Best Thread Capital Spreads

Brendansvest: If you're just directing business through other SB platforms, surely you'll have no control over whether trades are delayed or referred to dealers once they flag a client as being insufficiently profitable (from their pov)?
Its never been decent discussion, this has been 700 pages of a handful of losers crying about capital spreads!!!!


p.s the previous comment was a JOKE!
Are you among them?:)
It's down to the relationship you have with the provider. If you place enough business and the client signals a problem with delays, execessive re-quotes or dealer referrals you can make a difference by dealing with that situation for the customer.
No - and I have no smypthey for them!

Its the age old blame the broker tactic!

If your losing money spread betting, you will lose it in the direct market and vice versa!

by 'real world' i mean buying or selling the 'real asset' rather than making a bet on it. . 'Real World' trading is using DMA or your broker

professionals (and by this i mean retail clients who are termed professional by deed of thier experience and trading styles, I do not mean Banks or Brokers) trading in the markets must pay a wide array of costs that are just not attached when considering spread bets. I am not talking about in/out merchants trading FX.

One of the very real advantages in spread betting is not the tax free status afforded to capital gains it is the fact that there is no "Stamp Duty, or commision" attached to your trades. Stamp duty is 0.5pc and commissions generally start at around £15 and go on up from there (on both sides of your trade). On CS the entire spread around the underlying market price in FTSE 100 stock is just 0.1pc (ie.0.05 pc above and below the bid/offer on the LSE)

On a trade in £50 (5000 shares) for a boring stock like Barclays at £3.50 would cost a buyer (if he paid only £15 comms) £102.50 in various fees/taxes. With CS he would pay just £8.75. To put this into perspective Barclays is traded on about a 0.5p bid/offer spread on the Exchange. Your various costs would add over 2p to the price. This far outweighs the benefit of being able to place your order within the spread on a DMA platform.

On the other point about the prices available on the FTSE future i would recommend that you actually spend some time and study how often the bid/offer is actually less than 1 pip (and, by the way, is actually tradeable in normal human reaction speeds).

My definition of a scalper is not someone who attempts to make small profits in a small period of time. It is someone who only ever trades when he can see that our price (on CS' platform) is marginally slower than on his DMA screen and continually takes advantage of it. I am really sorry if clients cannot get their heads around this. Every time a client trades with us he is making a bet (and so are we) the chances of either of us winning are about 50/50 (minus the spread which is, admittedly, in our favour). If a client only ever trades when he is guaranteed a profit (i.e. in terms of horse racing, managed to place a bet after the race has already been run) at our expense why should we accept his trades? If we acted like this and only ever allowed clients to make trades when the market has already moved in our favour the regulators would be breathing down our necks and the FOS would be fining us every other week.

The one undisputed advantage of DMA access is that you can (very occasionally) get filled on the bid or offer side without the market actually going through your price. But in reality this is not much of an advantage as, if you sit on bids/offers hoping to be filled.. in general (a) you will only get your fill if the market goes against you (!) and (b) if you are right and the market does go your way it will nearly always do so without having first filled you on your order!


If all this is true, why does LCG bother with Prospreads?
No - and I have no smypthey for them!

Its the age old blame the broker tactic!

If your losing money spread betting, you will lose it in the direct market and vice versa!
Yes, I absolutely agree with you on this issue.
Gooseman before you go branding people "Idiots" lets just get your background and trading experience.

I`ve been around the block a few times and know what goes on if you`re not still wet behind the ears ...let me know your trading experience

I have around 30+ traders who`ll back mine up

Over to you
Gooseman before you go branding people "Idiots" lets just get your background and trading experience.

I`ve been around the block a few times and know what goes on if you`re not still wet behind the ears ...let me know your trading experience

I have around 30+ traders who`ll back mine up

Over to you

Enough mate. 10 years trading. and not SBing.

if you think you go around the market lifting wrong prices you'll soon find nobody trading with you and similarly dishing out wrong prices you won't last long.

i agree with opportunities but it's not that simple is it. you ask your 30+ traders how many rely on relationships. you'll find the asnwer will be most.

your statement was generic and bollox
Gooseman before you go branding people "Idiots" lets just get your background and trading experience.

