
So people are migrating in huge numbers out of capitalist countries and into communist ones?

I didn't say Communist countries are better to live in. Their extremism is as bad as Nazism. Both are the pits in my view but seductively enticing to the extremists.
Which leaves the centre parties. Dull they may be but it's the best choice around for the people. Enslavement by the extremists is no joke.
Europe broke the Catholic Church's enslavement in the 17 th century. Now we are stifled by the political variety.
The Muslims are still fighting for their freedoms and human rights.
"No politico-economic system in history has ever proved its value so eloquently or has benefited mankind so greatly as capitalism—and none has ever been attacked so savagely, viciously, and blindly. The flood of misinformation, misrepresentation, distortion, and outright falsehood about capitalism is such that the young people of today have no idea (and virtually no way of discovering any idea) of its actual nature."
to say there is a system out there whereby everyone is equal and somehow can live in a utopia with food in their stomachs and shelter for all is a dangerous level of ignorance on human greed. Show me the greatest economic system and I guarantee a group of individuals in the long run will exploit it...
unless humans are taken out of decision making on economics and government altogether.....Heil supercomputers!
financial equality is a pipe dream. Humans have varying level of skills, beauty, and intelligence. With such a disparity in all aspects of human existence, the only equality that might ever be achieved is equality of treatment. Don't equivocate equality with sameness.
Why pray tell does someone have a profile photo of a French noble, when they espouse ideas of socialistic tendencies tantamount to absolute financial equality? The irony of financial injustice.
Spread the wealth around. Why should the few have such disproportionate amount of wealth ?
No one is suggesting equality of wealth. Just enough for the poor to have a bite to eat and shelter.
The greed of the few causes revolution and overthrow by the many.
Spread the wealth around. Why should the few have such disproportionate amount of wealth ?
No one is suggesting equality of wealth. Just enough for the poor to have a bite to eat and shelter.
The greed of the few causes revolution and overthrow by the many.

Power to the People! Freedom for Tooting!
I'd like to have some cake for breakfast as we've seem to run out bread.

Spread the wealth around. Why should the few have such disproportionate amount of wealth ?
No one is suggesting equality of wealth. Just enough for the poor to have a bite to eat and shelter.
The greed of the few causes revolution and overthrow by the many.

This is all very worthy but very vague. Nobody wants to vote for a system that oppresses the hungry and homeless.

It might be helpful to have an example or two from round the world that we should be following.
I don't know what the answer is and I doubt that anyone does. Capitalism is decadent. Before the war my father earned 3.5 pounds pw. After the war I earned 7. When I left the sea as chief officer, a good job, I earned 30, in 1962.

Who would work for those wages today?

It is like being a mouse on a treadwheel. A war between manufacturers and unions. The result is that nations get deeper and deeper in debt and pensioners see their savings eaten away before their very eyes.

I can remember when 1 GBP was worth US4, Britain being on the gold standard.

France got so that she revalued her currency so that 1 New Franc was worth 100 Old Francs ( I think that is what it was).

In any case, so it goes on, with budgets into billions, instead of millions and more billionaires being produced every year.

In a way, one cannot blame socialist goverrnments, too much. They do the best that they can and get into debt doing it.

I've given up tryng to figure out the answer because the answer to capitalism is....what?
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I remember a comment I read once.

Someone, up to his eyeballs in debt said, "This is the "Titanic" we're all going down and I'm going first class."
Capitalism is simply 18th / 19th century rubbish along with Communism/Fascism and Socialism.

Socio-political and economic sciences have moved on and there are now numerous systems available as per the parliamentary and constitutional processes of nations.

The answer lies in looking at the league table happy nations. Where human rights, quality of life and freedom are all measured in some respects. Ones I studied used to count number of cars, telephones and hi-fi systems once upon a moon.

Why not just look at the World's Happiest Countries and see what they do???

FYI - This is really good comprehensive work...
I've always wondered why costa rica is at the top every year in the americas, you would think Chile Uruguay, Canada but it's always Costa Rica.
I've always wondered why costa rica is at the top every year in the americas, you would think Chile Uruguay, Canada but it's always Costa Rica.

Yep and it's the top destination for retirement.

Has no army, excellent health system and super warm climate.

Bliss 🙂
Yep and it's the top destination for retirement.

Has no army, excellent health system and super warm climate.

Bliss 🙂

yes and gdp per capita is ranked at 75 by imf at just over 16000 and murder rate ranked 81 with 10 intentional murders per 100000....corruption index rank at 41. Somethings off I say.
Yep and it's the top destination for retirement.

Has no army, excellent health system and super warm climate.

Bliss 🙂

And no money !

Cuba ? Also falling apart. Why the locals don't put a bit of effort into repairing the houses, I don't know.