Can Blighty be saved ?

cats who hate yanks

You have got it all wrong, not surprisingly. We don't really hate Yanks. Their antics keep us amused.

Similar to going to the zoo and visiting the monkey cage, They hog the news with their weird doings.

I am aware it is only really a small number of show off types really. Even Ronald Dump has his moments.

There are plenty of reasonable and sensible Americans who have some basic knowledge of manners, good humour and etiquete.

I am amused by the TV program(me) called storage wars here. Based in California and populated by guys and gals bidding for abandoned storage lockers.
Next week a new series about the Mafia in New York is being shown. About someone called Gotti and his hoodlums. Not so amusing to have to live near them though I suppose.
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>>>>> cats who hate yanks <<<<<<

(1) Brits

(2) ISIS

(3) Iran govt.

The 2nd place contender is so far away as to be of no consequence to Yanks
Yanks are an open people and can take on any enemy but the hardest is to take on a so-called friend whose intention is a back-stab from the getgo.
>>>>> cats who hate yanks = Brits <<<<<<

where can Brit yank-haters they found in droves?

Anywhere Brits are in the majority. When they are in the minority nobody even notices them and Yanks couldn't be bothered to take the time to distinguish nationalities, all are welcome regardless the country of origin.

But we have a phenomenon of stellar psychological import when Brits are in the majority of any forum, gathering or such ................. THEY ignore all other nationalities and deem 'em neutral, but go to town on YANKS as a full time operation with no letup. They try to disguise it with banter but we know better.

Examples? The vast experience of Fibo has allowed access to observations during international travels .................. here's one for starters ......................

one example therein at Teakdoor 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

While the Americans wrestle with their problems can we in Britain somehow escape the worst parts of this looming depression ?

Do you trust Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling with the job ?

Could YOU do better ? And if so HOW ?


personally i am trying to leave job done !!!
Rant on Fibo.
Britain is the only friend you got in the World. We even help fight your stupid wars. Well, most of them. We just managed to avoid the All American Vietnam disaster.
Your present leader has done his worst on China, Mexico, Canada, Iran, etc. etc. The rich are too rich and getting richer and the poor are too poor and getting poorer. A recipe for trouble internally. Your black and coloured folk have been treated disgracefully for centuries. We turn a blind eye out of loyalty. We will trade with China etc. even if your country's leadership won't.
Learn some humility and respect for others
What a trade tariff life that someone finally bumps a 10 year old thread to trash talk a nation that's bashed its best friend for eons
When I bumped it, it was a 1 day old thread. And my reply was not directed to a nation, but you only.

Now fook off!
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Far worse things have been said about me. Nothing works. Might be worth someone's while to revisit the basics .................... Brits have been pasting, lambasting and buggering the nicer, kinder, generous and friendly Yanks since at least 1966 when the Beatles topped. 🙂 This Yank has seen the History and track.

At one particular place internationally the Yanks asked me to help because they were besieged - there were only about 35 of them in the group and they were taking insults left and right and even attacks in public by the vastly larger Brit group.🙂

Peace reigned within minutes after a series of 6 posts by Fibo culminating with, "comparing the UK to the USA is akin to comparing a frog's p*ssy to the Panama Canal"

The Yanks were left alone thereafter. There was PEACE.

The USA is such an easy target. Full of self importance as they make fools of themselves around the world.
Ah well usually good for a laugh.
Cheer up little Fibo.. Life goes on even if you can't see the joke. Everything in the US is outsize even the humour.
Did somebody say ......................... OUTSIZE ?

America’s largest state economy is California, which produced $2.75 trillion of economic output in 2017, more than the United Kingdom’s GDP last year of $2.62 trillion. Consider this: California has a labor force of 19.3 million compared to the labor force in the UK of 33.8 million (World Bank data here).

Amazingly, it required a labor force 75% larger (and 14.5 million more people) in the UK to produce the same economic output last year as California!

That’s a testament to the superior, world-class productivity of the American worker.

Further, California as a separate country would have been the 5th largest economy in the worldlast year, ahead of the UK ($2.62 trillion), India ($2.61 trillion) and France ($2.58 trillion).

To see Cali's scorched earth policy just visit Paradice. Too mean to put in sufficient defensive measures.
The next big one is probably only a few years away. The whole lot could slide into the sea. Boo hoo !!
Fibo etc. will need their water wings...………..
Hey, they keep telling us the big one is coming that we are at the fault line but all the while CALI just keeps getting better and better. Just heard a good joke the other day ................. some politician clown said, "CALI is taxing the rich bigtime now and they are bound to just pack up and leave and go to another state" .................... hahahahahahahahahahaha, go where from where? Leave Huntington Beach and move to Nebraska?!!!!!!! 😗 😗

As for Blighty, I feel for her. Poor thing. All those Brits expats in Land of smiles tell me the same story about Blighty ............

that they've found a new girl and that her lips are warm but those of Blighty are cold .......... 🙂🙂 so they beg Blighty to release 'em .....................

The Blighty Series: (beyond the scope/understanding of almost all players but one or two might get it)

Midnight vigil held for Blighty with Analysis never ever done before by nobody no time no-how, not-ever, would-never-occur-to-anybody = domain of Fibo ..........................

without further ADO ...........................


Monthly chart of Blighty - take the Wave from 1940 low to 1968 high and draw Fibo grid. So, checking your grid, make sure that 0% is at year 1940 and 100% is at year 1968. Kapiche?

Now behold the extension levels of this grid at 261.8% and 423.6%. See the near hits at the 1987 crash and then the recovery and halt of crash at 261.8%? Do you see it? Now remember that there were many gurus going on and on about how they miraculously nailed the 1987 CRASH? Their methods were all different but nothing approaches the simplicity of what I am showing here. There is nothing more basic than Fibonacci Extensions - it is the TA 101 of Fibonacci. Dig? Hello! Remember the adage, "the basics are where its at?"


Now comes the Fibo magic, namely wavelength or projection relationships ................... Take that same grid from step 9!) and move it to the 1974 wave low. Then lift your head up and see where the 423.6% strike occurred. Additionally sure as heck nobody will miss all the doji hits at 261.8% as the bulls/bears fought their battles. these long wicks tell where the juice resides, levels of locked up bottled up pressure cookers. This gives further validation of the 423.6% hit.

Can this be overcome? Yes. But what are the odds? Can these odds be overcome? Yes.

Hence the prayer vigil that 423.6% has not called the London Empire TOP and therefore the final end of the British Empire that has been squeaking exhausted to the finish line in progressive fashion since Sterling hit the top in mid 1900s