Wow..wonderful progress we get Heuristiclab..DTReg.. so many things will come out.. sure
I just found a good method to achieve a better things on gathering all ideas...its very simple, i.e. using iMindmap (Tony Buzan). iMindmap used to formulate all the working steps, even more details idea can be easily identified (of course with creativity). I am learning to apply it for most activities.
Here is a sample implementation how to to find a simple formula using chaos hunter for a complex indicator, such as Gauss Filter, Kalman Filter, etc.
Take the sample code for Gaussian Filter from
Gaussian Filter - MQL4 Code Base
Using CH, I could found a better and more simple equation made from OHLC data. So far I can get shorter mq4 code to get a almost similar indicator values. The original code having about 178 lines while using CH formula only 59 lines.
See the chart comparison. It look nice to combine with wmm-Gaussianfilter to generate trade signal (probably
😉 ).