What do you mean by you wont make a living off £605. Do you just mean you need more than that or that amount would run out before you could make anything on it. I am new to this trading stuff though have looked at charts on a demo account, so just trying to get my head around what you mean. Why have all failed starting with small amount?
Ah-ha! There is a paradox; I'm very confident I could
now take 500 quid and turn it into 5000..inside 2/3 months. However, I couldn't have done it when starting out. I've made this suggestion before and worth repeating and its kinda based on my experience and others', (no apologies for it sounding simplistic, ain't got the time/energy for 'war and peace')...
First step; fund your new SB account with 200 quid with for example IG Index. Do their trade sense programme with ten pence trades for as long as it lasts, iirc it's six weeks, but perhaps your cash'll run out quicker. You
will lose that money, but it is stage one of your educashun.
Step two, if you like the *game* have a good long think about where your money went, then it's time to fund the account with an amount that'll hurt (not a lot but enough to **** you off and concentrate the mind) approx. a grand should do it.
Trade this with no more than 2.5% risk per trade on 50p trades 50 pip stop loss. 2.5% is a bit high so stick to one pair only (perhaps EU) until you become proficient and have confidence in the holy trinity; your platform, your edge and yourself. Trade on 15 min TF so the 50 pip sl should give enough 'insurance' but not always. On average you should be spotting 3-4 trades per day off a 15 min TF from 8am-8pm, just figure out a way to follow price and be patient. EU threw up one great opp. yesterday when everything in the universe lined up at approx 15:45, kerpow, pull that trigger if you do the job right it'll probably be payday for the 3 OK trades that preceeded it..and by OK I mean 1 b/e, 1 win, 1 loss..and get ready to embrace that as probably a very good return measured over a 4 trades.. You could alternatively open a micro account with Alpari and continue with perhaps 20p trades ensuring your cash will go a lot further...
Stay in the game as long as possible with that grand whilst soaking up as much info. as you can from corners of the interweb such as this and books, etc..etc..
So from total beginner to fledgling (full time) trader could take £1200 over an extended 6-12 month period. However when you've lost the first 500 quid I'd suggest a 3/4 month break, perhaps chart watch for 3 months,
seriously, chart watch and paper/demo trade and look at what price does, when and why...
TBH to get into this game for approx. a grand up front cost is an opportunity that doesn't exist in any other industry I'm aware off..well not legal anyhow..
😉 er that's it..Oh and never take it (the market the industry) personally, it truly doesn't give a flying fook about you or me, it (or the SB providers) are not out to get or your money, be like Arnie in the first Terminator film, follow the protocol and instructions, try your damnedest to approach it day after day in a positive light, after all you've worked to create a positive expectency to your edge so be positive...er..that's enough from me...