AMIBROKER historical Futures data import error


Hi All,

Currently using AMIBROKER as a standalone backtesting tool however can't seem to overcome the simplistic problem of data import even thought i've read the overwhelming manual several times..

I've been using BULKQUOTE XL to dload historical futures data via excel. The bulkquote is an add-on to excel and allows me to use a macro for the type of format i'd like to save the data as i.e. metastock, ASCII, csv etc. Once the data is saved i.e C\mydata\futuresdata, I try using AMIBROKER's import wizard for data import & no matter what file type i try importing I receive an error - see below:

Logging started for 'C:\tmp\My_FinData\Futures\AD_0_I0B.TXT' file, using format definition file 'Formats\wizard.format'
Error in line 19950103, 0.47640000, 0.47640000, 0.46890000, 0.46970000, 4941, 14450,199503, 0.76580000
Invalid date format/value
Error in line 19950104, 0.47190000, 0.47190000, 0.46640000, 0.47000000, 3572, 14294,199503, 0.76610000
Invalid date format/value
Error in line 19950105, 0.47050000, 0.47130000, 0.46830000, 0.47080000, 1460, 13900,199503, 0.76690000
Invalid date format/value
Error in line 19950106, 0.47150000, 0.47150000, 0.46610000, 0.46700000, 890, 13773,199503, 0.76310000
Invalid date format/value
Error in line 19950109, 0.46610000, 0.46610000, 0.46310000, 0.46470000, 2278, 13660,199503, 0.76080000
Invalid date format/value
Error in line 19950110, 0.46520000, 0.46970000, 0.46510000, 0.46780000, 821, 13810,199503, 0.76390000
Invalid date format/value
Error in line 19950111, 0.46870000, 0.47170000, 0.46840000, 0.47040000, 767, 13794,199503, 0.76650000
Invalid date format/value
Error in line 19950112, 0.47190000, 0.47340000, 0.46710000, 0.46860000, 594, 13873,199503, 0.76470000
Invalid date format/value
Upload a small file example with format description! There is no way to reproduce your error.

What's this line

19950103, 0.47640000, 0.47640000, 0.46890000, 0.46970000, 4941, 14450,199503, 0.76580000

supposed to be????