Can Blighty be saved ?


Legendary member
While the Americans wrestle with their problems can we in Britain somehow escape the worst parts of this looming depression ?

Do you trust Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling with the job ?

Could YOU do better ? And if so HOW ?

While the Americans wrestle with their problems can we in Britain somehow escape the worst parts of this looming depression ?

Do you trust Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling with the job ?

Could YOU do better ? And if so HOW ?


Do you trust Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling with the job ? - NO

Could YOU do better ? And if so HOW ? - probably not, but there again I don't or wouldn't claim to end boom & bust or save the world. And I like to think I'm honest, have integrity and don't just see things from a narrow politically blinkered viewpoint - so that would automatically disqualify me! I'm just a humble trader making a regular bob or two.

I reckon Vince Cable's your man........ but they often sound good before they get hold of the reigns don't they?
While the Americans wrestle with their problems can we in Britain somehow escape the worst parts of this looming depression ?

Do you trust Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling with the job ?

Could YOU do better ? And if so HOW ?


Can Blighty be saved ? - Unfortunately, probably not. I think its a long downward spiral from here.

Do I trust GB & AD -No way. Not even to look after a couple of kittens , let alone our country. Utter no hopers.

Could I do better? Well maybe, maybe not. We'll never know. Its not the type of thing I've tried before.
But I'd have held on to the gold. Thats for sure., and that would be a step in the right direction.
Sorry to use the hackneyed term, but they need to think outside of the 'chuck money at it' box. That might be a part of a short term solution but only a part.

Nevermind. Booms & busts its all we've ever known, and all we ever will... human nature init!
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Nothing will be saved until every last accountant CEO is removed from high office....people cannot trust any numbers that come out...until we get back to 1+1 = 2...then we are f***ed.
Classic example....Lloyds bank have different accounting standards to HBOS....what hope is there when there are no set standards for anything.
Just make it up as you go along...recipe for disaster.
As for asset valuations....what a joke that is.
I think WE need a lot of change for the better. The senile old economy did us quite well but it's now a different league game. The BRIC countries are up and running. If Gordo and co. don't get on with doing something right then we will be trampled into the mud. Blighty might be a " has-been country " but with the right moves we can still keep up with the leaders.
Any company that requests Govt. help should agree to basic re-structuring. A Union representative on the Board of Directors AND a shareholder's representative. Less of the "old boy", same club 19th century bit. That togethor with a fairer wage/salary structure would promote more teamwork and less in-fighting. Wages go up in good times and down in bad times to save the company. None of the old fatcat huge salaries and perks comfy world of non-executive directors and their buddies on the Board.
Less throwing away of taxpayer's money on the 3rd world. There are plenty of hardship cases here and will probably be a lot more soon.
A good case for political re-structuring too. Turf Tony's cronies outa the Lords too.

Yup things could get really tough.
Wave theory and practice for SAM - in real application ..................... always look for the 4th Wave

The 4th wave will inform you that the end is near so be pay-shunt.


Pat494 started this thread only 3 weeks before the bottom of the BEAR printed. Pat was sooooooo bearish, he had given up on Blighty. This is what happens in a BEAR of this magnitude. Had I been there I would have said to Pat, "mount up, we are getting ready to go LONG bigtime!" Pat would be flabbergasted to hear fibo say this. Every bone in his body was screaming DEATH and here comes fibo saying, Live, Pat live, live for me. 🙂

Yes, Blighty could be saved but only by an American, and not just any old yank, but one of intemperate disposition, his name be FIBO.

Note: Pat494, $FXC, Inquisitor are on a very short list liked by Fibo. Pat especially, so do not think he is being attacked here. Its just unfortunate that he is the one wrote the thread, wish it were some other schmuck.

The whole thread is utterly bearish and growing more so to the point of giving up altogether that Blighty would ever make it out alive. Such is the power of the BEAR on the Herd psyche. They just get more and more and more depressed, never realizing that the darkest hour is just before dawn. Then a few days or weeks later, without fanfare, just like LOVE, the bottom of the BEAR prints. Nobody notices, only Fibo does. The 2 dojis and big green candle confirm. then came the breakout arrow on trendline 1

No later than april 1, 2009 Pat would have been in LONG as an investor and know-ed that the only time he would need to worry about an exit is when the 2007 top was being approached. 🙂


Blighty (FTSE 100) with trendlines added for even more perspective. The arrows show where Pat would have gone LONG as an investor at the very latest.

While the Americans wrestle with their problems can we in Britain somehow escape the worst parts of this looming depression ?

Do you trust Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling with the job ?

Could YOU do better ? And if so HOW ?

