Best Thread Capital Spreads


Are CapitalSpreads going to give trader's a chance to make some money out of your GOOG spread quote, or are you quite happy to continue taking £110 for the priviledge of placing a bet with yourselve's ?


our Rolling Google spread is 0.1% which on a $200.00 dollar share works out at 20 pips around the market bid/offer. I am afraid that on a share like this which can happily move 2 or 3 dollars at a moments notice at the moment we will not narrow in from 0.1% spread.

you must remember that in Spread Betting we charge no commission or brokerage.

To put this in context a £1 bet in a $200.00 share is the equivalent of buying £20,000 worth of those shares for which we effectively charge you the massive amount of £20.

I am not sure where the number £110 comes from. Or are you talking about the out of hours price on our screen. Which is merely picking up pre market orders??

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I understand now, my apologies, It must of been the out of hours price that was on the screen, however, as you dont lay bets out of hours I assumed this was the actual trading spread....

I also assume you must mean 0.1% either side for a total spread of 0.2% ? I have never actually seen it 20 pips in total, it usually jumps from anywhere in between 25-40 pips total spread, which is essentially equivalent to charging £25-40 is it not ? But nevertheless £40 is better than £110 although a regular £25 would be much nicer Simon. 🙂


we quote 0.1% in total i.e 10 pips either side of the real bid offer spread in the market.

The fact that it moves occasionally to 40 pips wide reflects the extreem volatility of this particular share as i write it is trading between 22 and 26 pips wide.


we do quote the daily Nasdaq 100 Future which is pretty much what you are asking for. In the Indices/Indices/American Indices file
unfortunately the Comp market is not one that we are looking to open. ..sorry

good luck everyone

Hi Simon,

thanks for the quick reply.

Similar, but not the same. I want to be able to leave the trade to expire and get the closing cash price, like for the DOW for example.

The daily future of course does this but there can be large fluctuations between the closing cash price and the closing futures price.

If I leave a rolling bet overnight, can I call up say 1/2 hour after the close and close it at the closing cash price, or do I HAVE to let it open it in the moring?



unfortunately you cannot ring after hours and receive the closing price .. you will have to wait untill the next day and trade out of the position on our price. BUT the rolling nasdaq trades up to 21.15 so you can get out of the bet any time after 21.00 (when the cash market closes) but before 21.15 when the futures close


If I am in a position and then take out a further position in the same why do you add the 2 bets together and roll them into an average price. I want to be able to look at the 2 bets separately ie as 2 separate lots - I also like to keep track of the prices I have entered at on the 2 separate occasions(or any multiple of) so why do you have to 'meddle' and roll them together as an average ?
jaykay3 said:

If I am in a position and then take out a further position in the same why do you add the 2 bets together and roll them into an average price. I want to be able to look at the 2 bets separately ie as 2 separate lots - I also like to keep track of the prices I have entered at on the 2 separate occasions(or any multiple of) so why do you have to 'meddle' and roll them together as an average ?

I asked the same question a while back...
If you look to the right of your position line, hit the i-button and you will get the break down of the positions.

Initially, I didn't like it, but you do get used to it, and now I don't mind.

All the best...
Question for Simon

Hi Simon, you know how people are with partial information and impressions and a mixture of guesswork, hopes and inaccurately recalled detail? There's quite a bit of confusion at the moment among some of your clients about your plans for overnight forex trading.

In the last day, I've spoken to one customer of yours alleging (wrongly, I hope!) that your dealers are telling people on the phone that overnight forex trading does not currently feature in your plans at all; and to another who claims (and this one I believe) to have an email from you saying that there'll be overnight trading of forex on your system up to £20 per point, and that you _hope_ it will be online as soon as May - only a few weeks away.

I appreciate that plans sometimes have to be delayed, that things are always more complicated than one would like, and that nobody likes being pressed to make predictions about anything that could possibly turn out to be beyond their control! So I'll merely ask the question in this form: is it currently your _intention_ to have this facility available in May?

Just in case you're unaware (though I suspect not) many people are very interested in the answer to this!
The 2 things I would like to see are,

1) 24 hour forex trading

2) A downloadable trading interface as opposed to the website dealing interface.

Maybe some of the regular poster's could say if they also would like to have these facilities available.


MacroDog said:
The 2 things I would like to see are,

1) 24 hour forex trading

2) A downloadable trading interface as opposed to the website dealing interface.

Maybe some of the regular poster's could say if they also would like to have these facilities available.



Concerning 1) Yes, definately.
Concerning 2) No, definately not! One of the great advantages of CS over many forex brokers and the likes of D4F is the web based platform. It is really important to many people (including me!) that the platform is usable on any computer anywhere!

I was thinking more along the lines of a web based interface for the mobile traders and a downloadable application for the statics, so everyone will be happy. I know a downloadable app would certainly be more secure, less prone to DNS attacks, also ping time would be reduced...

MacroDog said:

I was thinking more along the lines of a web based interface for the mobile traders and a downloadable application for the statics, so everyone will be happy. I know a downloadable app would certainly be more secure, less prone to DNS attacks, also ping time would be reduced...


Yeah, I guess both would be fine - just so long as I can sit in a hotel foyer in some far flung place, sipping a pint and monitoring my trades (whilst I should be working doing something else) then I'll be quite happy!
BroadSword said:
Concerning 1) Yes, definately.
Concerning 2) No, definately not! One of the great advantages of CS over many forex brokers and the likes of D4F is the web based platform. It is really important to many people (including me!) that the platform is usable on any computer anywhere!
FYI, D4F has an online web version as well as a downloadable one, not that that is a recomendation or otherwise just a statement of fact to clarify.
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I give full support to the above posts,and would welcome 24 hrs forex trading.
I wonder when Simon will launch spread fx?
Am very exited and looking forward to launch.
for those want to read more about spread fx,check out
(parent company of cs)

for spreadfx i have a number of suggestions which i would like to make,and am sure others will want to before launch and of which you might like to consider.
1.24 hrs trading(it does not mention on the website)
2. forex calendar,currently i use fx news,but would be nice to have it under 1 website.
3. forex bet converter.(useful for anybody new or interested in fx spreadbetting)I believe D4F have one on their website. dealing.not on specialised or selected handsets like igindex,but more like tradndex,dealing available on any wap enabled handset.
the above are a few suggestions-hope others will add more.
Have a nice day!
Happy trading to all!
Can you please clarify which contract months are available on the live platform?
I mainly deal with FTSE 100 stocks and indices.

Spreadex offer shares spreads for 3 quarters (currently March, June and September) on shares and the usual March and June on indices. Do CS have 3 quarters too?


Hi folks,

I've just moved to capitalspreads from cityindex - I much prefer the user interface (e.g. no messy popup windows) and the site is easier to navigate and check.

Once thing I've noticed is that all my bets suddenly go impressively positive at close of play - by what seems to be more than the offer. They settle down after about 5 mins and all the red comes back again lol !

Anyone know what's happening ?

Just wanted to say i've recently moved to CS from cantors and i'm really impressed. I wanted to ask and apologise if this has already been covered does CS have any plans to introduce th 10y t-note contract?

Best Regards
