Is this guy still at it?
If any of you muppet T2W devotees give one shekel's worth of approbation to this charlatan, you clearly have yet to deal with your childhood dissapointment over Father Christmas.
Pseudoscience is very seductive for the dumb.🙄
Who is any of you? Are you trying to convert Christians or change their minds for them?
It is not good to be calling people fools, which is not my original intention when I started this thread, but I will not allow fools to take it over and change the purpose.
Stop fooling yourself or behaving like a person that think he knows yet he knows nothing. The purpose of this thread is to show people how to use the Bible to decode chaos in the market. That is what the thread will be and not your thinking. Stop fooling yourself, talk like someone who is at least educated, scientific and have secular knowledge about chaos theory, and you can reason with me and you learn why your knowledge without the Bible could not harness much profits from the market.
To get the thread back on track from disorderliness of non-believers I am publishing some aspects of my breakthrough in chaos theory to harness profits from the market. Just give a chance to other people to learn and correct their misbehaviours in the markets please. Chaos study is about disorderliness and how to isolate such event like you are exhibiting here.
When people are investing in times or periods when they are supposed to be harvesting, such behaviours technically may look good in the eyes of secular investors but are indicators of disorderliness, irrational or greedy behaviours. The Bible says flee from those behaviours that are worldly and cannot stand the test of time, they should be isolated and avoided as they are against the Lord's teachings
The normal everyday meaning of chaos in the market is when there is disorderliness or roughness, uncertainty, error, and fuzziness in the movement of prices of stocks, equities, currencies, commodities, bonds, etc, with no specific pattern in direction.
The study or philosophy of chaos theory on the other looks at market differently. It is a study that aimed at isolating chaotic events from a system. That is, isolating disorderliness or unrighteousness in the market and treats them as bad events that must be avoided. The opposite of chaotic events is the presence of orderliness, or certainty, clarity, smoothness, and righteousness in the market.
At any given moment one is either partaking in righteous or unrighteous event.
However, this is not determined by chance as only yourself can determined which of the events you want to partake in. A complete list of human and natural systems which can potentially become amenable for chaotic studies using the Bible is as huge as the problems of the world; however, what is important is to be aware that in all chaotic studies the goal is to isolate:
1. the presence of disorderliness in the system of interest; and
2. the scale or the extent or spread of the disorderliness in the system.
Disorderliness depends on the problem of study but for simplicity, disorderliness could be something that is not perfect or does not belong to a system or is not part of the original plan of God (Genesis 1:31):
“God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good (perfect). And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.”
Every incidence of disorderliness has a space it occupied in nature. It does not occur in a vacuum. This space could vary from the smallest unit that is humanly possible to view and measure on a map or to as large as the entire known universe. This space at which events (bad or good events) could occur can be viewed from different scale or hierarchies; from the smallest order (scale) to the highest order or scale. This type of structure is also commonly called network structure or tree-like pattern as shown in the figure below.
This same pattern of ordering space is called fractal in mathematical sciences. This is the level that is humanly possible to measure an event and show it on a map medium (both electronic and paper map and graph). All events usually start to build up from smaller scales or lower order space into a giant tree-like structure or space hierarchies.
This process of larger bodies being built from smaller parts exists virtually in all systems of both human or natural activities – including branching systems of trees, blood veins, human brains, transport networks, electricity and telecommunication systems, electromagnetic waves, etc; and in just about any system in the universe.
In mathematics, some studies may look at fractal as a dot and in financial trading people have tried to show price fractals in this way. This to some extent is erroneous since all matters; whether small or big in size occupy a space. In fact, what they are showing is the boundary limit of the price and not the space such price has covered or occupied.
However, for the purpose of mapping bad or good events in the market our definition of price or market fractal is as follows:
"It is the smallest space with boundaries that an event can occur; or it is the smallest space that is humanly possible for observations of the occurrence of market events."
My above definition is inspired by the Word of God in:
Isaiah 40:15
Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket;
they are regarded as dust on the scales;
he weighs the islands as though they were fine dust.
I know some mathematicians who originally thought that the domain of fractal or chaos theory exclusively belongs to them will be surprise to know that God is the Author of fractal structures. This is how God arranges the entire space and time. Even we are fractals of God's own image; the Earth is a fractal in the universe of other giant planets and heavenly bodies.
In the above Scripture, we see Isaiah referring to nations as dot or dust or fractal in relation to the rest of part of the world. It is amazing that this fractal process of storing geographic information is describe accurately inside the Bible before modern data compression technology.
Evidences that every fractal has at least four boundaries are also available in the Bible (see Proverbs 8:29) and especially the following passages:
Psalm 74:17: "You have established all the boundaries of the earth; You have made summer and winter."
Job 14:5: "Man's days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed."
Jeremiah 5:22: "Do you not fear Me?' declares the LORD. 'Do you not tremble in My presence? For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, An eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it."
Higher up in space, the earth is actually not visible on the map of the Milk-Way galaxy, as the entire solar system on the other hand is but a tiny drop inside the Milky-Way galaxy, yet every item that exist in the solar system has boundaries.
Events like irrational behaviours of market participants also have boundaries both in space and time. The mapping and isolation of disorderliness or recklessness of traders from trading chart as they occur live is what I call chaotic study of financial markets.
The purpose of mapping or isolating disorderliness is to fulfil the commandments of God for people to stay away from disorderliness - roughness, uncertainty, error, and fuzziness or wickedness in the markets and trade only when there is orderliness.
Measuring disorderliness in the financial markets on the other hand, poses some challenges until now. The first challenge is what to use as indicator(s) to measure disorderliness in the markets; and the second is on how to define space and scale where disorderliness occurs in the market.
Indicators of disorderliness could be things like the wickedness and evil tendencies of earthly traders – greed, boastfulness, fear, panic, revenge, etc. While they cannot be quantitatively measured, nevertheless, we can detect them by matching market behaviour with DIVINE TIME SCALE to see whether their actions are irrational or rational.
When people are investing in times or periods when they are supposed to be harvesting, such behaviours technically may look good in the eyes of secular investors but are indicators of disorderliness, irrational or greedy behaviours. The Bible says flee from those behaviours that are worldly and cannot stand the test of time, they should be isolated and avoided as they are against the Lord's teachings.
Concluding this first part, chaos theory is simply a philosophy in support of what is written in the Bible. That is the choice between good and bad events. As market speculators, it is easier to harness profits when there are no disorderliness - whipsaws in the market, and of cause the grace of God to differentiate disorderliness/recklessness from orderliness.
People, open your minds to the teachings of the Lord as written in the Bible and thou shall prosper. What is wrong in that:clap::clap: