Best Thread Capital Spreads

I must admit, I had never thought about buying LCG shares before - it seemed a bit too much like traditional investing for my tastes!

Having said that, the results are solid, and it does make sense to own a little slice of the company if you're going to be using them in a serious way...


i just want ask if CS or yours forex division offer SKK/EUR and SKK/USD?
SKK - slovak koruna.
i am looking for it because of hedging.
what will be the spread?


we do quote all three on our spread betting and on our Forex platform.

At the moment our Forex platform is restricted to very large clients ($100,000K minimum deposit) we will be launching a retail FX platform in the Q2 07

on the CS platform the spreads are €/SEK 40 $/SEK 30 and $/CZK 60

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Many Thanks!

I just discovered Bloombery Radio internet feed and it seems pretty useful. Currently I'm using IG Index charts and trading off Capital Spreads. I mainly trade indices but trying to diversity into commodities and currencies when the market go sideways.

Could I ask whether you know where I might find volumne data feed for the indices or markets? Also would you know anything about level 2 data and whether it would help trading commoditites and currencies? Finally would you know what happens in the FTSE during 7-8am and 8-9am, is it something to do with market makers setting prices?

Yeah I know, alot of questions ;-)


sorry (stupid of me) .. i am afraid that we do not do the slovak krona (in fact before now i had never heard of it)


you can generally get in depth data from anyone of the data suppliers... bloomberg/reuters/telerate/tenfore/digital look etc etc. But it is not 'cheap'. There may be delayed data you can access for free, I would suggest that you look around the threads on T2W or advfn. I am sure that there will be extensive discussion over this very subject.

Level II data is often used by momentum traders in less liquid stocks but much activity is now hidden by traders (as they do not want others to know what they are doing until they do it). Currency level II would be pretty useless as there is generally huge volume both sides (except over economic figure releases)

The FTSE before 08.00 is quoted by the spread betting companies using what information they can get on pre market order levels / on the activity in the dow and S&P over night and on the Dax index. It is a purely SB created market with no absolute correletion anywhere else.

Between 08.00 and 09.00 the price quoted by the SB companies may deviate significantly from the FTSE 100 index because it takes quite sometime for all the stocks to come on line. Sometimes even quite large FTSE 100 stocks have not uncrossed before 08.20. We quote a spread based from the Futures market which can get a little hairy over the open.

Keeping it Balanced

A quick thanks to Capital Spreads - I was long this morning when I think your website went down. My Limit order was not honoured, but a quick call to your efficient customer services put that right - thanks for your great, no-fuss service!
Is there a system failure with deal ticket 'time-outs'?

This is not an attack on Capitalspreads because they have dealt with problems fairly and with speed. It's more of a tip/heads-up to all CS traders:

Background: I tried to place a trade on EUR/USD at around 3:00 today and the ticket just sat there for five minutes. I watched the price and it kept hitting the level I was trying to trade at, but the ticket must have simply got lost in the system. After some five minutes, the trade 'timed out' and a message came up saying: 'Deal not accepted, please attempt to trade again.'. During this time, I had expressed the same USD view on USD/JPY instead of EUR/USD, so I thought I'd leave it at that. I stopped trading about half an hour later and went to the gym, but when I came back I saw the original EUR/USD had gone through, a full one hour later! It was out of the money but I immediately phoned CS and they cancelled it for break-even, which is only fair.

This has happened twice before, but on these previous occassions the message said something along the lines of 'deal ticket expired, please check trade history to see if trade has been processed'. I checked the trade history both times and there was nothing there, but these trade mysteriously reappeared much, much later, both out of the money (I'm putting that down to chance). The amounts were tiny so I wasn't fussed, but this time around, when I saw the 'deal not accepted' message I hit 'Prt Screen' to make a screen grab, just in case something funny happened later on, which it did.

Tip: So that's the tip. If you get a 'deal not accepted' or 'ticket expired/timed out' message, hit screen print and dump the image in Word, or phone CS up and check you have no live trades, or pending orders.

