Brexit Remain Rage

The American markets certainly like the Brexit and so does the USD. By Wednesday, everybody here was like, "Brexit, mehh". The world will carry on. Even now, the Bremainers are still trying to spread fear. "A crash in the 4th quarter". Not likely.

1. The World does not care enough about the UK economy. 😴
2. The UK will survive this unscathed, much to the chagrin of the Bremainers. It is not that big of deal. Honestly, why does anyone think it matters so much that the UK has left the EU. I would be more worried about the EU than the UK.

1. You obviously do, judging by the amount of posts you have on the subject
2. You are right, the world doesnt give two hoots about Brexit. The prospects of lower rates and cheaper money are filling the markets with joy.
3. There are a lot bigger issues such as deflation coming down the road that will make Brexit look like a picnic
4. I think the UK could suffer a lot if it doesnt get access to the single market and tariffs are imposed. Nobody knows the outcome of those talks and what "crack team" London will send to negotiate the agreement
Tariffs, well all I can say is all the farmers in France and Spain, All the car manufacturers in Germany, alcohol from all over, crude, chemicals, machinery, clothing, art, fashion, building supplies.. The list goes on and on.

The irony in EU protectionism is the walls will come tumbling down from within. Anyone thinking businesses won't be falling over each other lobbying for trade barrier removal should not be surprised when it happens. It makes for a good chuckle at bedtime.
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So Austria far right who almost won their election and has a mandate of their own EU referendum has another chance. Austria's highest court has ordered a rerun. We might see an Austrian exit...

I've been waiting for this announcement as the irregularities were flagged soon after the rigged election.

I cannot believe this thread is an aftermath of the other, and some people still doubt Brexit is going to happen..

It is happening now....the system is changing each day, if only certain people could be bothered to look.....Sure these threads are a wind up.........😴😴😴
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So Austria far right who almost won their election and has a mandate of their own EU referendum has another chance. Austria's highest court has ordered a rerun. We might see an Austrian exit...


We may have struck the first blow. I wonder what will happen to the EU structure when others go the same exit route.

It would appear that the office of president is largely a ceremonial post, but if elected, Norbert Hofer would have the power to dissolve the National Council, which in turn would trigger a general election.
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This is the easiest money you will make this yr.

Leadsom will take it from either Gove or May in the run off.

Fox the real outsider, talks a lot of sense but will fail to enthuse, and Crabbe is too young at this time.

The more I look at this, there can be only One winner !

I think you might lose this one c_v - I can't see the bulk of Tory MPs voting for her. Theresa May will win, I suspect, as she's conservative with both a capital C and a lower case c. That said, Andrea Leadsom does appear to be gaining ground:
Hi Richard,
Does this relate to my comment abut Theresa May? If so, what I mean is that I suspect she's regarded as a relatively safe bet, as she's got ministerial experience and, compared to Gove and Boris (before yesterday's events) she hasn't pi$$ed too many people off.
Hi Richard,
Does this relate to my comment abut Theresa May? If so, what I mean is that I suspect she's regarded as a relatively safe bet, as she's got ministerial experience and, compared to Gove and Boris (before yesterday's events) she hasn't pi$$ed too many people off.

I don't do losing Tim 😆

Have a listen and you will see what qualities she has. Correct choice for both the Tories and to lead the country.
Hi Richard,
Does this relate to my comment abut Theresa May? If so, what I mean is that I suspect she's regarded as a relatively safe bet, as she's got ministerial experience and, compared to Gove and Boris (before yesterday's events) she hasn't pi$$ed too many people off.

Hi Tim,
You posted twice about Saint Theresa; one now removed.
I watched Theresa May pitch in the library and she was excellent.
A safe pair of hands with no history of treachery, back stabbing and outright lying. AFAIK !!
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Yes, I agree c_v - but she's got a mountain to climb if she going to get TM's supporters to jump ship.

Sure, I can understand the difficulty that some might have and she certainly starts from a place of relative obscurity. That is a double edged sword, she may not be as well known but she also doesn't have any baggage.

Relative obscurity really doesn't matter to the wider country.
It's the Conservative membership who vote to choose the winner. The challenge is to make sure that westminster MP's manage to get her in the final 2
OOOOO I like this feisty woman. Lives in the real world.

Yeah, she speaks well and someone I'd trust to lead exit negotiations (not sure I like the idea of her delegating that role to Deputy PM).

Not (yet) got the inspirational charisma to heal the country (never known such vitriol from both sides of a political argument since the loony left and the far right) but then neither do any of the others. As Tim says it'll be hard for her to overturn the TM bandwagon, but stranger things have happened (the brexit result for one 😆)