I am kind of surprised to read all these negative posts lately. I will therefore say it again, I have experienced a noticeable improvement in the execution speed from CS in recent weeks. I trade the indices and not FX. One could ask, why do some traders have these negative experiences while trading with CS, when I, on the other side, see a completely different picture? Could it be that these are mostly FX and news traders? During news releases at DMA the spread widens considerably, no doubt about that. Take for instant the biggest retail FX broker Oanda, who widen their spread just before a news release, in order to cover up for the real market spread. This is the problem with SB and fixed spread, the SB cannot guarantee a fixed price all the way out, especially when there is a major difference from that of the real market price. I do not defend CS, they clearly have some issues to deal with, but to say they are all bad is far from the truth. As for Simon, his appearances at this board have become more and more seldom, I for one do appreciate it when he does stop by. There are very few representatives of the SB industry attending this forum. I am quite sure they will stop posting, if they are also targeted privately and the discussion is based on groundless facts.