Best Thread Capital Spreads

Bla bla bla...Bla bla bla...Guys you are trading in a Bucket shop remember Capital spreads must be making a killing in this market environment......I had the same with Fins and WS... Basically they shut me down because I was taking too much money off them......Its like trading in good old 1920s where jesse once traded in what was called backet shops... look at the trouble he had getting bets on.. he had to move on.

Why, that's amazing laptopp....why don't you lend these priceless skills of yours to enhancing the charity spreadbetting thread ?😆

As it is only a thread, you cannot prevent the spreadbetting companies not accepting your bets as they would fear you would bankrupt them, or you could team up with someone there and keep feeding them entry and exit points.😱

It seems to me it is all in a good cause, commendable really...😉

It would give you the opportunity to do something worthwhile.🙄
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i have yet to actually come across a person who really was closed down for winning ...there is usually a completely different the case of some of our competitors I know they do not like scalpers.

we have never closed a client down for winning money off us never, ever, ever...the only people who get closed are those who act fraudulently or who are offensive or aggressive to my staff or who request that their accounts be closed for them.

It is odd how simple statements of fact get twisted out of all proportion. Please Laptop tell me exactly what (without your Dallas second gun conspiracy theories) I said that was incorrect. I notice that you dont include us in your tirade of winners being closed... if trading is so easy please open a direct access FX account and show us all how it is done with trade logs etc put up on a thread. No problems with bookies etc just clean... you against the rest.


the brent price comes from the average of the bid offer of the future (bid + offer)/2 .. and then the spread is put around it. so whilst the low print on bloomberg may not indicate that the trigger on your stop should have been activated, if the bid offer went to say 75.18-75.19 (with a low print of 75.18 or even 75.19) our spread price would then trigger a stop at 75.16 as our quote would be 75.16-75.21. I will get the dealers to check the quote data tommorrow. As mentioned many times in this thread and on our platform the charts are for information purposes and whilst they show virtually every price ticker they do not show them all.


sorry not to reply to your previous message it was just that i knew we were loading up our new fx pricing model in the next day or so and that we would be quoting our usual spreads all night... you may have noticed.

thanks for letting me know simon, the overnight thing was putting me off joining you guys. can you get somebody to update your products specification pdf with your new prices please?

whilst we are happy to put our new tighter overnight prices up, the system is still in test if something goes wrong (as with all good IT) we will have to fall back on the old pricing engine.

until we are happy about the robustness of the new pricing model we will have to keep the 'official' 24 hrs spreads in place

We have been running the model for the last three days with no apparent glitches but you know IT.. the moment you are confident, it turns around and bites your bum.

question Simon - why is it that lately i have experiences so many 'closed' and 'temporarily closed' pairs on forex?

This never used to happen but now it's getting that i cant place a trade when i want to or indeed close out one when i want to.

all the pairs i refer to are classed as 24 hr pairs on your system.

for example eurcad tonight - fomc was over 15 min ago and even if it wasnt, whats with closing the pairs?
just take a look at this - on your so called 'majors' 20 minutes after fomc

tis a bit of a joke.


  • ScreenHunter_2.gif
    26 KB · Views: 203
Profitable trading is about getting it right, not picking off the odd mis-priced pip here and there.


I disagree with this

Trading isnt about getting it right - its about maximising the winners and dumping the losers - getting it right doesnt even come close to what it's about.

tho i do agree, it's not about picking off mis-priced pips
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fx winner

i agree that your definition is rather fuller than mine. A good trader only has to get it right around 35% of the time but he will maximise his profits from those trades and minimise his losses from the losing 65%. I was more trying to indicate why scalping bad prices does not make someone a good trader!

i am not sure what is going on on the FX markets as i am on my holiday at the moment .. i will get my dealers to tel me what went on yesterday.

the temporarily closed message is for markets between 21.00 and 07.00 overnight and is designed to close markets if there has not been a price change of any kind in the past 3 to 5 minutes. It is a system protection to stop our prices continuing to be displayed if a price feed has gone down in the small hours (thus displaying a wrong price for hours on end)

Happy bunny!

