Can T2W be saved?

A little bit softer... I'm sure the mods have plenty to do and as volunteers I respect what they do and it can be difficult at times. But, there has to be a better way to keep people out or keep banning them quickly.

What about beginner joe? Can't you ban him for posting constant streams of drivel across hundreds of threads? It's basically spam.
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Hi Pete,

Yes, you're right. It's easy to be suspicious that someone is multi-nic before any solid evidence arrives and I've tended towards being lenient towards "suspicion" so long as they behave themselves. For a couple of the recent ones they had posted good stuff before amongst the dross and I hoped that they would continue in that vein in their new (suspected) guise. They did for a bit before lurching back into lulz mould . My fault, I'm afraid.


Uh oh, should I take back the "I respect the mods job" post I made above? 😆

Thanks for replying.

What about beginner joe. Can;t you ban him for posting constant streams of drivel across hundreds of threads? It's basically spam.

Yes, you could call those spam for statements. You are in the same predicament as I. Neither of us get what we most want. Life is lulz that way.
Just out of curiosity if I set up some BB software on a server at home and vowed as the 'owner':

a) No adverts
b) Set the tone as being for experienced traders either talking about trading or lulz
c) Appointed mods who banned system sellers, those talking utter cr@p, clueless newbs and binned anything illegal.

Just how many people would really use it?
What about a section on T2W that is only accessible once you've been a member of the site for a certain amount of time? Say a year or more plus a certain amount of posts. That way if you get banned it's harder to get back in to it, and those threads would only be accessible to the longer serving members. Which would hopefully, then raise the quality in that section of the site.
What about a section on T2W that is only accessible once you've been a member of the site for a certain amount of time? Say a year or more plus a certain amount of posts. That way if you get banned it's harder to get back in to it, and those threads would only be accessible to the longer serving members. Which would hopefully, then raise the quality in that section of the site.

So you get a bunch of noobs all agreeing on a consense in order to stay on. Anyone disagreeing gets banned. This approach works if you knows what is ultimately right and true. Do you know what is ultimately right and true, and have proof ? If you don't, then it's wrong to dismiss people coming in with new ideas. Such a forum will stagnate and die.
You prefer it that way, no ? Then no forum joes will come ask you for statements.

You would come under the "those talking utter cr@p" clause and thus you wouldn't be able to make a complete fool of yourself as you've done here.

But don't despair, you'd be sorely missed for at least a second or 2.

I thought the point of this thread was to generate ideas to help stop it from what you describe above. All I've read is a lot of people slagging it off and only a few suggestions.

The thread starter got banned. The point of the thread is no longer relevant. Running a website is a well troden path. So you can leave the task at the hands of the experts. The forum won't die because a few digruntled people say it will. They are just sore from being banned. But such hurt will dull over time and they will be back.
What about a section on T2W that is only accessible once you've been a member of the site for a certain amount of time? Say a year or more plus a certain amount of posts. That way if you get banned it's harder to get back in to it, and those threads would only be accessible to the longer serving members. Which would hopefully, then raise the quality in that section of the site.

There's only really one way to do it. You have to get people to prove they can actually walk the walk. No commercial forum owner will do that because a) there's a limited number who can actually walk the walk, b) those who can are not really interested in wasting time proving it just to benefit a forum owner, c) the idiots who try and fail just in order to participate are an indication of just how difficult this game is, and that really isnt the message you want to send out if you make your living from IB kick backs.

It probably wouldnt even improve the quality of posts, I mean, what is there to say really that hasnt been said 1001 times before.

I suppose you could also make the argument that its the longer serving members who are most despondant, and guilty of lulz, rather than the fresh faced enthusiastic newbies.
Try telling that to Kyle at moneytec :clap:

I don't think you have noticed. This website - t2w - is expanding, the invstment is increasing, the trend is up. This is not the moment to go short. Be a good boy, and perhaps they will give you some discounted shares.

Anyway, what are you so sore about ? You a multinick too ?
Anyway, what are you so sore about ? You a multinick too ?

Of course I'm a multi nic, isnt everyone ?

Believe me, if there was a way to short t2w I'd definately take the bet 😆

you know what they say about trends..... the trend is your friend (till the bend at the end)