Brexit Remain Rage

Blood and sand, for the love of God are you still chewing this bone......your sex life must be dull......😱

M8 once you have family and kids you can kiss your three times a week good bye. 🙂

Do you have any by the way?

Your country needs you to 😉
Well this is the crux of the argument is it not?

Do you not feel this is something that should be done in advance so we know what the alternative to the EU is?

Wet finger in the air did you say? 😆

And how exactly would planning and agreeing on divorce terms, prior to the submitting article 50 work? Do you think the EU would allow us to play that card? They have stated it publicly that nobody is allowed to negotiate before article 50 is submitted. So please explain how the bleeding heck we are supposed to achieve the impossible before we file for divorce?
And how exactly would planning and agreeing on divorce terms, prior to the submitting article 50 work? Do you think the EU would allow us to play that card? They have stated it publicly that nobody is allowed to negotiate before article 50 is submitted. So please explain how the bleeding heck we are supposed to achieve the impossible before we file for divorce?

That would be an internal process carried out by our civil servants.

An independent task force made up of bi-party nominees and experts.

This approach would be more favourable and better informed than a referendum imo.

If referendum is a must then have it after such a report is published for public debate.

That would be an internal process carried out by our civil servants.

An independent task force made up of bi-party nominees and experts.

The same experts that predicted world war 3 I presume!
Party nominees and experts won't be able to tell you what kind of relationship you will be able to agree with the EU. All they can do is finger in the air talking.
Party nominees and experts won't be able to tell you what kind of relationship you will be able to agree with the EU. All they can do is finger in the air talking.

They'll be able to sound out what options are available to trade with the rest of the World.

They'll be able to tell you precisely net contributions and benefits and conduct a cost benefit exercise with respect to EU.

It's basically a feasibility study whether leaving the EU and trading with rest of the World is viable proposition and what it may look like in terms of what goods and services we can trade?

Would it not be prudent to consider EU responses and conduct a what if scenario and responses?

Would you not agree "we can trade with the rest of the World" is a pretty open ended generic statement?
Oh! You mean he does not do it, right away? When, then?

No, I don't believe he will do it, it's just words to calm markets and investors.

I'm expecting (hoping) that Osborne will be gone in the Tory reshuffle anyway, so all his words are even more wasted, on me at least.
We trade with the rest of the world daily and we don't need trade deals to trade.

How can you produce a quality feasibility study when you can't quantify potential without agreements in place? A feasibility study by its nature attempts to answer the proceed or abandon question. All activities within the study are directed at answering the question. How can you possibly provide an accurate study when you don't know how you will trade with the EU, or what type of trade deals can be made. Effectively, this study can only assume potential but cannot quantify it. The study therefore can only conclude an answer structured on tariffs. Trade deals will be struck so how does this feasibility study account for that - it can't. I would expect such a study would come with a heavy sprinkle of sub clause font size 5 "subject to change at any time".
I should also point out that multinational companies can trade freely in many countries if they operate within their borders. Nothing stopping mercedes opening a plant in the UK or sending cars manufactured outside the EU.
We trade with the rest of the world daily and we don't need trade deals to trade.

How can you produce a quality feasibility study when you can't quantify potential without agreements in place? A feasibility study by its nature attempts to answer the proceed or abandon question. All activities within the study are directed at answering the question. How can you possibly provide an accurate study when you don't know how you will trade with the EU, or what type of trade deals can be made. Effectively, this study can only assume potential but cannot quantify it. The study therefore can only conclude an answer structured on tariffs. Trade deals will be struck so how does this feasibility study account for that - it can't. I would expect such a study would come with a heavy sprinkle of sub clause font size 5 "subject to change at any time".

Universities now embarked on assessment exercises to see what the fall out from Brexit is likely to be on their research funding? Just heard on BBC2 news night show, Sheffield University has had 4 major funding projects returned from the EU with nothing, as they can no longer provide funding because outcome of UK membership is uncertain.

We haven't invoked article 50 just yet so no agreements started no deals done. Why would they start these Brexit assessment programs?

Would you like to go and tell them to stop wasting their time on their assessment programs?

Will the new established Brexit government immediately initiate a response to the EU to stop proportion of funding from the £350m we pay each week as this is in breach of our agreements?

UK is at the hands of self serving politicians, in pursuit of personal gain. Also, people in historically deprived regions looking for an alternative solution, believing in politicians who have all within a matter of days turned back on their campaign pledges.

Danger is within. Is it not abundantly clear by now from the actions of the three stooges who have led us into this self destructive quagmire.

This is not the way to conduct Government policy. Especially one with such a high impact on national interests.
Universities now embarked on assessment exercises to see what the fall out from Brexit is likely to be on their research funding? Just heard on BBC2 news night show, Sheffield University has had 4 major funding projects returned from the EU with nothing, as they can no longer provide funding because outcome of UK membership is uncertain.

We haven't invoked article 50 just yet so no agreements started no deals done. Why would they start these Brexit assessment programs?

Would you like to go and tell them to stop wasting their time on their assessment programs?

Will the new established Brexit government immediately initiate a response to the EU to stop proportion of funding from the £350m we pay each week as this is in breach of our agreements?

UK is at the hands of self serving politicians, in pursuit of personal gain. Also, people in historically deprived regions looking for an alternative solution, believing in politicians who have all within a matter of days turned back on their campaign pledges.

Danger is within. Is it not abundantly clear by now from the actions of the three stooges who have led us into this self destructive quagmire.

This is not the way to conduct Government policy. Especially one with such a high impact on national interests.

EU better start printing, everyone needs it.

Million dollar loaf of bread with no growth.
I've been looking at the candidate voting numbers again.

So we are now in a situation where Thursdays vote will be the last. Crabb and Fox are out and there are a maximum of 24 leave votes that they attracted which can be divided up between Leadsom and Gove, assuming that all the remain votes end up with May.

So if these 24 leave votes are distributed evenly, then Leadsom would have 78 and Gove would have 60.

If the 24 leave votes are distributed according to leave candidate existing split, then Leadsom would have 80 and Gove would have 58.

If Gove ends up in the run off position with May, this can only mean that there has been a stitch up by Gove / May backers to see off the Leadsom challenge.

May would see off Gove if put to the membership vote.
May may lose if pitted against Leadsom if put to the membership vote.

Keep your eye on those numbers. Tory leadership elections are never straight forward. Knifing each other at every opportunity....they have form.
I've been looking at the candidate voting numbers again.


Keep your eye on those numbers. Tory leadership elections are never straight forward. Knifing each other at every opportunity....they have form.

Agree. I suspect that it will depend on the May's assessment of how she thinks the party at large will vote for Leadsom & Gove. May (who is a wolf in sheep`s clothing) will manoeuvre her "spare" votes to support the candidate she is most likely to defeat. If her assessment turns out to be wrong she could screw up big-time.
Agree. I suspect that it will depend on the May's assessment of how she thinks the party at large will vote for Leadsom & Gove. May (who is a wolf in sheep`s clothing) will manoeuvre her "spare" votes to support the candidate she is most likely to defeat. If her assessment turns out to be wrong she could screw up big-time.

Gove leave supporters need to take a long hard look at their allegiance in the next round of voting. If it is a leave candidate they want in any head to head, they would be well advised to jump ship.
QE in the summer :

"In my view, and I am not pre-judging the views of the other independent Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) members, the economic outlook has deteriorated and some monetary policy easing will likely be required over the summer," he said - Carney - .

"This points to the likelihood of a cut to interest rates from their already record low.
It also creates the distinct possibility of further quantitative easing over the summer."