Well, I was fed up of my SB account webpage failing to open and be very indifferent once it had opened, then crash so after reading lots on this site and seeing Simon answer questions, I've swapped to CS.

It's a nice clear, clean and most importantly, working webpage and I've even managed to open a bet! No stress.

Thank you!

thx for the comment hope things continue to go well.

fx winner

we had an upgrade to our FX pricing model which was supposed to address the issue of when the underlying market spread went substantially wider than our quoted spread (i.e over data releases etc.) unfortunately it seems to have b******d up (a technical term from my developers) and is closing the markets continuously. The offending upgrade has now been reversed

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as far as we are concerned we do not mind how many times a day or how much money a client makes so long as the trades are made on a fair and reasonable price. Scalping is when a client specifically hunts out a slow or latent price on a continuous basis.

I'm not quite sure I've grasped what 'scalping' is yet, so here's a more concrete scenario - is this scalping or not?

A week or two ago I was looking at a binary bet on both Capital Spreads and IG Index. (I think it was the daily FTSE). I noticed that the IG Index bet would always move before the Capital Spreads one. Sometimes a 10 point drop had completed on IG Index before it even started on Capital Spreads.

So, if I were to take advantage of this, would I be 'scalping'? (Let's just assume I was fast enough to take advantage of it etc.)

I didn't, BTW. I'm new at this... Also, I've no idea if this was a one-off or if it commonly happens - I got a bit turned off by Capital Spreads when they started spamming me.

As a follow up question - if this is scalping, what if I were to take advantage of it by using one bet on Capital Spreads and a complementary one on IG Index? Is that still 'scalping', or do we call that 'arbitrage'?



no.. you are describing 'arbing' not scalping

it is not as simple as it sounds in binaries as most of the bets go to dealer at capital spreads. So if we think that a punter is merely arbing us with another quoter we may just reject the trade.

in fx most deals just go straight through the computer and never see the grubby hands of a dealer.

another question on your platform today Simon.

Throughout the drops on the JPY pairs today two pairs were significantly lagging the market by as much as 20 pips.

Now normally i would be in and out of that like a rabbit 🙂 but i was already in anyway. because of this lag if i had closed out i wouldnt actually have the proper market value.

It was only on chfjpy and i think the other one was usdjpy. Was it because you were in the brown stuff at the time and you were trying to mitigate your own losses by artificially holding back the price drop?

this happened for a good hour then your platform went phone only when all hell broke loose again - when the platform came back the prices were back to normal but were certainly very slow in taking trades - it took me over 5 minutes to close 8 trades - all of which were in profit.

Great day for me today - 406 pips in one day amost broke my old record from 2004 of 486 🙂

at one point i was over 800 pips up 🙂 - ever the optimist tho i just rode the bronco.

Roll on the re-entries 🙂
fx winner

as mentioned many times we never bias our prices unlike some i could mention. did u actually have a ticket open at the time or were u looking at the flash prices on the trade platform? as mentioned i am actually not in the office at the moment but i have not heard of any particular problems on the site today.

if anyone can get a good deal off us then they are welcome to give it a go. In general it always seems to come a cropper though in the end

well done on todays ativity.... i did a trade through boredom and bought cable at 1.2374, the market never saw the price again all day!!

if you got cable at 1.2374 i'll give you my house 🙂

i had a ticket open simon. It would be pointless going in and out because when your prices are skewed they stay that way for ages.

they were clearly in trouble as they went phone only - always happens when the market begins to move quickly.

really wish i hadnt closed my trades now though, this morning i would have been up 1500+ pips 🙁

im a brilliant hindsight trader by the way 🙂

Could anyone who had stops out ON gbpusd over the CPI figures today please tell me where they got filled on the downside? Not grumbling about anything just curious to see what the range was between all the providers.

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