Best Thread Capital Spreads

Spreadbetteur said:
Nothing worse than entering a trade and watching and waiting for a confirmation, while the market moves and you have your hands tied.

You should have added:

Knowing that if price moves in your favour you wont have been filled.
If price moves against you then you are 100% guarenteed a fill.

capitalspreads said:

oooohh one day .... we must always keep something up our sleeves.................

retail brokers charge commission and take no market risk as the trading screens are just portals to major quoting bank platforms... on the other hand we take , initially, all the risk and if we hedge we also get charged so at the moment 2 pips is not close on cable.


Nice One on the Euro @ 2 pip, hmm now up your sleeves, what about maybe considering rebates on pip spread on close linked to size of order... 5/10 lots 0.5/ 1.00 thinking mainly fx might be an incentive for the future or something..

give us 10 lots , thank you ,we give you 1 pip off cable :idea:
My Non Farm Payrolls Performance Monitor:

5 attempts to trade. 5 no fills. Price Expired or simular response.

Then it goes telephone only.

microsoft said:

8 Attempted trades. 1 Fill after 13 secs, when price was against me.

Wonder why that was ?
Was this based around the Non Farm Payrolls? I my self have had bad fills on the underling futures market. when these numbers have been released... I be giving C/S a go on they new 2 pip spread,.

I tried to close out a profitable position on cable at 15.30 this afternoon. I was re-quoted not just once but FIVE separate times during which price moved from a 25 pip profit to a 15 point loss.

This level of service doesnt even rank at the level of amatuer. The dealers were absolutely no help when I phoned to complain.

Just for reference I have been trading currencies for 4 years and have an 8 meg DSL line so I know what Im doing.

The system consistantly goes to telephone dealing at the slightest hint of volitility and is nowhere near robust enough to trust.

Capital Spreads are way behind the competition with this platform and I would advise that they are only ever used for the smallest of trades and even then with extreme caution.

I will not bother with them again until they have some kind of upgrade and I am only glad that I had not moved any of my trading funds over from the other professional brokers I use.

Very very poor indeed
If you are a broker at NFPR time, delaying fills like this company does, then only filling trades which have moved into the negative, you are on to an absolute risk free killing.

The bosses at Capital must be rubbing their hands in glee. Even if you have to pay fees the other side...........

Is Al Capone a director ?
There is a Capital Spreads banner flashing at the top of this page, as I write.

I think their Marketing Director should be fired for paying to advertise on this thread. He must be totally mad.

They should add another flash with:

Sign Up Now ! Get A Free "Price Expired" T Shirt !

One Flash reads " And Who Said Spread Betting Is Complecated ?" ...........uuummmmmmmmmmmm
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Ripcord said:

I tried to close out a profitable position on cable at 15.30 this afternoon. I was re-quoted not just once but FIVE separate times during which price moved from a 25 pip profit to a 15 point loss.

This level of service doesnt even rank at the level of amatuer. The dealers were absolutely no help when I phoned to complain.

Just for reference I have been trading currencies for 4 years and have an 8 meg DSL line so I know what Im doing.

The system consistantly goes to telephone dealing at the slightest hint of volitility and is nowhere near robust enough to trust.

Capital Spreads are way behind the competition with this platform and I would advise that they are only ever used for the smallest of trades and even then with extreme caution.

I will not bother with them again until they have some kind of upgrade and I am only glad that I had not moved any of my trading funds over from the other professional brokers I use.

Very very poor indeed

I know it is annoying when you have problems pick up the phone to close your positions. Their software cannot handle the load and volatility.

Simon maybe you need to upgrade your hardware as well and look at load balancing on the server side
Cool Trader

I agree the phone is an option. Though if you sign up to an internet gambling site, like this, the least you should expect is that the prices, fills, ability to trade on line and general service are more or less close to that of the competitors.

If you make 5 attempts to close a trade and then pick up the phone I don't think the crook, sorry dealer, is going to give you one of the 5 prices you clicked on.

I have used the phone with Capital and it seems to work OK. Just wonder if these guys have a PBX or just one phone.
You must have money to throw away

coolTrader said:
I know it is annoying when you have problems pick up the phone to close your positions. Their software cannot handle the load and volatility.

Simon maybe you need to upgrade your hardware as well and look at load balancing on the server side

Its more than annoying, I payed for their incompetence. These people are claiming to offer a professional service. This is my money we are talking about, that is not something i treat lightly, if they cannot deal in a professional mannor then they should go away until they can.