Simon, surely this problem can be fixed? I know it doesn't sound like a massive problem, but sooner or later it's going to happen to a trader with a really big order, and they won't realise they have a trade on until (maybe) days later. Maybe you can get your programmers to automatically kill the trades as soon as the 'time out'/'deal not accepted' message appears?
abobtrader said:
tried to place a trade on EUR/USD at around 3:00 today and the ticket just sat there for five minutes. I watched the price and it kept hitting the level I was trying to trade at, but the ticket must have simply got lost in the system. After some five minutes, the trade 'timed out' and a message came up saying: 'Deal not accepted, please attempt to trade again.'. During this time, I had expressed the same USD view on USD/JPY instead of EUR/USD, so I thought I'd leave it at that. I stopped trading about half an hour later and went to the gym, but when I came back I saw the original EUR/USD had gone through, a full one hour later! It was out of the money but I immediately phoned CS and they cancelled it for break-even, which is only fair.

This happened to me on March 1st. I put a trade on the FTSE to keep going down, I also got a message saying something similar to "deal not accepted", then went to trade a bit later and found I had not enough margin because the previous trade had gone through after all. By this time it was 11 pips down. I rang Capitalspreads and was told that their system showed my trade going through after about 10 seconds - but I had watched the progress bar for ages - at least 1 minute, I guess - before it said the deal had not gone through. I was told that I should have checked my trades; I pointed out that the error message had not told me to do this. The member of staff I spoke to was not aware of any such error message. I also told her that they really need to sort this out as someone will not know they have a big losing trade open at some point.

I persisted in being assertive and was eventually refunded half of my loss. I was not entirely happy with this - I suppose I could bear some loss as the price had turned against me as soon as I attempted the trade, but had I known it had really gone through I would have been out of the trade much quicker.

yes we will. But at the moment nobody knows quite how all of the various parts will affect SB. It is likely that the KYC part will be more difficult and there are likely to be some interesting discussions about 'best execution'. There is still some dispute about whether everything is actually going to happen at all as we understand many of our continental partners are miles behind the UK on many matters on which Mifid will be concerned.

No doubt there will be items that we will not agree with and items that our clients will not agree with.

But in the end it would be strange if the net effect of Mifid was to restrict market access to just the 'elite' few who can prove market experience. Otherwise you fall into the classic catch 22 ... you can have an account if you can prove experience BUT you cannot get experience without an account. Oddly enough spread betting is probably quite uniquely placed to act as a training ground to would be Warren Buffets.

capitalspreads said:

yes we will. But at the moment nobody knows quite how all of the various parts will affect SB. It is likely that the KYC part will be more difficult and there are likely to be some interesting discussions about 'best execution'. There is still some dispute about whether everything is actually going to happen at all as we understand many of our continental partners are miles behind the UK on many matters on which Mifid will be concerned.

No doubt there will be items that we will not agree with and items that our clients will not agree with.

But in the end it would be strange if the net effect of Mifid was to restrict market access to just the 'elite' few who can prove market experience. Otherwise you fall into the classic catch 22 ... you can have an account if you can prove experience BUT you cannot get experience without an account. Oddly enough spread betting is probably quite uniquely placed to act as a training ground to would be Warren Buffets.


MiFiD is a pain - I'm involved with it in my own little corner of UK plc. 😈

Thought spreadbetting was antithetical to Buffett's investing style though - he's the ultimate 'buy-and-hold' man, whereas SB encourages more liquidity in your positions? Just a thought...

oddly enough our biggest winners are the buy and hold clients. Funding costs on quarterly markets are just 0.5% over/under Libor which when you add the tiny margin requirements (just 3% margin on FTSE 100 and 5% on FTSE 250) make buying/selling and holding via a SB firm rather an attractive proposition (if you get it right, of course).


Is it possible to include dividend payments for the indices on the website. I'm struggling to find out where these payments can be found for the DOW. (I've found the FTSE on the stock challenge website.)


i will have a word with our dealing team about dow divs but a good way may be to look at and search out the dow 30 stocks and their ex div dates. The calculation for US dividend/indices effect is a straight dividend/weighting calculation. The problem is that the FTSE ex div date is always tuesdays but the dow stocks can be any day at all.


Thanks for the response.

Also have you any plans to include trailing stop losses on your platform

Close at end of day orders

Is it possible to place an order on the rolling daily markets to close at end of day regardless of level (assuming existing stop isn't hit)?