I had completely forgotten this thread. Sort of flattering that anyone should revive it, I guess.
From the above I seem to be asking the question of survival having just had the collapse of Lehman Bros etc.
Somehow we survived. I don't remember Uncle Sam being particularly helpful though.
The Socialist rabble were chucked out eventually, only to get the Blue Meanies back again.
I suppose Brexit is just another bump in the road.
Fibo's optimism is welcome though even if unfounded.
Can Blighty be saved?


5 waves up are complete. Retracement to the 1987 crash low, a 4th of 3 low is expected. This is a 78.6% retracement of the upwave from 1974 low

There might be a final wave higher over the next 70 years after the correction is complete but by that time China will already have the reins and Blighty will be 3rd world as it already is almost on the outskirts of such right now in real time, a shadow of her former self.

Aside from Technical analysis of Price there is the spiritual/human/mankind-dynamic. Blighty has been a rogue nation, a cruel one at that, a disgustingly brutal one that even dwarfs the Nazis and Japanese terrors. Don't believe me? Just because sins are committed in the past does not mean God has forgiven them.

Closer to real time Blighty caused the deaths of more than one million Iraqis on false information about weapons of mass destruction. George Bush believed them. Donald Trump will not make the same mistake as he knows quite clearly that its not Pakistan, India or Middle East that will bring on WW3, but Blighty. Its known as the death throes of a dying Empire.

Therefore based on the last video the atrocities of the British exceed and dwarf that of the Nazis.

God will overlook this?


Where will retribution show up? Start with Sterling .... well on the route to toilet paper. Now watch the FTSE 100 collapse

But wait there's more - look at Blighty shooting herself in the foot by going politically correct to such a degree its preposterous.

God will not overlook transgressions such as these.

In current times Donald Trump knows that Blight is ready to start WW3 - by triggering in the backrgound as per the 3rd party Law that the cause aka the instigator is not who one expects it to be (Israel, Pakistan, India, Iran, Syria et al). Its Blighty as she sinks to the bottom she will drag the United States with her - try to - but Donald will not let this happen.

The Balance sheet of the United States still shows a net BENEVOLENCE.

Donald, cut ties with this loser and millstone around our neck for cryin out loud!

The US has used a grateful Britain since WW2 as its attack dog.
The Vietnam War was entirely a US war and was entirely lost by them.
An incompetent CIA/NSA wanted British help against Iraq. We duly obliged.
It was the Pearl harbour attack that dragged the US into WW2, not the Brits.
It was Hitler that declared war on the US and started that chain of events. The US sat on its hands until then.
The US barely made it in time to wrap up WW1 and claimed most of the credit.
Did John Wayne etc. win the war as depicted in the movies ? Of course not.
The US dragged Britain into the Korean War.
My father who fought there said, when the Communist attacks started the green US troops were the first to run South, leaving their allies behind.
Get your facts straight Fibo.
Both countries have a lot to thank each other for and neither are perfect.
Get your facts straight, Fibo.

Regarding what? Why of course its the thread title, "Can Blighty be saved?'

I stand by


British Empire was responsible for the Irish famine, the atrocities committed by the Black and Tans during the Irish War of Independence, racism, the Scramble for Africa, the Iraq War, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, the Durand Line and the Revengs of the Afghan Royal Family and their rare-earth elements, global warming, world poverty, the Great Plague, Islamofascism, the 19th-century First and Second Opium Wars with China, the First World War and the Vietnam War. Other events the book places blame on the British Empire for include the Second World War, the fathering of the United States and the drug trade.[2] All of these incidents had a long-lasting, negative impact on the world. Grasse argues that the British rule emerges as no better and even worse than the imperialism practised by other nations and the strong myth of the civilising mission remains untroubled by the evidence today.

Other arguments made in the book involve the popularity of homosexuality among the British nobility[3] that the King James Bible was a deliberate act of heresy,[4] and that the Piltdown Man hoax was a deliberate attempt by British academia to prove that they were a superior race.[5]
Can Blighty be saved?

GBPUSD top was in 1934. Wave 3 low came in 1985. Then see the massive triangle for Wave 4 (circled). Continue and note that we have only completed Wave 1 down of Wave 5 circled. We will take out the 1985 low - this is what a 5th wave does, it exceeds the low of wave 3 and then some. We have an added factor here - in commodities and Currencies the 5th waves are power waves and supremely long and deadly.

Buckle up. Blighty is going to be tortured financially when Wave 3 of Wave 5 circled gets underway - still several months away from beginning because there has to be some kind of rally to set the Brits up first. When GBP rallies London will go, "its over, our GBP is going to be champion again" Its a setup. Its just to draw 'em all back in like the receding waters of an incoming tsunami. then Wave 3 gets underway and suffering to the nth begins and seems relentless.

Fibo issues warning here - will be duly noted by historians decade(s) from now - if the thread is not deleted due to Sissy Central complaints

GBP's weeping and gnashing of teeth is yet to come I believe in 2020-2021 when I expect the start to fire.


