Challenge Stage 1; £100 to £1000 using simple method

I wish you Good Luck in your Trading Journey....
I hope that you reach your goal with consistency and finesse.

Happy Trading
2. fap
A sound effect for masturbation used often in japanese comics. Popularized in the english speaking world by the webcomic sexylosers
The words "FAP FAP FAP" splashed across a comic panel in which mike is watching baywatch.

Someone who is a total douchbag but does not realize it. Also tends to be socially retarded in most cases. They generally are hated by co-workers and family. They have no friends.
At the meeting today Katie made a real ass out of herself. I didn't know she was such a turbo. No wonder she doesn't have any friends.

7. Turbo
1.used in place of calling someone a retard.
2. descrpitive of someone who must wear a helmet for their own protection.
nice ****ing job turbo.

Oh dear...
It's all random stupid!

Quit all this stochastics mumbo-jumbo. People profess to have systems that work and then when the inevitable blow up comes so do all the excuses and justifications. I a a firm believer that the market is totally random and that anyone who claims to have "a system" is either a liar or doesn't know how stupid they really are. I think you guys should real Naseem Taleb's books – “the black swan” and "fooled by randomness" and let me know what you think. My trading strategy is simple. I don't try to predict the market I flip a coin heads - buy, tails - sell, place contingent order to reverse the position at the stop-loss of the first trade with a limit equal to loss and off we go! Simple!
My trading strategy is simple. I don't try to predict the market I flip a coin heads - buy, tails - sell, place contingent order to reverse the position at the stop-loss of the first trade with a limit equal to loss and off we go! Simple!

Although I'm no fan of indicators, I can't really see how your strategy is going to be any more reliable.
I flip a coin heads - buy, tails - sell, place contingent order to reverse the position at the stop-loss of the first trade with a limit equal to loss and off we go! Simple!

Eureka, now why didn't I think of that?
I think it's bad taste to hijack Taylored thread so, I will create my own thread to go into more detail on my strategy. I am still interested to see whether Taylored's strategy works though. So, I will be keenly following this thread!
Quit all this stochastics mumbo-jumbo. People profess to have systems that work and then when the inevitable blow up comes so do all the excuses and justifications. I a a firm believer that the market is totally random and that anyone who claims to have "a system" is either a liar or doesn't know how stupid they really are. I think you guys should real Naseem Taleb's books – “the black swan” and "fooled by randomness" and let me know what you think.

I guarantee your random system will not work. Its 50/50 with the added benefits of commision costs/spreads. May aswell head to the casino and bet on red or bet on blue.

If trading were that easy, this forum wouldn't be about trading, we'd all be discussing what speedboat to buy next...

Stochastics is an important and logical part of my trading plan - Also i cannot break the trading rules and it would be dumb to ignore them.

I would have accepted your thoughts if you had said 'Technical analysis is the only 'system' that exists that works...' that would be a fair comment, but your method is just gambling and i've admitted my method isn't the best, but its logical and you can see that over the next few months it will consistantly make dollar bills y'all.

Have you just read that guys books, who says its all random, believed him and thought that was the way to go, the market isn't random... I can draw a trendline to see price exactly bounce off it, that isn't random or luck.
My trading strategy is simple. I don't try to predict the market I flip a coin heads - buy, tails - sell, place contingent order to reverse the position at the stop-loss of the first trade with a limit equal to loss and off we go! Simple!

.... That has to be THE worst strategy i've ever seen, seriously, i guarantee it won't work.
I would like to see that, would you please organize it.

Sorry that sounded arrogant, i don't mean like ' I CAN, I'm THE BEST'. Just i draw trendlines, support and resistance, pivot lines and fibonacci to see price bouncing off them and i trade them all day - Lots of traders do these things. I'm not sure how to upload graphs but if you go to Forex Trading: Online Currency Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market they show you how to draw trendlines, if you look at the FTSE100 i drew a symetrical triangle and got two bounces of it the top and left them to target at bottom. Right now, i'm in on the breakout of a pivot line, waiting for a retracement 1-2-3 on 1-minute chart, entry at bottom, stop loss at high. Going nicely.
.... That has to be THE worst strategy i've ever seen, seriously, i guarantee it won't work.

I was thinking of going for this one:

Rofl, i bet you do use some technical analysis though... or only flip the coins at times you think either way is good.

Just read the journal he links to......

Good, solid fun - until the black swan gobbles you up!
I would like to see that, would you please organize it.

So would I, and more importantly I'd like to see the trend-line extend to right of today's date.... anyone who's done GCSE maths can curve fit to an existing dataset - especially where there are multiple possible fitting lines. Attempting to make sense out of chaos is what comes naturally to humans - the problem is the "sense" is not usually the right answer even when it comes from a computer program designed by a human being. Anyway, I'll keep quiet now and just let your results speak for themselves.
I have an example of price bouncing off a trendline from today if you want to see it? Or are you just saying Taylor can't do it???