Best Thread Capital Spreads

CMC have always had better FX spreads than CS as far as I can remember (although I know CS tightened their spreads substantially recently)*. Use the right tool for the job. 0.4 point ES - CS. 1 point FTSE - CS. Tight FX, and 24h prices on all FX pairs - CMC. CS doesn't quote certain FX pairs between 9pm and 7am, which can be a bit of a pest.

As far as the spread widening - I would assume that there is less volume on this instrument during the night, and as clients are not trading as much CS are more likely to need to hedge as they don't have a large number of clients with diverse views offsetting each other, so they need to protect themselves with a wider spread. CMC have more clients than CS (I think) or can bear more risk (I think) and therefore don't need to widen their quotes. I also think CMC is active in the FX market, and can most likely hedge cheaper than CS.

Just my best guess until Simon replies. Also, does anyone else notice that CS quote the wheat per full point rather than per 1/4 like the other SB firms and the underlying?

* - this isn't too much of an issue any more, but I remember when GBPJPY was 10 with CS and 8 with CMC, and the same for some other crosses.

Well last week AUD/USD was 2 pips in the night session, but this week its 3 pips..USD/JPY is 2 pips and CS don't change this after 9.15 they leave it 2 pips, but I cannot see why they want to change AUD/USD to 3 from 2 in the night after all FX market are trading 24 hours.I know there'll be an excuse for doing this, and from experience with spreadbet firms I tend to know what the answer will be. However, times are changing and its getting harder to pull the wool over traders eyes. Traders are smarter what these firms are up to.
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Thanks LurkerLurket but I'd not had any problems with being classed as over trading, however none of that matters now as I've just had to close my account. After another fortnight with a catalogue of errors I am switching off to another provider. I've stuck with these guys for the past 6 months since I went full time in the hope that there problems would be worked out but alas this morning was the final straw. I wish the rest of you better luck with them.
I too am having so many problems with the Capital Spreads platform lately. I too have had enough and, after 3 years, am closing it down in favour of

The problems I'm getting are the same as those reported recently by other members but also it keeps saying "lost connection to front-end processor - retrying".

I don't mind this so much for my multi-day/month swing trading strategy, but my FTSE100 intra-day swing strategy is very difficult (and scary) to run when I can't see what's going on and it may take 30 seconds to put on my stop loss, which is appalling considering some of my trades only last a minute or two.
It's a shame as I really like these's just the platform sometimes does my head in. I too am looking at but am not quite ready to trade at £10 a point so I'll have to wait a little while.
Offtopic - sorry

It's a shame as I really like these's just the platform sometimes does my head in. I too am looking at but am not quite ready to trade at £10 a point so I'll have to wait a little while.

CMC and IG are pretty good depending on what you want to trade. I'm moving to FB soon - they look pretty good (although they took about 3 weeks to get back to me when I emailed for an application pack).

This is a little offtopic for the CS thread, but I suppose it is relevant as somebody has left CS and needs another bucket shop.
AUD/USD back to 2 point spread over night.

What kind of problems are you guys having? I tell you this for nothing, if you looking to change do NOT move to WORLDSREADS they are kings of playing tricks.
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AUD/USD back to 2 point spread over night.

What kind of problems are you guys having? I tell you this for nothing, if you looking to change do NOT move to WORLDSREADS they are kings of playing tricks.

problems with the 'price error' message

yes this bug turned up out of the blue a couple of weeks ago and like all problems cannot, unfortunately be solved with a magic wand.

I understand it has now been solved.

creating stop levels.. I have to admit that I do not often use the platform these days but it takes me about 7 seconds to change a stop loss ticket and anyway the live price on the ticket is continually updating on the ticket itself so if there is any sudden moves you can quickly just close the order ticket down and trade your position. 30 seconds seems an excessive period to be taking to amend a stop.

widening the aus/usd over night was just an error as it had not been altered in line with the other '24 hr' markets. If you see this kind of thing it is rather easier just to call the dealing desk and ask rather than make some outlandish conspiracy theory statements on this thread.

"...and anyway the live price on the ticket is continually updating on the ticket itself so if there is any sudden moves you can quickly just close the order ticket down."

Unfortunately, another problem I've had is that I sometimes get a message saying that the price has expired and the order ticket closes down! (that's trading the FTSE100 cash)
Closed down again!