Fibo can take big punches to the stomach but the actions of the Brits in History when viewed and studied by Fibo, takes only a feather to knock him on his ass.

Those who never learn History in the Markets and worse, ignore it, perish. Part of learning HISTORY for us boys who do financial stuff is that we kill 2 birds with one ..................... History & BEAR are inseparable. The Boom/Bust phenomenon is not native to a spiritual being - it is however native to the implant that resides in the HERD psyche.

Fibo will state when his facts are shaky as this particular one (in red) which is not only not verified, there are conflicting answers .............. so I will leave it open till I get at the actual stats ................... verified stats will be in green

Nazi Germany caused approximately 11,200,000 deaths all together. The British Empire was a lot more ruthless, causing as many as 150,000,000 deaths across Asia, Africa and Europe.

Hitler was not the first to use the concentration camp. Long before World War II, the British used this secured "camp" where civilian enemies were placed. It was 1900. The conflict was the Boer War, and the victims were the Dutch settlers in South Africa.

A report after the war concluded that 27,927 Boers (of whom 24,074 [50 percent of the Boer child population] were children under 16) had died of starvation, disease and exposure in the concentration camps. In all, about one in four (25 percent) of the Boer inmates, mostly children, died.

Historians will note that on this day, August 22, 2019 while London weeps and mourns their GBP crashing crashing for months, Fibo states get ready for rally to the vicinity of 1.4562 - 1.5284 or 1.6137. Rally start is not mentioned now as I have not gone into the daily timeframe to look as this is not a trading thread. So just simply, anytime soon.
Haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa rant on.
Not many perfect people in the history of the human race and the nut from nuttyland is not one of them.
At least we got about a bit and largely improved what is a pretty sick world.
You sound very similar to the yank from Newport California we had to suffer for a while recently.
No worries and good for a laugh.
Keep spouting...………………...
Oh and go easy on those pills
Can Blighty be saved?


But the general theme remains the same. Most of the UK is relatively backward compared to much of Western Europe, and particularly poor relative to London.


While the London ship is sinking and the band plays on, only Fibo has this chart, all his own, the UK finance industry is clueless to such differentiation between FTSE 100 and BANKS. ................... London without the banking sector? = Caca bum.

Place eye on chart above and note the following

Duffers will have a hard time with DIFFERENTIATION but hey Fibo is used to it by now 😗😗😗😗

While Londoners ONLY focus on the FTSE 100, they miss the cylinders and firing pin and the ventricles and auricles .................

(1) BANKs hit a lower LOW.

(2) While FTSE 100 has managed stage 3 almost equal TOPS, BANKs have not, instead declining TOPS and dig this in adherence to a trendline - if that ain't some kind of hint ...................... 😗

(3) Look at the distance below the 200-day ema for the BANKs compared to the FTSE 100. 😗

(4) THEY say that once the 200-day is left in the dust and the trend turns the 200-day is used by Institutions to short rallies. BANKs are suggesting a greater likelihood of such. FTSE 100 is still kissing and hugging the 200, but not the BANKs, these cats have bolted south from the 200. SCARY? London = 3rd world when/if above happens.

(5) FIBO called the worldwide stock Market Index Top on Jan 26, 2018 (thread is here at T2W) ..................... see how closely both the FTSE 100 and the London BANKs validated that CALL .............. BANKs honored it by coming with 3 days within it. 😗

Can Blighty be saved?


New economic data puts the California economy at $2.747 trillion — bigger than most nations. The ranking puts in fifth in the world, just ahead of the United Kingdom, which is on $2.625 trillion. The difference is striking given California's population of 40 million to the UK's 66 million.May 11, 2018

😗 😗 😗

An appropriate comparison of the UK to the USA?
A frog's p***y to the Panama Canal. 🙂
California can't even manage its forests at all well.
Every year they burn and people die.And why ?
Because the rich bums are too mean to pay a little into a forest control fund.
A country based on a system of GREED can't be much fun for the poorer people.
They are mostly too stupid to stick up for themselves even if they are in a vast majority.
The constant mass shootings are the outward signs of a sick society.
Don't STOP, there's lots more that can be said about California 😗 Homeless capital of USA is Los Angeles. For starters. But the weather, aye yai yai, such sheer poetry and where Fibo lives ............... in Malibu, trading overlooking the blue of the Pacific - but wait there's more, when in need of gawking at tourists, just zip down a few minutes to Santa Monica and there they are, loads of Brits and euros all gasping, "My God, what a beautiful place, never seen anything like it" ................. Fibo smiles at 'em and says and they get it, "welcome to God's country!" 😗

Just the weather alone in Blighty is enough to kill oneself over in misery and it shows here at T2w, one depressing dead bunch of boring cats who hate yanks but say we are friends and should pull together while Blighty pulls us all toward the bottom of the ocean 😗
