Can Blighty be saved ?

The Blighty Series: (beyond the scope/understanding of almost all players but one or two might get it)

Remember the 2009 low of the Economic CRASH of 2007-2008-2009?
Draw new grid with 0% at 2009 low and the 100% at the 2011 wave high.
First thing to observe is how nicely the corrections halted at 50% and 61.8%
And then behold the munificence of Fibo with the 161.8% hit at the current 2019 top where we are at right now in real time.

Can you dig it? 🙂

The Blighty Series: (beyond the scope/understanding of almost all players but one or two might get it)

The munificence and magnificence of Fibo continues - all to save Blighty - kind of odd behavior for one who everyone here believes hates Blighty

Take the same chart/grid in previous post and then do the unthinkable, something that niemand has ever thought to do - why? because they don't got basics, they never took the time to grapple with the basics by going deep deep deep undercover of darkness and taking the fight to the Evil One known as Lucifer and challenge him to a duel

Move the 61.8% golden ratio level down to the axis of the perturbation aka fckup aka congestion at the bottom of the wave marked by the pink/purple ellipse. Now one could ask, "but where the fck is the AXIS if one cannot eyeball it to save his life? The answer is that the golden ratio will go back to kiss it after passing it on the way up. the golden ratio always validates a level of significant threshold. Therefore the axis is passing right thru' this touch point - so place the 61.8% right there.

Voila! 423.6% hit in real time this month right were we currently sit.

That's why I called the prayer vigil for Blighty. Of course the English girl named Marilyn had a lot to do with it 😗😗

The Blighty Series: (beyond the scope/understanding of almost all players but one or two might get it)

go back to previous post and observe how the hit at 261.8% is sooooo perfect as to be like the antiphone blues to my ears

While you're at it, notice how the red trendlines (monthly), one is busted and the other is nicked. But look below at indicator panel at how egregiously they are nicked.

Hence the prayer vigil for Blighty


Elimination or neutralization of STANDING WAVES takes the Mark Levinson amplifier to such stellar heights as to approach the golden ratio 61.8% in sound quality

The Blighty Series: (beyond the scope/understanding of almost all players but one or two might get it)

Midnite vigil will be done additionally so that the nice op named Pat will not make the same mistake twice - the first one was being too bearish on Blight when he should have been anything but ................... and now in 2019 being overly optimistic about Blighty when he should be anything but ........

but do they listen?

Fck no! Especially not to a Yank. 😗

See Pat at the 2009 low cryin and cryin and cryin only Fibo could have consoled him and brought him a cup of hot tea and calmed his frayed nerves


Blighty versus the United States for investment and investment only .............................

respite for Blighty might be now at 138.2% or coming up at 261.8% as shown ........ however the full data stream is limited. I will have to dig up the Blighty data from the 1700s and splice and dice and go with the Blighty versus Dow Jones instead of the pure bogus SPX (IMHO as BEAR respects only the Mighty Dow Jones with a slim rocket engine of just 30 cylinders and I, Fibo agree wholeheartedly with BEAR)

The mighty Dow Jones has such depth and verve, such levels of power that reside deeep that ain't never been tapped.

Nasdaq, SPX, DAX, CAC40, BSE Sensex, Shanghai, Nikkei, HSI, KS11, can all kiss my ass.

Fibo respects only Blighty and Dow Jones. So does BEAR. We are on the same page