Best Thread Capital Spreads

hmm, well I dont know how or if they hedge but ive read comments like "of course we are not going to let people take our money" etc.. rough memory quote so forgive there, but I assume if they do not hedge ALL positions then its their money at risk not another punters on the other side, which is what you get with some FX providers, autohedge instant, goes through instant, youve paid your spread, you hold the position, then its monitoring the trade, 1 second gone. that is all . Thats normal.

Now the thing is and it should scream out, its not dealing through a Spreadbet Firm. why assume that extra risk? when you simply do not have to. Put yourself in the very best position where you stand the chance or shift the odds towards yourself where each and every trade has the greater probability of yielding a positive return or one that enables you to realise a loss in that instant, no fussing about.

even if you were a position trader you would still want that price in that instant, no need to be sloppy even on longer term plays.

tax free advantage? forget it, worry about how much tax you pay, or how you can offset it.

I still feel that SB companies because of globalisation and communication ease, will need to work with punters and use them to make money off them from a more togetherness attitude. Will that happen, dunno.

maybe they are just not suitable for swift intra session markets. If thats your style then you need to switch.

maybe things will improve when its autohedge auto execute, but waiting for dealers if you are day trading, should not be used or accepted for yourself.
OK guys, here goes (trying to calm down) I cancelled an order earlier, only to find (purely by accident) that the order was in fact triggered later and that I was staring at a 35 pips loss. I wont go into the size, but it was reasonable enough to get annoyed. CS are looking into this at the mo and I hope that they are going to refund me the "loss" on the "trade" for THEIR mistake. Has this happened to anyone else? I will go ballistic if they dont give me a refund.
I dont experience "dodgy dealers" at CS, however a lack of 24 hour trading IS a major downside to using CS. With regards to the human dealer issue I will present a possible scenario that is applicable to ANY spreadbet firm and in no way represents what CS are actually doing, here it is. Its even more efficient to program a computer to accept or reject a trade dependent on whether the market has risen or fallen. When the server recieves a trade request, the software could simply have a 3 second delay (or any other delay that the SB firm think would be helpful) then execute code along the lines of, If after delay trade negative then accept else reject. It would take a programmer 2 minutes to incorporate that into the dealing platform, the software could be programmed with a manual overside so the delay could be reduced to zero or extended to 5 or 7 in order to break any detectable a computer could be abused even more.. If the FSA turned up, then a simple warm reception with a nice cup of tea & biscuits to keep them happy (and busy), a quick text message to the IT dept to alert them of the "change over protocol", and they could close the platform, move onto platform B without the reject code, then reopen the platform in a matter of minutes, and if anyone wanted to inspect the platform in operation, they would see a wonderful state of the art trustworthy platform. Just how deep does the rabbit hole go !! 🙂 Heck they could even make the "delay button" disapeer ! no need to even change platforms, then the only way anything could be detected is by inspecting the underlying code of the dealing platform, this is where platform B can come in handy ! Happy Trading and have a great weekend 🙂
That is the very least you should expect.

Again ive absolutely nothing against CS or any firm, but when we set down to trade first question is

when I click the deal ticket can I rely upon the trade to go through both ways, swiftly and at a price that doesn't leave me thinking , huh... is this a mistake.? or huh... whats going on, i pressed that button ages ago, crashed, filled, not filled..?. no good.

and if CS relied upon the same as the clients of CS getting bumped 10 points on orders where they may offset liability or dont know if they are filled or not, or get filled but on an order that they thought was cancelled. then they wouldn't touch a firm like that with a big pole.

maybe CS clients should all switch to phone dealing and obtain quotes, when you get your quote from them, pause for approx. 20/25 seconds while you watch the prices and say hmm you did quote 50 on that did you ....?

ohh its gone 10 against, no thanks....

ohh 10 in, done mate... another quote please....... umm you did say 75 did you? hmmm

will they say sorry quotes change? or come on quick please.... course they will. or should we follow their lead by example as a customer 20/25 secs is ok their side, ok ours then?
zuke said:
OK guys, here goes (trying to calm down) I cancelled an order earlier, only to find (purely by accident) that the order was in fact triggered later and that I was staring at a 35 pips loss. I wont go into the size, but it was reasonable enough to get annoyed. CS are looking into this at the mo and I hope that they are going to refund me the "loss" on the "trade" for THEIR mistake. Has this happened to anyone else? I will go ballistic if they dont give me a refund.

Yes infact mine is WORSE! Like I said I wont go into the details.
capitalspreads said:
depends what is meant by scalping.

we obviously dont just give money away and if we spot a client who is taking the mickey on a regular basis we may ask him/her to take their business elsewhere or just delay all his/her trades until we can be sure of the price.


Price delays due to the system. Open your eys people!

bucket shop
1. A fraudulent brokerage operation in which orders to buy and sell are accepted but no executions take place. Instead, the operators expect to profit when customers close out their positions at a loss.

