Best Thread Capital Spreads

Is one a java application ? Sometimes I get conflicts between java applications and others with one making another shutdown.

well chaps I honestly dont know so I will forward your comments to our web designers and see what they say.

but I think that trader333 might have it right
Trader 333 Thanks that might well be the problem as Prophet Net charts use Java. Is there any way of getting over this problem as I like to be able to watch whats going on in the Dow

Thanks for the promt reply.

If only all developers used Sun Java integration or Microsoft VM...

Thats almost certainly the problem.

I have had a conflict with two programs - one worked quite ok with Microsoft Java but as soon as I downloaded the other program which required SUN java, I could not run them both.

I had to remove SUN from my PC before things worked again.

I assume this was to do with the long battle between Microsoft and SUN.
Yes, I think that is correct.
Everyone will get the same probs.
But in this instance, Sun has beaten MS to become the standard.
Reallynew trader starting out

I have spent a little time looking at many of the Sb firms on the arket and have decided to start my first foray into the spread betting world with Capitalspreads. Main reason for this is the web fron end and the fact that they seem to be the only team with an ongoing dialogue here.

I will try to keep you all apraised as to how well I do.

It is a welcome change to have a representative of a SB company provide frank answers, thank you.

Can you explain the process your company employs when filling orders.

Most SB companies will provide instant fills when trading with low amounts but when you go over a certain level then delays and re-quotes are experienced. I accept from your earlier posts that in times of high volatility at certain times of the day such orders cannot be guaranteed and from your company the order will be cancelled rather than offer a re-quote.

My own experience has been when trading the equivalent of your FTSE daily, if traded at over £20 per point then the deal can be delayed for anything from 20 sec - nearly 1 min, AT ANY TIME regardless of volatility. This apparently is because low deals (£20 and under) go straight through the company computer system and deals over £20 are re-directed to one of the dealers to assess the market depth and your account before placing the deal.

I trade the FTSE using SB and direct access futures brokers applying different daytrading set-ups. I note that your spread on the daily FTSE is 4 points and equals the best set by the leading SB companies. Most apply a margin requirement of £50 per point. On this basis what can your company offer me in respect of the FTSE that I am not already getting elsewhere. Is there a chance as a new company you may challenge the others by reducing your spreads such as the FTSE to 2 or 3 points. Now that would interest me.


our spreads on the daily FTSE are 3 points already!! They may be 4 on the simulation site I will have to check.
We do not calculate margin in the same way as the other companies. We have a minimum margin requirement (IMR) which is 30 in the daily FTSE, this means that to take a £1 bet you would have to have at least £30 in your account. Our computers will then assign a stop level to your bet dependant on the funds available on your account up to a maximum level (max CGSL). You may move your stops online to whatever level you wish within the constraints of the funds available.

The depth of market in the FTSE is such that a Bet would have to be over 200 a point before we would disallow a trade (assuming that you were not trading on an incorrect price or were trying to trade over a big economic number). An incorrect price is one that is patently out of the market range, not one where we are just slow in picking it up.

I can only say that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. It costs nothing to open an account with us and if you dont like us I can assure you it will not be because of bad fills or impolite customer service.

I am sorry, a long answer to a simple question.

I look forward to dealing with you and wish you all the best if you do join us. (just give me a chance to get my hedge on!)



I am also thinking of joining....some quick questions...

When you open a trade, an automatic stop is assigned, is this compulsory ??? Can a client delete it if they want to ??

The spreads on the daily FTSE,DOW,DAX are 3,5,3 this correct ? and what are the IMR for DOW and DAX (the FTSE bieng 30, as stated above)...

Thanks in advance...

Thank you for your quick response and my mistake as I see your demo just had a price for the FTSE at 4370/73. (While I agree this is 3 points I am a bit pedantic and refer to this as 4 as it involves 4 points through the spread ie 70,71,72,73.) This still means your spread equals the others (D4F, Finspreads and TradIndex on the ftse)

Anyway any chance of you reducing to 2 points

With reference to your demo prices are these reflective of the real-time position of your company or is there a delay. They appeared to be 3 points off the mark with another company providing real-time prices.