CS choses to close down trading this evening on the US indices the second the short term trend started to go downwards in a major way. Simon can Capitalspreads be trusted, that is my question!
CS choses to close down trading this evening on the US indices the second the short term trend started to go downwards in a major way. Simon can Capitalspreads be trusted, that is my question!

I noticed that - CMC went down at exactly the same time, while I was in a Footy trade. Was this a coincidence ? Is there somebody up there who though I was having too good a day ? 🙄
I noticed that - CMC went down at exactly the same time, while I was in a Footy trade. Was this a coincidence ? Is there somebody up there who though I was having too good a day ? 🙄

Did you stop to think that there might have been feed problems with their clearing broker, or the exchange feed? This would explain CS and CMC going down at the same time.
Did you stop to think that there might have been feed problems with their clearing broker, or the exchange feed? This would explain CS and CMC going down at the same time.
Yes I had the same thought, although there was no problem with the live exchange feed. It could be as you say, they both use the same liquidity provider, who decided not to provide the prices the very instant the market turned downwards, heavily. It would be interesting to know if any of the DMA's (like IB) had the same problem, which I doubt very much.

On such an occasion, it is a major security risk trading with CS, as you might not have enough time to change the default stop loss level (200 points on the Dow), if one just went into a long position.
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What do you expect, its a bucket shop!...Even if they feed was ok, everyone would be on referred to dealer? Do you honstly think you would have got filled if you wanted to go short. You would've had re/quotes all the way down till prices settled.. They're in business to make money! not you remember
What do you expect, its a bucket shop!...Even if they feed was ok, everyone would be on referred to dealer? Do you honstly think you would have got filled if you wanted to go short. You would've had re/quotes all the way down till prices settled.. They're in business to make money! not you remember
No re-quotes is not a big issue with CS. SB's still have a important role to play in a variable trading arsenal. With CS, the problems are less compared to others, but it must be pointed out when they occur and pointed up strongly. Yes sure, one can always trade with DMA brokers and it would to be preferred, if deposit, stakes, commission and tax consideration were not an issue. DMA brokers are also in it for the money but from another angle. But I agree, SB's need to get a grip on themselves in order to capture and hold on to the traders in the long run.
creating stop levels.. I have to admit that I do not often use the platform these days but it takes me about 7 seconds to change a stop loss ticket and anyway the live price on the ticket is continually updating on the ticket itself so if there is any sudden moves you can quickly just close the order ticket down and trade your position. 30 seconds seems an excessive period to be taking to amend a stop.

Simon, I am surprised that you make such an, excuse me, "foolish" remark on a user predefined stop loss level. If you make many trades you are bound to miss some, no matter how experienced a trader you are, and that could be very costly indeed. Why does CS for instance, have a huge and absurd default stop loss level of 200 points on the Dow? Be honest about it, you are not going to change this because, at the moment, you are profiting excessively from not providing a good service on this.
What you could do, if you are not willing to provide user predefined stop loss, is at least to narrow the default stop loss level, to e.g. 50 points on the Dow. Those who want to change the stop loss, could do so to another level. I will guarantee you, it will create a lot less work and a much less stressful environment for us traders who are using the Capitalspreads platform. CS will be rewarded with more satisfied clients, who will continue trading with the company.
Careful, you might be "overtrading your account". Are you on dealer intervention yet?

Pleased to hear it. Although it is concerning that you are saying they are on the defensive...

No doubt they'll be back to their "sunny selves" in due course, but I suppose reporting issues here helps too!

I am certainly on dealer intervention after doubling my account in 2 days in 33 trades. Of course the have used the usual trick of spiking prices to knock out a number of my positions as well. Shame really, as I like their spreads and their general customer service. Back to "real" trading for me.
I am certainly on dealer intervention after doubling my account in 2 days in 33 trades. Of course the have used the usual trick of spiking prices to knock out a number of my positions as well. Shame really, as I like their spreads and their general customer service. Back to "real" trading for me.

Have you asked them why you are on reffered to dealer."We know why" but see what they have to say.

What everyone should do is. STOP trading with all spreadbet frims for one day to make a point.
Have you asked them why you are on reffered to dealer."We know why" but see what they have to say.

What everyone should do is. STOP trading with all spreadbet frims for one day to make a point.

I havent bothered to be honest, I just took out 95% of my account and will go back to using them for testing strategies at a quid a point. I will have a look at futures