Fully retire?? Wait a minute! Retirement is the point where a person stops working and in order to do that you would need another form of income, like interest from your hoarded wealth. Either that or depend on the Government for your retirement and after seeing what has gone on in Greece would you really want to depend on the Government in your old age?
One of your comrades believes that living off hoarded wealth is the preserve of a dispassionate Capitalist society so you could be viewed as a dissenter which could spark a revolution.
You and your comrades need to have a group hug and decide exactly what kind of society you want to live in. It's either a "compassionate" society where you are expected to keep working and working and working until you die, or, a "dispassionate" society that rewards under consumption, excess productivity, savings and investment.
Remember, you need to agree completely with everything your compatriots say because, to paraphrase another one of your fellow comrades; Deciding which philosophies are good or bad and just using the ones that agree with your argument is conceit beyond belief.
NT you are not funny!
Your really are blinkered in a narrow area of fiat currencies, gold standard with a theoretical limited interpretation of the numerous capitalistic systems out there.
In general mass accumulation of wealth does not translate into productivity at all!
Purpose and objective of money is to change hands. It's designed for exchange. Greater the frequency of exchange greater the benefit of money to all. This is a simple practical virtue of money. It's not theory so you may well struggle to grasp the significance of it all.
You've probably heard of the Marshall Plan but knowing about it is one thing and appreciating and understanding it's concept is another. Reason for it was because at the end of WWII the US had all the money and industry rest of EU had been bombed and broken with no money. So the Marshall plan was introduced giving aid and money for development to take place.
Yes I appreciate the finer issues of interest, savings and investment and taxation and government spending, imports and exports as injections and leakages etc. Yes one can say the capitalist process of bank loans, savings and interest exists in determining the allocation of savings to those who are able to pay highest interest rates. Blah blah blah. Yes all very good at theoretical level.
Laugh and ridicule the point as much as you want. Always good to see people enjoying them selves. Stupid people also laugh and enjoy simple things in life too.
Here is another example for you to laugh at. The way I think of it, is instead of one child playing with 10 toys it would be better if 10 children played together with one toy? Rather than a miserable stinchy child growing up to be a scratchy little sh1t hogging it all. Contrary to your tight arsed beliefs more fun could be had by all.
Ofcourse I'm talking about the beautiful game of football. A super global game that's a lot of fun, builds on team work and the spirit where the goal is the collective joy of the whole team, tribe, nation even a continent.
Do you see my point?
Not equal but equitable distribution of wealth makes for greater number of happier people and society...
Accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few - don't!