So that I understand you correctly with the issue of trades say at £50 per point on the daily FTSE if I select a buy at a certain price there will be no delay, therefore the price I see generally is the price I get. On a general basis how long does it take for a transaction to be confirmed. If during this process the price moves what happens, does it mean I get an automated cancelled order message and have to re-try even if the price only moves by 1 or 2 points.


the fact that a stop is assigned is compulsory, you may not remove it but you can move that stop as far away as you like. Our system incorporates an amend order function that allows you total control over stop/limit/new orders.

The further away the stop is placed the more margin is used. The computer applies 20% extra margin to the stop level (this is the protection against gapping in the market) so that if you had a stop of 100 points on a £10 bet this would use £1200 of margin.

Yes those are the correct spread prices.
The Min IMR on the Daily DAX is 30 and 50 on the Daily DOW.

(If you actually only had £30 to cover a £1 position the Stop would be generated at around 24 points away )



the simulation is real time but the spread to the futures may be old (i will look).
Depending on the speed of your computer I would hope that any fill should be within five seconds. Small price moves are at our risk (we should get as many 1-2 point moves in our favour as go against us) your fill will be at your price or not at all, either way you will know within a few seconds.

indice names


Du to bank transfers taking so long ( not your fault) I am still waiting to trade. I am a bit confused about the names of some items. What is the difference betwwen the Cash Daily and the daily future, eg on wall st or ftse. I also see Dec and March options. If i want to err on safety, can I still use March but close at any time?
Thanks in advance

the daily cash markets fix against the aggregate value of all the current prices of the constituent parts of the FTSE 100 (ie when you see on the nine o'clock news that the FTSE 100 has closed at 4320, this would be the cash market) the futures are based on what the future value of the FTSE will be on the third friday in dec/mar/jun/sep given interest rate costs dividends etc. So that there will normally be a difference between the cash and the futures (commonly called Fair Value)

Any bet can be closed at any time (if we are open, and that market is open) from the moment it has been opened. Longer term bets generally have wider spreads but can, obviously, be held for a much longer time.


Again my thanks for your quick response it is nice to know that deals above £25 can be placed as normal as I have found this a hindrance with another company but not with direct access with futures trades.

I can also understand the need for a stop policy for covering the gap opening however I trade the daily position so can I reduce the automated stop to reflect a daytrade stop. Obviously with daytrading I keep my stops quite close.

When closing out of a position how can you be certain that the automated stop is not still left in the market. If I select profit targets when scaling out of a trade how will this effect the automated stop.

Having gone through the posts I also think that in respect of real time charting I think your customers will benefit more from a chart displaying your own prices rather because that is what they are trading and not the exchange price.

Am I correct in assuming that your pre-set stop is set at 20% of any margin requirement, so on £1 on the FTSE with an IMR of £30 total margin the stop would be set at £30 - (20% of £30) £6 = £24 stop.

From a daytrading point of view a stop of 24 points is rather large unless you are a positional daytrader which I am not. Most times my stop is set at between 5 - 10 points. If I had greater capital in the account above my margin requirement would this allow me to move the stop closer or would it always be set at 24 x £ per point.

hi jitasb

simon has gone. this is rachel

in reply, yes stops are compulsory, but you can edit them or move them whenever you want so they are very flexible.

IMR for Daily DAX is 30 and Daily DOW is 50

cap spreads signing off for now. if you do need more questions answered tonight, please email [email protected]
There is actually a very good reason for spread betting firms NOT to post onto bulletin boards like this: whatever answers are given here could be viewed as supplementary to their terms and conditions!!

Now Simon of CapitalSpreads will know this and hopefully not contradict any of his firms legal statements with the answers he gives here.

However there is another good reason: before ADVFN lost their way, I used to post a lot on their. Until that is one of the other firms objected and I had to stop. Most of these BB's are sponsored to the hilt by their advertisers and therefore using this mechanism to gain new clients will not last long.

As for CapitalSpreads, perhaps Mr Denham ought to read his inbox a bit more frequently.