I`ve been around the block a few times and know what goes on if you`re not still wet behind the ears ...let me know your trading experience

I have around 30+ traders who`ll back mine up

Over to you
Respectable long trading period I must say.
Compared to the language used 2 years back , this is like heaven.:)
You have to learn to spout " bollox " in the financial arena

Just ask any CEO of an investment bank

Most traders who talk their own book spout bollox on a regular basis .......this game is all spin and counterspin and sometimes sweet FA to do with real world economics ask any momentum trader when they`re pushing Gold to new highs

or Goldmans trading desk with crude at $172 a barrel (release a buy note to $200)

In fact you don`t even have to go that far there`s a resident one (MD) on here who spouts enough of it .

I`m sick of listening to these individuals take the moral high ground when their own trading desks are steeping to new lows in search of bottom line profits
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It's down to the relationship you have with the provider. If you place enough business and the client signals a problem with delays, execessive re-quotes or dealer referrals you can make a difference by dealing with that situation for the customer.

WOrks both ways though doesn't it. Your income is from the business you introduce - if CMC tells you they don't want scalpers you have to choose between one client and losing the relationship with the company. You don't actually have the whip hand in all this.
You obviously are talking from a position of ignorance. Who is the client in the relationship? I have been working with CMC for years and have NEVER had a client refused.
You obviously are talking from a position of ignorance. Who is the client in the relationship? I have been working with CMC for years and have NEVER had a client refused.

And during that time how many pure scalpers have you introduced? How many times have you had to demand that they continue taking business from one or your clients or you'll walk.
You obviously are talking from a position of ignorance. Who is the client in the relationship? I have been working with CMC for years and have NEVER had a client refused.
Yes I think you got a point here. Still, CMC or whoever, will tweak those back office administrated parameters, if they feel a client is trading against their policy. So I guess you can tell them to "untweak" some of the parameters working against the client. This seen from a IT perspective, ha ha.

I have often wonder? Who owns the rights to a white label client base? In your case CMC or the white label company in question (who is probably doing all the marketing)? You seem to be the right person to answer this question. Also, in a dispute with a white label operation, who is actually responsible for the position and execution? I know in CS case, LCG Ltd is responsible for the security of the client funds for a white label operation.

'If you place enough business and the client signals a problem with delays, execessive re-quotes or dealer referrals you can make a difference by dealing with that situation for the customer.' You reveal quite a lot with this statement of yours.:)
I have a lot of symapthy with Capital spreads on this one. In the end it doesn't matter what people think is fair, its simply the case that if SB firms allowed people to bet with an advantage over the SB firms pricing method then the SB firm will eventually go bust.

SB firms use some method to reflect market prices. We can make money in principle by beating the market but there's simply no way we're going to be allowed to make money by beating the method by which SB firms reflect the market.

[BTW I'd use Capital spreads a lot more if they didn't have compulsory stops. They're a huge pain]
I have a lot of symapthy with Capital spreads on this one. In the end it doesn't matter what people think is fair, its simply the case that if SB firms allowed people to bet with an advantage over the SB firms pricing method then the SB firm will eventually go bust.

SB firms use some method to reflect market prices. We can make money in principle by beating the market but there's simply no way we're going to be allowed to make money by beating the method by which SB firms reflect the market.

[BTW I'd use Capital spreads a lot more if they didn't have compulsory stops. They're a huge pain]

Who are you with? Fins uses margin requirement as a compulsory stop. They do change the margin requirements, depending on where you put you own stop and that can beconfusing.

However, I suppose that lots of clients will go into debt if they were allowed to, so can't fault it.
Who are you with? Fins uses margin requirement as a compulsory stop. They do change the margin requirements, depending on where you put you own stop and that can beconfusing.

However, I suppose that lots of clients will go into debt if they were allowed to, so can't fault it.
IG and GFT. Stops are there if you want them but they aren't required.