nodga2000 said:
I love this thread! Amazing that it has been around since CS launch...
I have to say that this thread amuses me sometimes. For me CS, and spread betting in general, is a good learning platform and serves a purpose and using SB in general has a number of benefits, the major one being low levels of capital required to start trading in the markets.
The tax thing is, for the vast majority, irrelevant as you have to make £6500 ish clear profit before CGT kicks in and even then there are ways round it like using your wife's allowance etc etc.
SB in general, if you are trading using even moderate amounts, is not the most cost effective way of trading in the markets. Direct access is far more cost effective and you have far greater levels of control. You can trade 24 hours if you want. There is very little whinging on these boards about DA. People just get on with it. If you trade the market price then your fill is your fill- end of story and if it isn't what you wanted, then tough. If you use a limit order, then if someone fills your order, all well and good. If not tough. That's life. In fast moving markets you don't get the fill you want because things change in the time it takes between your brain saying press the button, you pressing the button, the message going from your PC to eg CS, the order being processed and accepted/ declined. Now CS may not be the best provider for Forex trading because of the human intervention aspect. But that's the way it is. I don't trade Forex, so I'm not fussed anyway. However, if you are not satisified with what you get at CS then go elsewhere eg D4F (and I've seen enough complaints about them elsewhere too). It is entirely up to you.
If you trade stocks and you don't like the spread, then use DA. Incidentally I've worked out the spread model CS uses on stocks. It isn't rocket science and they aren't messing with the spread as the market develops over the course of a day to suit themselves, although I guess they must have some kind of review process in place to make sure that the overall yield they are reaping from individual stocks is in line with their overall targets and making adjustments accordingly. In running any business you should be looking periodically at the profitability of your product range. This is good business practice. If you as a punter you don't like it, go elsewhere and use an alternative platform eg DA. It's your choice. In my experience I've never seen the trade boxes switch to "phone trading only" (or whatever it is) on DA!! This the thing I don't like about SBing. But it doesn't really matter to me as I have a choice. It is up to me to either get up and do something about it (i.e. move) or put up with it.
I'm off. I need a wee!