Hypergrowth Stocks


Hello folks, hope everything is going well.

I primarily have established long term holding stocks in my portfolio like Apple and Adobe Software but this is not going to change my life anytime soon. I wanted to kindly research more smaller companies with growing profits that might see a larger increase in the share price please? Does anyone have any ways to research on how to kindly find these types of hypergrowth shares please which might return alot more than established companies like Apple?

I understand its important to have an balanced portfolio i do have some larger companies that pay dividends also, but wanted to try research some smaller based companies.

Thank you so much for all your support. I find this forum a great place to gather new ideas and everyone is so helpful and knowledgeable. I cannot thank everyone enough.
Does anyone kindly have any thoughts on this please i would be really interested?

Hope you are all doing well and many thanks for people that replied to previous threads. Thank you very much.
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Does anyone kindly have any thoughts on this please, sorry to follow-up this thread again.

Hope you are all having a great week. Thanks for all your kindness and support here. I still have alot of learning to do but i am hopeful i can grow moving forward.
My hypergrowth stock:

The problem with small companies is: how much do you know about the CEO and their industrial plan?
Thank you Cavaliere for your response that is very helpful. I was thinking about Tesla, i was planning on buying in 2019 but at the time there seemed to be so many hurdles and questions. It would have truly been a hypergrowth stock given the share increase since then.

Thats the problem with these small companies, there is chance for them to grow in share price rapidly, but i suppose not invest too much of your portfolio in them. As like you said you need to know more about the CEO and their vision moving forward. I suppose phone calls, emails to management could be useful and alot more research?
I was thinking about Tesla, i was planning on buying in 2019 but at the time there seemed to be so many hurdles and questions.
When everything is fine it means the growth has already happened. 🙂
Thats the problem with these small companies, there is chance for them to grow in share price rapidly, but i suppose not invest too much of your portfolio in them. As like you said you need to know more about the CEO and their vision moving forward. I suppose phone calls, emails to management could be useful and alot more research?
You need a lot of info: interviews with the CEO and several reviews by independent investors.
Youtube is the gold mine.