Best Thread Bund Bobl and Schatz Thread

@AgeKay: Thanks for the insights. When I last got burned it was on the December contract, and I was getting the distinct impression that the nearer the end of the term, the more it changed its behaviour (from say the first 2/3 of the contract), and I assumed this was for "fundamentals" reasons, but I couldn't quite figure out what those were. I was banking on it doing a reverse (as it always had done before) and it never did. Actually I've blanked out most of the details from my memory, and don't feel the urge to go back and check...I know I know that sounds like emotional trading, but for now, I just prefer to move on (or back) to instruments I feel I know a bit better.

I'll revisit them one of these days though 🙂 (hopefully with more knowledge).
Does anyone know what happened today at 17:32? Bund dropped from 123.98 (near the high of the day) to the 123.66 (low of the day) in aboud a minute and it keeps falling (123.36 is the low right now). There was no news that would explain such a sharp move.
OK, now, this is getting ridiculous. Bund just spiked up from 123.25 to 123.75 in less than a minute and is right now 123.50. WTF??? Does anyone have an idea of what the hell is going on?
OK, now, this is getting ridiculous. Bund just spiked up from 123.25 to 123.75 in less than a minute and is right now 123.50. WTF??? Does anyone have an idea of what the hell is going on?

it could be currency play. or manipulation as usual. But I see few spikes around this time on euro/usd now.
I can also see that the FESX did the inverse at the same time, but I want to know why? What happened so that the entire world decides to buy/sell at the same time without any news??
I have neither. I wanted to read it myself, I thought you were referring to an article that was online.
Mighty suspect. First announcement that Die Deutscher will be the White Knights in Shining Armour to assist the Greeks. Nett Result Schatz, Bobl & Bund plummet! fly at between 205.47 - 205.62. Then the rebuttal by the Krauts! Prices shoot right back up again.

Hmmm bet somebody knew this was going to happen. Must of made a fortune.

I Stepped outside the cover of the fly and legged the Bobl at 117.52 for about 10 ticks. Bingo!!! then managed to ride the Bund on the reversal of the News, unfortunately only with a 1 Lot! Imagine if I had known the whole show was bogus, would have made a fortune of my own.
Mighty suspect. First announcement that Die Deutscher will be the White Knights in Shining Armour to assist the Greeks. Nett Result Schatz, Bobl & Bund plummet! fly at between 205.47 - 205.62. Then the rebuttal by the Krauts! Prices shoot right back up again.

Thanks Aston. Are you talking about yesterday or today though? Because we had similar action today. I almost bought 123.04 and 123.10 (hesitated in both cases) and it moved up 10+ ticks in a split second. Got another chance at 123.16 which I bought and then exit at 123.33 (the high of that move). Done for the day after only 30mins of trading.

Btw, it's "die Deutschen" for plural. "(der) Deutsche" is singular. "(ein) Deutscher" is the nationality. This applies to males only though. Yes, German is very complicated...
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Thanks Aston. Are you talking about yesterday or today though? Because we had similar action today. I almost bought 123.04 and 123.10 (hesitated in both cases) and it moved up 10+ ticks in a split second. Got another chance at 123.16 which I bought and then exit at 123.33 (the high of that move). Done for the day after only 30mins of trading.

Btw, it's "die Deutschen" for plural. "(der) Deutsche" is singular. "(ein) Deutscher" is the nationality. This applies to males only though. Yes, German is very complicated...

My God it's amazing how petty some people are.

I am British who speaks German and I am lazy as to whether it's Dative case or not.
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My God it's amazing how petty some people are.

That was not my intent. I was just trying to help you improve your German and explain why it was not correct, as it is a very complicated language. I'd be glad if someone did the same when I make mistakes in another language.
That was not my intent. I was just trying to help you improve your German and explain why it was not correct, as it is a very complicated language. I'd be glad if someone did the same when I make mistakes in another language.

Reference your first post. I was refering to yesterday, but as you did today I did very similar.

I was in a fly got out then went on the bund at the same price 123.04 added to the position, with a stop at 122.98 bottled it for no reason ( switched to a fly again) but made all my money back in the fly done by lunch.

Reference German, would'nt worry too much about it as it's hard to get a German to speak with you in German once they know your English!
Ok, what is it this time? 12:43 CET: Bund drops hard (from near the high to the low).

Good thing I got out of my long position at 123.33.
Ok, what is it this time? 12:43 CET: Bund drops hard (from near the high to the low).

Good thing I got out of my long position at 123.33.

its the same happening to dollar index. Market is very news sensitive forgot?
you guys are paying attention to greece right?

I don't have a real-time news feed and even if I did I wouldn't watch it because I already have enough to watch. I do want to know what the reason for these sudden moves though - to understand it better, I guess.

Arab, could you enlighten us if there was news about Greece again?
Nevermind, I just googled and google now has this really cool live updates where it shows you as soon as something is posted about the terms you searched for. So Germany and France agreed to bail out Greece.

I find it ironic that even though Germany and France are economically the strongest countries in the EU, they have huge debt problems themselves. I calculated a few years ago how long it would take Germany to default on their debt or decide not to pay the pensions. It's in about 25 more years at which point 70% of Germany's total tax income would have to be paid out as pensions and 25% would have to be paid for interest on it's debt. You can't run a country an 5% of it's total tax income, can you?
There's ****e coming out about greece every five minutes practically. I would stay away from outright bund positions without a good news feed at the moment if I were you