I must say we got a right pair this morning !!
fxscalper does it yet again..... I must say if I came out and said that the spread made no difference in FX, I would be swamped in the rush of scorn.... what you completely fail to point out is that "yes you got in at such and such price" BUT BUT BUT when you want to get out again then you will have pay the spread quoted by the company with whom you have opened your trade. So when you get in at a 1 pip better price (on occasion) you will immediately have lost that advantage when you try to trade out on the wider spread. In the long run the width of the spread (combined with dealing costs etc) is absulutely crutial to your profitability.
Of course it would make a difference. IF you were the only one around. IF the choice is between 2 pips WITH YOU OR 3 pips WITH YOU, clealry I would go for 2 pips WITH YOU. But that is not the choice. If I enter short at 1.7451 and exit at 1.74 (when CMC are quoting 7397/7400) then I make 51 pips. If the trader who uses CS enters at 1.7450 and exits at 1.74 (when CS are quoting 7398/7400) he makes 50 pips (he can even be worse off!). This is just an example, of course. It may be worse or better for either, which is exactly my point. This would become obvious to anyone who just opens your platform and CMC's (or Oanda's, or FXCM'S, etc) and have a look for a while. I hope you are not going to deny that.
I like CS and it has very friendly staff (maybe the best). I trade with CMC because I can bet £132021.50 if I want to 😆 and I have to always bet in multiples of £1 with you. This is a big disadvantage for anyone who understands the power of comounding. However if the day ever comes when all brokers quote the same priceat the same time, then I will go with the tightest spread because IT IS A HUGE ADVANTAGE. I hope that clarifies what I am saying. Believe me Simon, I am not as dumb as you think. 😆