Best Thread Capital Spreads


I do know personally of two traders who had to prove their SB profits to the IR, unfortunately I cannot give their names out at all, sorry, (but they both won or at least didn't lose) it was just a matter delivering copies of all trades/statements etc with breakdowns and summary. Very tedious I know.

We now trade all the FTSE 250 stocks (at least I hope that we havn't missed any!!)

City Trader .... Our spreads are significantly tighter than Cantors you have to wiegh up how many times you would REALLY want to trade overnight compared to the extra cost of trading with them in hours.

Good luck today , looks like being a volatile session.
capitalspreads said:

I do know personally of two traders who had to prove their SB profits to the IR, unfortunately I cannot give their names out at all, sorry, (but they both won or at least didn't lose) it was just a matter delivering copies of all trades/statements etc with breakdowns and summary. Very tedious I know.

Capital Spreads - if you'd like to forward my details to those 2 guys? I would really hate to be the first person to publicly pay taxes on SB because I couldn't find a precedent? If they are agreeable, I'll pm you my details..
I dont usually spread bet but looking at Capital Spreads Daily US shares just now I see NVIDEA and others with a six point spread.

Do you spread bettors think that a good spread for a daily trading price?
City trader
i have asked both guys and i am afraid that the answer is no. As I am not really in a position to push it that is as far as I can really go. All I can say is get all your trading history together (just ask the relevant companies and I am sure they would send it) and give a complete 'idiot guide' to the P/L using SB. Do not equate any trades with taxable trading. The SB company will have already paid the betting levy (it is in the spread). Boring I know but.... the best I can suggest.

jk london
CWG is that Canary Wharf ? I think that is already there.
CS - Cant find it - however im looking at your demo system, is that a replica of your production system ?

Cheers -R

sorry the FTSE 250 are not on the demo site. I will ask the developers whether they can copy all the markets from the live site over.... but to be honest they are up to their eyes with other stuff and are starting to sigh very heavily every time I ask for something new!! You can open a live site very easily (just fill out the online application form) and although you cannot actually trade without funds you will be able to see all the markets that we quote. i.e daily US and UK shares lots more commodities....etc


sorry if this has been covered before.

the charts on your site - what use is 15min delay to anyone?

why not put up your own prices - just the offer if you like.
at least there would be something more up to date ?

seems to feel a lot like finspreads. is somebody an ex employee
by any chance ?

Thanks for adding a whole load of extra shares. Any chance of a few extra indices from the far east? I found them today but you might like to think about emailing users as and when you upgrade stuff on the site. I am sure we would all be grateful as it would be a shame to miss some function the guys have produced just because we never look about.
ok thanks. Not quite ready to go to Counsel over this, but beginning to get slightly worried.

we are working on charting from our own prices but like everything this takes time. We thought that we had sourced a cheap live chart supplier but they dropped out so we have now got to create them from our prices. This involves rather more programming than we thought (doesnt everything).

You are correct we should e-mail existing clients with new markets and I will look into this tommorrow.

Actually nobody here is from finspreads and oddly enough it was the only site that we did not research when trying to come up with our own platform. I actually had a look at fin spreads site the other day because they updated it and I thought they had copied us! Fin spreads still use the request for quote system which definately sets us appart.

Good trading guys speak to you later

I agree re Fins. They have even got your portfolio idea. It used to be quite an operation, now just one click!
simon Im telephone trading now rather than on the net, the reason for this is that i can have a decent chart on screen (Prophet Net) My question is this if im in a open position and want to close would it not be possible to just say "Id like to close my open position" the dealer could then after asking your acc no and name bring me up on his screen and close the position without me having to ask for prices etc, etc, just a suggestion not a complaint happy with everything so far (except no live chart!)

Put that suggestion right out of your mind.

Sb's would just love to have all their customers phone and say ' This is my account number, please close my position' Why? Because it would be a licence to print money for them.

Do you honestly think they would play fair and give you a good price - the answer to that is contained in the many posts on many forums complaining about the antics of SB's.

That's why you phone and ask for a price without disclosing whether you intend going long or short, so they can't bias the price against you. Of course, if the price is obviously going in one direction they will already have biased it against you.

If you are closing a position in a stock that is not one of the major bets, but haven't mentioned this when you ask for a price, then there's afair chance they may already know/have an idea that you are closing a position. How? because when a price is asked for, they look at the open bets and if they see a position for the same £ per point there is a possibility you are a customer closing that bet and will bias the price against you. Obviously, the can't do this on £1 per point bets as there are many of those , and they can'do it on very popular instruments as they will have many open bets. But on other stocks you are fair game for them.

Unlike a broker, you must always assume the Sb is going to take advantage of you, as they are not an intermediate - you are trading directly against them.
Darren, you are almost spot on, but having been a market maker for x number of years, ( who as I'm sure you know, effectively try and shoot every single price they make) one psychologically effective way to deal, is to put the onus of honesty on the price quoter ( spreadbetting firm or Market maker - whatever) The conversation going something like this:-
Punter: " oh Hi, It's Peter Punter here, My account number is xcxyeee. I'm long of £100 of March Ftse and want to close it. What's the best bid?"

That will on most occasions get you the true price - from a spread betting firm it'll be the futures bid less their spread. This will normally stop them shooting the price. Of course what could happen, is the telephone jockey you'll talk to will shout out" Can I get a price in Mar FTSE please?" to his market maker, allowing you to think he's not opening up your directon to the price quoter, but what you ( obviously) cant see is the fact that the telephone jockey us using his hands to signal whether you are a buyer or seller to the price quoter!!
Just a it not possible that the SB's have all your personal details on record,address,tel no, etc which we submitted to them on account opening.Therefore is it not also possible that they may have caller id on incoming telephone calls,which match your tel no to account no,and thus all your open when asking for a quote they'd have a good idea whether you were opening or closing.....nah,they wouldn't go to such lengths would they??? Think i've been reading too many conspiracy books lately!!

Merry Xmas to all members.....
2468steve, If you believe that ( entirely possible as smaller firms impossible at 9say) IG due to sheer number of calls they receive) then may I recommend a magic number for you?

141 !!!

Merry xmas
thanks for advice.I've been phoning them from a public phone box!! Trouble is,the guy waiting outside to use the phone is i'm sure an undercover IG agent.
