Can not find stock



As you will probably realise as you read this post i am new to all this kind of thing.

I have opened up a Paddy Power account and would like to buy shares in Fresenius Kabi Pharmaceuticals but can not seem to find the company listed in there. Please can you advise or recommend where i can buy shares in this company.

Hope to hear from you soon and thank you in advance.

It's listed on NASDAQ as APCVZ. It's a tiny company with a market cap of $20M and a current price of just under 12 cents. If you do trade it you'll be waiting around forever to make a profit. Fortunately, I doubt you'll be able to spread bet it with anyone anyway.

If you really, really, really must have some, any of the respected US brokers will be able to buy it for you. Personally I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole as it looks like it's been separated, split, merged and messed about with for years. At that price it's unlikely that it's been left with the valuable bits of its parent/split/merged companies.

in fact the company is so tiny and obscure and, as you say, you're new at this I wonder if it was recommended to you? If the recommendation came from anyone but one of your best and closest friends then the correct answer is no and if they cold-called you or sent you a 'special report' then I wouldn't even bother being that polite.

The NASDAQ will have more info:
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