 9

Classic FX (start date 10/08/08)

Closed Positions +0.89%
Closed ROI yr. +3.31%
Have exited Usd/jpy position.

Usd/jpy out 96,01

Classic FX (start date 10/08/08)

Closed Positions +0.61%
Closed ROI yr. +2.11%
Have entered the following positions.

short ,6321

short 1,2582 3

long 1,2674

long 1,2233 5

Classic FX (start date 10/08/08)

Closed Positions +0.61%
Closed ROI yr. +2.11%
I'm done trading Forex, completely done with it.
I refuse to pay into the feeding of vultures.
I'm not going to pay 36% tax after paying inflation, on top of interest, on top of spread.

Total scumbags associated with FX, in the last 8 years of trading, all I have meet are scumbags.
I have more respect for carsalesmen then I do for FX brokers. At least when you buy a car your buying an actual product. Something you can use that will last.

Not only that, but we have our administration talking about implementing a global currency, even if I managed to put something together, it's highly possible it would be worthless or untradable due to Forced goverment currency moves.

All I have wanted is to see someone actually make a trade and make money and after 8 years I have yet to see this.
As the only one that I have ever proven to be able to profit off Currency, I can tell you this market is sh!t, total BS operated by total scumbags that don't give a crap whether you win or lose.
In fact they'd rather have you lose, just to inflate there ego.

I'm going to be a gold buyer and help people allocate physical metals to there private savings.
That simple, you have extra money, you buy Gold and sit on it. In 10 years odds are you'll make more then trading.

Only Scumbags deal in paper. Paper is worthless.
I do agree about forex not being that great for money making. There are better markets to trade. Still, you need to be able to trade to make money on any market, gold, currencies, whatever. Good job i didn't give you money to trade with since you're packing up this quickly.

Good luck. (there are some interesting strategies for forex on here if you are still interested in trying....)
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I do agree about forex not being that great for money making. There are better markets to trade. Still, you need to be able to trade to make money on any market, gold, currencies, whatever. Good job i didn't give you money to trade with since you packing up this quickly.
Good luck. (there are some interesting strategies for forex on here if you are still interested in trying....)
Girl, if I want any lip from you, I'll drop my pants 😉
This can't be happening. You are the only good trader in this place - you can't abandon us now with your mighty returns.
short ,6321

short 1,2582 3

long 1,2674

long 1,2233 5

What stop losses do you use, as you must be about a 1000 points down on these positions by now.

I'm done trading Forex, completely done with it.
I refuse to pay into the feeding of vultures.
I'm not going to pay 36% tax after paying inflation, on top of interest, on top of spread.

Total scumbags associated with FX, in the last 8 years of trading, all I have meet are scumbags.
I have more respect for carsalesmen then I do for FX brokers. At least when you buy a car your buying an actual product. Something you can use that will last.

Not only that, but we have our administration talking about implementing a global currency, even if I managed to put something together, it's highly possible it would be worthless or untradable due to Forced goverment currency moves.

All I have wanted is to see someone actually make a trade and make money and after 8 years I have yet to see this.
As the only one that I have ever proven to be able to profit off Currency, I can tell you this market is sh!t, total BS operated by total scumbags that don't give a crap whether you win or lose.
In fact they'd rather have you lose, just to inflate there ego.

I'm going to be a gold buyer and help people allocate physical metals to there private savings.
That simple, you have extra money, you buy Gold and sit on it. In 10 years odds are you'll make more then trading.

Only Scumbags deal in paper. Paper is worthless.
This can't be happening. You are the only good trader in this place - you can't abandon us now with your mighty returns.
Masq, I could give you a hundred reasons not to trade currency. The first being, even if one can manage accounts, at some point the account owner is going to want to attempt Trading and they'll wipe out there account.
Say I have ten clients each with 10k accounts and they all potentially have another 100k to invest, before they invest that 100k, they'll be following the 10k account being managed by me, they'll try to position there bigger personal account and be wiped out.
No matter how you slice it, FX management is the worse career choice.
As an example say someone like yourself sees me making a small gain, you invest 10k with me and after 6 months I'm up only 0.75%. Your going to think you can do better, so you attempt to trade the account and Bam! you lose everything.
Like I said, it doesn't really matter if you can make money, if your clients are likley to lose it immediately.
short ,6321

short 1,2582 3

long 1,2674

long 1,2233 5

What stop losses do you use, as you must be about a 1000 points down on these positions by now.
How odd, another Co ck sucker.

I've been posting winning trades for years and all you care about is one possible lose?

That proves to me that your a malicious person.
Masq, I could give you a hundred reasons not to trade currency. The first being, even if one can manage accounts, at some point the account owner is going to want to attempt Trading and they'll wipe out there account.
Say I have ten clients each with 10k accounts and they all potentially have another 100k to invest, before they invest that 100k, they'll be following the 10k account being managed by me, they'll try to position there bigger personal account and be wiped out.
No matter how you slice it, FX management is the worse career choice.
As an example say someone like yourself sees me making a small gain, you invest 10k with me and after 6 months I'm up only 0.75%. Your going to think you can do better, so you attempt to trade the account and Bam! you lose everything.
Like I said, it doesn't really matter if you can make money, if your clients are likley to lose it immediately.

In your case the roles will be reversed, it does not matter if your clients can make money you will lose for them.
Anyway you have not answered my last question.
The euro/usd trade you took was down over 500 points alone!
As an example say someone like yourself sees me making a small gain, you invest 10k with me and after 6 months I'm up only 0.75%. Your going to think you can do better, so you attempt to trade the account and Bam! you lose everything.

Well of course they could do better than 0.75% in 6 months, sticking it in the bank's an infinately better option. Heavens above, sticking it in a brown paper bag and hiding it under the bed's probably going to be a better option the way things are going.
In your case the roles will be reversed, it does not matter if your clients can make money you will lose for them.
Anyway you have not answered my last question.
The euro/usd trade you took was down over 500 points alone!
BS, looking over all my short USD position this past 2 years, being long gold would have you in from $752. Current price $815
If you bought in every week, your average would be $767.
Your probable buy would be $821, though.

As for the Eur/usd, what the hell do you care? I just spent 8 years trading fx, posting the last 2 years.
Either way I've made more profitable trades than you, try making hundreds of trades in a row and I guarantee GAmma, you'll be down massively, completely crushed.

In fact I dare you to post just ten trades in a row.
I do not need to boast about my trades,
You have no information about me so you have no idea about my ability.
But we are all aware of your disability.Just did a quick back check on your trades, over the last couple of months, all of them went into a massive 200/300 point loss from when you posted them.
So unless you are running a massive stop loss like 1000 points, all you have posted are losing trades.

I do not come here to make a name for myself unlike yourself, My only interest in this forum is to read the jokes thread,Danarm commentry, Phils thread and last, but by no means least your thread, it is the most amusing thread on this forum. In fact I would actually pay a small charge to read your thread as it makes me laugh so much.
There are a couple of other equally hilarious threads going on at the moment. So depth trade will not be missed- there's always another to replace him.