Charting software

  • Thread starter Thread starter Saul
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Lots of peeps use Sierra and either MyTrack or IB as a data feed- both inexpensive....
I found something at Lycos, how is that? For about $20 per month, I think I can also have real-time chart for S&P 500 and many other stuff

has anyone used/is using Tradestation software, form
Seems to sound good but would be grateful for your opions/ views of it.

I would also like to thank those who regularly post, it is so helpful to us first time traders.


Read the above and getting confused.

To ,for example, trade mini s&p futures am I correct in saying that you need,

1 Charting package
2 Data feed
3 Online broker

Please keep it simple and give suggestions for the three.

Where I get confused is I thought I've read sometimes in here that you can get charting with data feed included with some brokers and other combinations .

I am currently doing a little spreadbetting on the daily dow with cmc and using the free lycos/ for the INDU but have recently subscribed to the $10 a month ES02 chart plus £10 per month CME exchange fees.

Having seen the 'real' prices going through on globex and comparing them to cmc I am now thinking that I would prefer to attempt trading futures.

The Lycos/quote feed has proved very unreliable so far and its scope is very limited.

I want something better but do get confused as to what is available.

I dont want to be doubling or tripling up on fees .

Any comments gratefully accepted


I know it's easy to get confused by the myriad of offerings available.

Don't take what I am going to say in the wrong light: it is meant to be helpful.

Trading and making money consistently means hard work, dedication and perseverance. Have you got that? If you have to ask for help on the issue , question your own dedication.

If you do want a cheap start, Sierra plus Mytrack Silver service are probably the best cheapest way of starting (I use IRT - more facilities and cost). As for a future broker, Interactive Brokers are very cheap and require a low deposit to start with.

But lets not kid ourselves. Anyone with dedication will find the best way themselves. If you are not, IB's low starting deposit will become your first loss.

If after all this you want to continue then ask away..What's your TA like? If the answer is not very good , don't even think about trading futures until you know some very well.

It's VERY VERY VERY easy to lose 5 Spoos points (=$250). Do that for a few weeks and it's very costly.

If your trading system is not very good (do you have one? if not just stop !) then you are 100% certain to lose long term...

Remember you are up against 1000s of people .. 99.99% are smarter, more knowledgeable and have done it longer than you. What are your chances of winning consistently at the start?
Hi Monarch

I use tradestaion 6 direct from I use this on one screen and use level 2 direct access on the other screen.

Tradestation 6 is very good and refined.I like it a lot.No complaints at all.
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