Best Thread Capital Spreads

Simon. What would be the reason a client is on constant dealer execution when trading between £1 - £10 per point?
Simon. What would be the reason a client is on constant dealer execution when trading between £1 - £10 per point?

Well said Ian. I was wondering that myself.

"If a client goes to dealer acceptance then that is a desision taken by Capital Spreads alone."

Yes, I accept that Simon. Naturally it is up to your firm what you do with the markets you make. However, I would be interested to know why your staff did not make this clear. Wouldn't you consider it polite to advise a client that they are on dealer acceptance and the reason why? Wouldn't you consider it advisable to do so when a client telephones to ask why trades which were previously confirmed in 2 seconds are now taking in excess of 20, and even small trades on indices are going to a dealer? I am aware that sometimes you will put all clients on dealer acceptance for a short period of time, however in my case it was my account that was put on dealer acceptance for several days. This combined with my experience with orders being filled only if the market has moved against me made it very difficult to trade. Attempting to trade over the telephone was regrettably unsatisfactory also, however I do appreciate that your desk would have been busy that day. I must say that I have found your staff to be extremely professional and helpful under most circumstances, and therefore I was very disappointed with the abrupt change in the quality of service I had received.

I appreciate your apology, and I do have patience and understanding given the volatility in the markets. On a related point, I note that you are still having problems with your overnight FX feeds. Are you any closer to resolving this issue? I note that you mispriced the NZD/USD by around 800 points the other night. I had decided not to make overnight FX trades with your firm due to this issue some time ago, so thankfully I was not affected - I did spot the anomaly on the charts and rang your desk in the morning to confirm that they were aware of the issue.

I have since closed my account with you, as your firm seemed to be having several issues over a short period of time, and it was impossible to make profit in the markets when most winning trades from the dealer intervention were declined. Furthermore, I had some concerns that your firm still had problems with the FX feed, other problems with your payment processing provider, and having to make repeated requests for withdrawals. This is unfortunate - perhaps if your staff had been their usual sunny selves, and I did not feel that the reticence to admit that my account was selected for manual fills was inappropriate...however the markets are challenging enough without worrying about your broker!

I think it is to be commended that you choose to respond to (prospective) clients in public in this manner. I would appreciate some clarification on the above points.

thank you for your comments.

we identified the nzd/usd error within about 15 mins ... as with all pricing errors (as per our terms and conditions) no client is ever disadvantaged by a pricing error. The same rules apply to a client as apply to ourselves over errors on prices.

the overnight FX markets seem to be doing quite nicely at the moment but price feeds are always at the mercy of liquidity and rogue price issues.

for all of the volatility/trade volume/issues etc etc over the past few weeks at least capital spreads has been up and running for over 99% of the trading sessions. Unlike (i might point out) many major FX quoting banks who simply shut up shop and refused to quote.


as per my previous comments this would be a dealer choice and without a bit more info I cannot make much further progress. If you mail me on my private box then i can look into it.


due to the huge amounts of data currently coming from the exchanges (virtually every price on every instrument is changing every second) we are looking to decrease (temporarily) the loading on other parts of our platform. We have identified that the loading is being compromised by clients logging on on monday and leaving their platforms open until friday evening!

we put in place a logoff system that was supposed to cut a client off back to the home page if he/she made absolutely no action on the platform for 1 hour (open a trade ticket/change page/look at account/orders etc). Unfortunately the developers put in 20 minutes! This has now been rolled back but will be reinstated (with a 1 hour cut off) as a fall back in times of high loading stress as we are finding that these 'voyeurs' are impacting the trading times of our clients who actually do want to trade.

Upgrades planned in the very near future will make this move redundant but in the current environment we considered this a prudent action for the benefit of our active clients.

"We have identified that the loading is being compromised by clients logging on on monday and leaving their platforms open until friday evening!

Ah - that would be people like me then! Ooops... sorry... I took it as a given that thats what clients did. One point... when it logs the client out it defaults, as you point out, to the home page which is outside the client area. The home page does however feature a whole list of 'live prices' which all appear to update in pretty much real time. The list is around the same size as the list in say the 'popular markets' section of the client area. Does this not therefore place a similar load on your systems? I'm not 'techie' but would the load not be reduced further if you simply had a page which simply stated "You have been logged out, click here to log back in" (Where 'clicking here' would return you to the homepage and allow logging in)?

I notice in IG's annual accounts that they spend an absolute fortune on new IT equipment and support. Does the current market volatility not show a standard to which spreadbetting computer systems must meet? Afterall volatility is really nothing new, it is something which, historically, just occurs from time to time. Surely, as spreadbetting / cfd's evolve and further develop, the loads and data transmissions across the internet are going to carry on increasing especially as things like charting and the such become more complicated.


absolutely correct ,there is a small loading on the home page but minimal.

I cannot comment on IG but we are also spending vast sums on IT improvements. We have a whole series of system upgrades coming through in the next 6 months with quite a major one early next month. Unfortunately CS does not quite have the resources of an IG but we like to think that given our generally much tighter spreads/much smaller margin requirements etc we give better value overall. No doubt some would debate this on various grounds but for the moment we seem to be hitting the right buttons for our clients

cant login


I'm on the demo account, opened a trade this morning and then around 9.30, the website stopped responding and I haven't been able to log back in since (website just times out). Is this a problem only for the demo account users, and is it a regular occurrence for people?



I'm on the demo account, opened a trade this morning and then around 9.30, the website stopped responding and I haven't been able to log back in since (website just times out). Is this a problem only for the demo account users, and is it a regular occurrence for people?



I have a full account and it seems ok here at the moment.

However I have noticed that the link to the Charts has fallen over this afternoon. Looks like it's at CS as checking on CMC (looks like same chart provider) the charts were fine.
I have a full account and it seems ok here at the moment.

However I have noticed that the link to the Charts has fallen over this afternoon. Looks like it's at CS as checking on CMC (looks like same chart provider) the charts were fine.

Finspreads went down at the same time as CS this afternoon.

Are you sure it was the entire platform, or just the CBOT products? The CBOT was down for a few hours this afternoon. I have no idea whether CS kept quoting (either by web or phone), or closed the market as I no longer have an account with them.
Are you sure it was the entire platform, or just the CBOT products? The CBOT was down for a few hours this afternoon. I have no idea whether CS kept quoting (either by web or phone), or closed the market as I no longer have an account with them.

CS were still quoting on the website. I got one disconnect but then it seemed fine, it was just the charts
CS were still quoting on the website. I got one disconnect but then it seemed fine, it was just the charts

Well, that is good to know. I really take my hat off to these guys when they keep a market open under these conditions. It is truly regrettable that my experience with them was rather mixed - they do seem to be a good and capable firm. However...

(of course, since I would imaging they hedge in the ES and as far as I know there were no issues with the CME, making a price for the YM wouldn't have been impossible. And I know that IG, CMC, and TradIndex also kept quoting during the outage.)
The odd thing was that the charts were down. I checked CMC and IG and the charts were fine there and as they all seem to feed from it-finance CS obviously hit some sort of problem.