The question is are you a bucket shop 😉
Can anyone explain these spikes on their daily charts that do not appear on the hourly or 15 min etc charts eg yesterday (13TH Jan) Gold Rolling Daily on the Daily Chart there is a spike low to 535.2 but on the 15min or hourly chart for yesterday there was no such spike????
Can anyone explain these spikes on their daily charts that do not appear on the hourly or 15 min etc charts eg yesterday (13TH Jan) Gold Rolling Daily on the Daily Chart there is a spike low to 535.2 but on the 15min or hourly chart for yesterday there was no such spike????

was it overnight price variance of futures that may show up on their daily bars, but not on shorter bars as they are not open for them to update ?

a the common theme coming through a lot of these posts, is

Integrity of price. I think that will always be an issue with SB ,one step further from the price integrity of trading direct. And it is important.

Bucket shops? well stock operator early on seems very similar whereby punters allowed huge margin leverage because the bucket shops could flick them out with manipulation of the ticker, wouldn't take too much. not saying that SB ramp the price 30/40 either way to facilitate that but seeing if they can book in a risk free profit by delaying fills and offsetting in the meantime, or dumping a client with bad slippage of x points, is whilst excellent from their point of view in terms of short term money, terrible for the client, and terrible for the long term interests of companies if this is indeed a considered an acceptable practice.

but ease of communication globalisation of companies offering excellent service and excellent price integrity and hopefully client education as to becomming aware of this will effect change at some point, either in the client who will simply wake up and bugger off or the companies will change when the masses say sorry, just not acceptable, try harder.
zuke said:
OK guys, here goes (trying to calm down) I cancelled an order earlier, only to find (purely by accident) that the order was in fact triggered later and that I was staring at a 35 pips loss. I wont go into the size, but it was reasonable enough to get annoyed. CS are looking into this at the mo and I hope that they are going to refund me the "loss" on the "trade" for THEIR mistake. Has this happened to anyone else? I will go ballistic if they dont give me a refund.

Yes Zuke, I had the same thing on Cable on Friday. Position was closed at breakeven though as I logged on bang on 7.00am. Thought it was me being sloppy with cancelling my orders.

Could have worked in my favour so I didn't get too upset. But now I'm checking the Orders (Cancelled) tab before closing up to make sure it's all in order.
I've been using the CS demo platform for a few months now. I like the simple interface and ease of use compared to fins (which is a nightmare).

Just opened a live account and no issues so far. Time will tell.
demo platform?

Can anyone explain these spikes on their daily charts that do not appear on the hourly or 15 min etc charts eg yesterday (13TH Jan) Gold Rolling Daily on the Daily Chart there is a spike low to 535.2 but on the 15min or hourly chart for yesterday there was no such spike????


I actually had an trade on Gold Rolling on the DEMO platform that was going quite nicely until it was stopped out, I called them to ask what happened as
1 - the price wasn't anywhere near that
2 - I couldn't see the drop in the charts

The lady on the phone said that it was probably a price spike in the demo platform, and that the demo system just trades automatically without going through a dealer (human check). She said that a dealer would have seen the blip in the price and not traded it?

I then found I could see the spike on the tick price, but she also said the demo platform is still using the old charts, I haven't checked this yet though.

Just wondered if that helps shed any light on the situation?

I wasn't particularly pleased as I'm trying to test a strategy at the moment!

thepoliteone said:

I actually had an trade on Gold Rolling on the DEMO platform that was going quite nicely until it was stopped out, I called them to ask what happened as
1 - the price wasn't anywhere near that
2 - I couldn't see the drop in the charts

The lady on the phone said that it was probably a price spike in the demo platform, and that the demo system just trades automatically without going through a dealer (human check). She said that a dealer would have seen the blip in the price and not traded it?

I then found I could see the spike on the tick price, but she also said the demo platform is still using the old charts, I haven't checked this yet though.

Just wondered if that helps shed any light on the situation?

I wasn't particularly pleased as I'm trying to test a strategy at the moment!


Thats very interesting - I have seen such spikes in other instruments as well. I also had a similar thing happen on a demo account with a share and got stopped out with a spike and was also told by them that every Friday (or future expires) something happens to prices resulting in such spikes and I wouldnt have been stopped out on a real account. Except this spike for Gold Rolling Daily on the 13th appears on my REAL daily chart (i.e LIVE account not demo) and not the REAL hourly chart.

Seems if this is the case its a good argument for having human traders open close positions for your trades instead of having trades stopped out by computer?
Unless you trade with a real broker who would only stop you out if the market actually traded at these points....
zuke said:
OK guys, here goes (trying to calm down) I cancelled an order earlier, only to find (purely by accident) that the order was in fact triggered later and that I was staring at a 35 pips loss. I wont go into the size, but it was reasonable enough to get annoyed. CS are looking into this at the mo and I hope that they are going to refund me the "loss" on the "trade" for THEIR mistake. Has this happened to anyone else? I will go ballistic if they dont give me a refund.

Im very happy to report that this was resolved quickly and amicably. Well done CS.

fxmarkets said:
waiting for dealers if you are day trading, should not be used or accepted for yourselff.

This may be the solution to using CS ,choose a different broker or SB company or stay with CS until the execution changes.

Alt 😆
I know that I've made an issue of the human dealer aspect of the CS operation, but remember that Simon said that CS dealers reject less than 1% of all trade requests...............................
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zuke said:
Im very happy to report that this was resolved quickly and amicably. Well done CS.

Zuke... I find them a very reasonable company to deal with. This doesn't surprise me.