This was not, i repeat NOT, an order placed during NFP time, it was 15.30 to close out at a profit.

I made £42k last year on currency trading and if i had been trading at the normal level with my other brokers this deal would have cost me £480. That is not acceptable. As it was it only cost me £100 but that is their fault because of a substandard system. Every other broker was online!!

In the time it takes to get an order rejected at least twice, dial a dealer, get a quote and deal do you know how much cable can move.

I see their latest adverts use a colourful crayon font in their advertising, how very apt!
Ripcord said:
Its more than annoying, I payed for their incompetence. These people are claiming to offer a professional service. This is my money we are talking about, that is not something i treat lightly, if they cannot deal in a professional mannor then they should go away until they can.

This was not, i repeat NOT, an order placed during NFP time, it was 15.30 to close out at a profit.

I made £42k last year on currency trading and if i had been trading at the normal level with my other brokers this deal would have cost me £480. That is not acceptable. As it was it only cost me £100 but that is their fault because of a substandard system. Every other broker was online!!

In the time it takes to get an order rejected at least twice, dial a dealer, get a quote and deal do you know how much cable can move.

I see their latest adverts use a colourful crayon font in their advertising, how very apt!

How much a point was you trading.was it over 10 pound a point?
badtrader said:
How much a point was you trading.was it over 10 pound a point?

No, a mere £3 a point. Should have closed at £75 profit however ended up at a £36 loss so a total loss against me of £111 or 37 pips.

I normally trade between £10 - £15 to a max of £20 a pip and you can be sure that I will not trust CS with that level of trade which is hardly massive.
Just as an aside Simon re your latest crayon metaphor ads, I see what you are trying to illustrate with the simpleness of it all but, I think future and present customers perhaps would like ,(or rather not be put off in some way through association of being bably like) a more sophisticated corporate image of sharp lines,cutting edge, market players.......

I mean it looks a bit play school........
I done a few trades myself today to experiment and I found it sort of ok, There was a few re-quotes but most of them went in ok. I did call them up and they said they was having problems with the speed on live prices, the reason of re-quotes, the prices was a bit slow in parts where I did take advantage of, but it looks like they have fixed the speed now, early days yet. I was only playing with 2 and 3 pound a point, But the test will be when I place more, I keep you informed.

Ripcord who do you normally trade with?
It is a bit funny that someome who sees the Capital Spreads Play School banner above, then read this thread.

No P R needed here. No promises. Just need to see that each trade is executed fairly within 5 secs, with the odd exception.

Problem here is 5 seconds or under is the exception.

What is the point of a 2 pip spread on Euro, if you have to wait and worry about if you will get filled ? Well apart from if your trade goes into debit, between you placing it and the dealer getting back from the Capital Spreads ping pong room. Then suddenly price does not expire. Funny that.

If CMC can do WYSIWYG, even if that is not what is advertised, why cannot Capital do it ?

I hope Simon sends a junior down to Tottenham Court Road tomorrow, to buy a new Lap Top. Or at least get some more ram for the current one they run the business with. Perhaps he can negotiate a new dial up modem as well, as part of the deal.
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I think the Play School advertising sums up Spread Betting in general, its for beginners
and amateurs.

You can tell who the amateurs are on this board because they think spread betting is a viable way of
making money.
donaldduke said:
I think the Play School advertising sums up Spread Betting in general, its for beginners
and amateurs.

You can tell who the amateurs are on this board because they think spread betting is a viable way of
making money.

Uh oh, it looks like CS is getting a bad rep here. I know Capital Spreads has its flaws, but if you are not in and out of the market all the time, especially around data releases, their offering is very good. The problem is most full-time retail traders are in and out all the time.

When I trade around the data with CS, if I want to close a trade then I no longer try to close using their spot trade function, because as everyone is commenting, it keeps coming up with 'price expired' in fast)ish) market conditions (annoying because this is where CS really fall down against the many people, this is when it matters most). What I do is to raise the stop level as tight as I can get it. Then if the price passes through, you usually get filled at the stop. I know this isn't perfect, but I'd recommend it as a fail-safe for clients using CS for day trading. At least this prevents the price from racing away from you when you keep clicking to close out a trade. Hope this if of some use.

: )