Brexit Remain Rage

I hear you c_v, but in the eyes of the Tories who will be casting their votes, Theresa May represents a safe pair of hands. If I was her, I'd make a point of saying that if elected as PM, I'll appoint Leadsom as Brexit minister. That kills two birds with one stone. All the brexiteers who don't want May because she voted to remain will be satisfied and all the people who would have voted for Leadsom no longer need to because they know she'll be leading the Brexit talks. And Leadsom herself will be happy too, for, if she does well in the Brexit role, that will put her in pole position for party leader as and when May steps down, or gets toppled or whatever. It's a no-brainer from May's point of view: my prediction is that she's saving this masterstroke for when the stallions have all been eliminated and it's just a two mare race.

The MP's and their preferences really don't matter when it comes down to the final 2. So if May want's to try and engineer a win, she has to do it before next Tuesday. If we get to next Tuesday's vote and a final 2 emerge , then the vote goes out to the membership. As pointed out, there is momentum building for Leadsom and that's all that matters if she ends up in the final 2.

I don't think Leadsom will work with May in the way you suggest. Both candidates have said there will be no coronation.
As pointed out, there is momentum building for Leadsom and that's all that matters if she ends up in the final 2.
The big problem with Theresa May (as far as I'm concerned) is that she wants to renew Trident. What an appalling and utterly pointless waste. If that happens and, say, in 6 months time someone from the remain camp asks me if I now regret voting leave, I'll struggle not to say yes. At least with throwing money at the EU, somebody somewhere gets some benefit from it.
The big problem with Theresa May (as far as I'm concerned) is that she wants to renew Trident. What an appalling and utterly pointless waste. If that happens and, say, in 6 months time someone from the remain camp asks me if I now regret voting leave, I'll struggle not to say yes. At least with throwing money at the EU, somebody somewhere gets some benefit from it.

TBH, I find all these distractions more than a bit pathetic. May is fooling no-one in her attempt to appear as if she is getting on with important Govt business. It's all just a ploy to fool those who are gullible enough to take it in. Assuming the job before she has the job, WTF is that all about then !
Three little piggies; Gove, Boris, Farage have all lead the Brexit campaign and now no where in the picture for leadership.

This little piggy Gove wanted to be PM very badly. So so very badly. Coz his wife told him so. Difficult to know who we'll be voting for? I reckon there are three ladies in the running not two. :cheesy:

This little piggy Boris gave up the ghost and ran home to mummy feeling dejected. Ahhhh so sad. He didn't really mean to exit. Waz juz a way to get a better deal. True kniving half breed.

This little piggy Farage having achieved his dream resigned so he can live his ordinary life, which he has parked somewhere in Essex. Who on earth would turn back on their dream to live the ordinary life?

Theresa May, reluctant remainer now favourite to lead the party to exit the EU.

Leasdom a convert to Brexit like Boris is now almost joint favourite with Boris backing. Both Londoners, know the importance of finance now having to pick their words carefully as markets in retreat. Paris knocking at the door. The new girl on the block wants a quicky and the bambino wants a fake one, eh erm - talking exit negotiations here 😉

Shakespearean plot to the core. Absolutely fecking amazing stuff. And yes, you guys saw all this before hand and so predictably forecast the outcomes before it happened. See I told you so, the market is up, interest rates going down. Corporation tax to be slashed and summer time round the corner. Life never looked better. 🙂

If I change my mind and become a Brexit fan, can I have a job in the cabinet too please?
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Blimey Atilla, with comments like that, members could be excused for thinking that you voted to remain in.

You forgot to mention the sainted Duncan Smith who now says "our promises were a series of possibilities".

Such is the lure of the brave new world that they and their words are melting faster than summer snow.
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No one denies the EU needs reform and good many countries supporting the same position. Poland PM and many others very saddened by Brexit because they have lost a strong ally. Even Merkel is very sad and looking to kick Juncker's butt.

Work within rather than outside.

Cameron did come back with 4 years no benefit to migrants. Hence, EU labour only able to come to UK if job is available.
Italian CDS up 20 basis points to 320 basis.

Only problem the UK might have is can they can get out fast enough.

Must be looking at Italy and Spain default before year end.
Cameron did come back with 4 years no benefit to migrants. Hence, EU labour only able to come to UK if job is available.

