Charting software


Hi there,
Currently I use Updata, mainly because it was recommended by ZAK. Firstly I found it easy to use but now it is exuding uselessness. 😕
Charts do not UPDATE automatically 😡 and the Updata Helpdesk is not, (helpful) 😡 .
I saw a demonstration of Sharescope at a Steve Nison seminar the other day but its database only goes back to 1994 which for some stocks is not enough. Does anyone out there know of a reliable software package that has a long enough data history and shows charts in real-time without the need to manually update each individual chart everyday?
I tried eSignal but when they asked me specifically what I wanted to chart I said the Ftse250 in real-time with basic osc. signals and the ability to draw support/Resistance lines.

I paid a signing on fee, and some individual other fees and got access to a FTSE250 chart! I did not have access to the individual charts so when I phoned up to complain they said that'll be extra and everything wanted was EXTRA spondulies.

Even though Updata is far from excellent I pay about £57 each month which I now find to be quite reasonable. Do any of you chart experts know of a good reliable package that costs under £100/month?
I've found Sierra Chart excellent. If you are index trading then why not consider an account with IB? You can connect SC to your IB data feed. SC costs $42 for 6 months use, then you add data which for LIFFE is $20 per month. This will give you the FTSE250 index as well as the Index futures if you want to trade them. Drawback with SC is that it only logs charting data whilst you are on line, but you can buy last 20days data from myTrack for about $25 per month

Alternatively, if you want basic relatively cheap charting, myTrack intraday charts are reasonable, but in my experience not 100% reliable.

Updata has always been useless. Sold on a promise that doesn't deliver.

Like the last line...I am an existing Indexia user and ex Updata TA you have summed it up very well...
Thanks for the info people,
What if I want 10 years chart info in SC for support/resistance levels, how much does this cost?
Then you are pretty sad.

I think the concept of sipport over a few weeks is tenuous.

That's your opinion JonnyT but I have found long distance support/resistance lines very useful. How do you trade then, intraday?