Change Date

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Well-known member
I need to change ascii price data ddmmyyyy date format to yyyymmdd

is there a program that can do the conversion ? or
how can I change/convert the date ?

have tried using Excel but nothing's working so far.

This will only work if zeroes are included in your source data, but in Excel have two columns next to the data you want to convert, one using the =LEFT command and one using =RIGHT and then in a third column use the CONCATENATE function to join them up the other way round.

eg =LEFT (A1,4) =RIGHT(A1,4) =CONCATENATE(C1,B1)
Thanks Jack o'Clubs for your reply, not that I understand a word of what you wrote.

CONCATENATE ?? daren't look that word up in the dictionary, believe it's illegal in many states in America and fairly sure it's banned in Alberta.

Wouldn't you know it that after posting here and a couple of other sites I did this:
Open in Excel the txt ascii price data file, Wizard appears, Next, Next, Date/MYD (date format of file)/Finish
Select Date column, Format/Cells/Number/Custom and enter yyyy/mm/dd OK and hey presto, date format changed.