He would need to notify the commission to be granted permission to employ it and would need to prove excessive pressure on public services. Furthermore, it can only be applied for 7 years. So it isn't black and white as you have put it.
"Any “short term boost to competitiveness will be more than offset by other negative factors, like less investment,” said Simon Wren-Lewis, a professor of economic policy at Oxford University. “So leaving the EU will have a negative impact on the U.K. economy in the short term as well as the longer term.”

"HSBC Holdings Plc analysts are among those forecasting $1.20 as a likely destination. Billionaire investor George Soros suggests $1.15"

"A weaker currency may not do that much to prop up the U.K. economy. While it should boost manufacturing and tourism, three-quarters of the economy is dependent on services such as finance and their future is subject to whatever access to the EU the British government can negotiate."

Brexit Accelerates the British Pound’s 100 Years of Debasement
Please elaborate the long term effects of leaving the EU having a negative impact on the economy. Nobody knows what deals are going to be made so how the hell can anyone claim a negative long term impact.
Sick and tired of finger in the air voodoo forecasts all over the place. Is nobody looking at this constructively and focused on the task. How can a country move forward when the only thing going around is pessimistic forecasting.
And for the record, a weaker currency is good for an economy long term. It encourages investment and creates an environment for job creation. Governments don't print money because there isn't enough going around, they do it to devalue their currency. It's another tool in their box next to interest rates and capitalisation controls. Yes the pound will lose more value but it won't sit there. Investment flows will return and the economy will start firing on more cylinders and the currency will once again appreciate.
Please elaborate the long term effects of leaving the EU having a negative impact on the economy. Nobody knows what deals are going to be made so how the hell can anyone claim a negative long term impact.

Well this is the crux of the argument is it not?

Do you not feel this is something that should be done in advance so we know what the alternative to the EU is?

Wet finger in the air did you say? 😆
Our current account was improving up until 1973 when UK joined EU and ever since we've been dragged down from 1st top spot to number 5th place in global trade. It was all down to Mrs Thatcher. She made us great again. Otherwise we would still be in the doldrums driving shiite cars built by the Europeans.

Once we get rid of the EU, many more businesses will want to locate up North. Northern towns will flourish again and start exporting cars, ships and produce textiles. Wedgewood Benn, Rowntree Mackintosh will come back home and we'll put the steel back in Sheffield.

We will export all the goods and services we can't now because of that bloody EU stopping us all the time. They work against us. All the fecking time, I'm sick of it. We don't need them, like them or want them. They take our £350m every week and give naught back. Sick continent of the World the EU is with falling GDP. They can't keep up with the rest of the trade in the World. We'll show'm how. Our Northern boys don't need cheap labour as they will be able to produce less for more money. We are better than they are and we can do better too. Coz our politicians tell us so and they never lie so it must be true. We'll compete on quality and price. We'll show'm how.

Will start having more nookie and produce more children, making sure they grow up to be good and strong and healthy so they can take care of our old withering elderly. Will educate and train them on health care paying them a living wage.

Feck the EU and what ever the fall out may be. I just want to know who will get into Parliament, who will get elected and how fast they can get us out of the EU and sort out the migrant crises. That new bird Leasdom says she want's quick negotiations and she's sort of an expert from the City of London so she knows what she's talking about.

Fecking migrants going to get the silver bullet along with EU red tape. That's going to fix all our problems. Coz that's what stopping us from building more houses, making more school places available and using up hospital beds and claiming our benefits they haven't contributed to. Lazy fecking migrants. Let's get rid of the lot of them. I'm not racist. I'm just an economist. Feck all experts too. We don't need any funding for our universities or research programs. Remember they need us more than we need them. They can say what they like.

The rest of the World are queuing up to do business with us.

EU get out and get back in the queue and wait your turn.

That should tell'm.
No one denies the EU needs reform and good many countries supporting the same position. Poland PM and many others very saddened by Brexit because they have lost a strong ally. Even Merkel is very sad and looking to kick Juncker's butt.

Work within rather than outside.

Cameron did come back with 4 years no benefit to migrants. Hence, EU labour only able to come to UK if job is available.

Blood and sand, for the love of God are you still chewing this bone......your sex life must be dull......😱