Brexit - in or out

So which were the most generous countries in 2014?
The US donated the most funds (net) in foreign aid last year at $32bn. But when looking at the percentage of the country’s national income given to foreign aid, the US contribution is less impressive. It spent 0.19% of its national income, which is the same percentage as Portugal and Japan.

Out of the DAC countries, Sweden was the most generous – it was the first to meet the 0.7% target in 1974 – donating 1.1% of its GNI to foreign aid, which works out at about $6.2bn. Next came Luxembourg, at 1.07%, then Norway at 0.99% and Denmark at 0.85%. The UK was fifth, higher than Germany at 0.41%, France at 0.36% and Switzerland at 0.49%. In total the UK spent $19bn on foreign aid last year, compared to $16bn from Germany and $10bn from France.

While I do agree with the petition, 0.7% expenditure on foreign aid is quite low. We have more to complain about over here about how much the government spends on foreign aid.

The US spent $37,680,000,000 on foreign aid. I am certainly annoyed by this as well. That is a lot even if it is a small percentage. The UK spent £12,000,000,000.

0.7% plunge was part of an initiative by all the world's wealthiest nations.
In 1970, the world’s richest countries agreed to give 0.7% of their gross national income as official international development aid.

Countries that give the most as a percentage of GDP to foreign aid.
Norway 1.07%
Sweden 1.02%
Luxembourg 1.00%
A lot of so called foreign aid is in fact given with strings attached.
I was shocked to hear on the radio that the UK gives millions to Hamas who sends it on to their terrorist buddies. Nice one dipstick !
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While I do agree with the petition, 0.7% expenditure on foreign aid is quite low. We have more to complain about over here about how much the government spends on foreign aid.

The US spent $37,680,000,000 on foreign aid. I am certainly annoyed by this as well. That is a lot even if it is a small percentage. The UK spent £12,000,000,000.

0.7% plunge was part of an initiative by all the world's wealthiest nations.

Countries that give the most as a percentage of GDP to foreign aid.
Norway 1.07%
Sweden 1.02%
Luxembourg 1.00%

I was going to ask you about that. The US has more senate committees going, doesn't it? I think that there is a general move towards nosiness, nowadays, on the part of the taxpayer. He wants to know more about where the money is going.

It can't be all that difficult My niece is a chartered surveyor working for a multi national. She got sent out to Dubai on a building project and she and her co-workers checked all the receipts and costs from start to finish. Any monkey business and Head Office got to know, at once.
While I do agree with the petition, 0.7% expenditure on foreign aid is quite low. We have more to complain about over here about how much the government spends on foreign aid.

The US spent $37,680,000,000 on foreign aid. I am certainly annoyed by this as well. That is a lot even if it is a small percentage. The UK spent £12,000,000,000.

0.7% plunge was part of an initiative by all the world's wealthiest nations.

Countries that give the most as a percentage of GDP to foreign aid.
Norway 1.07%
Sweden 1.02%
Luxembourg 1.00%

According to the link we only gave .19 percent.

It's possible that we could give more if we were not the world police and had troops stationed in 80 countries around the world. Or if we were not 19TN in debt.

The chart does not account for the fact that we have soldiers stationed in Germany, Korea, Japan etc...and our navy patrols the world's sea lanes trying to keep them free for everyone to use.

We could do more and Americans would like to see that, but we are already stretched thin financially.
A lot of so called foreign aid is in fact given with strings attached.
I was shocked to hear on the radio that the UK gives millions to Hamas who sends it on to their terrorist buddies. Nice one dipstick !

It should have strings attached, so that the money we give goes to a specific purpose and not the 'general fund' that ends up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and good ol boys.

Don't be surprised about the aid to Hamas.

The U.S. is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and we have given assistance to them in Syria because they are anti- Assad. But every time we assault Assad's forces in Syria it strengthens the Taliban as well as ISIS, whom we are fighting in Iraq and Yemen.

So, why are we fighting Assad in Syria when he was never a threat to the United States, our allies or the stability of the Middle East ? I don't know either. Oh yeah, human rights. Those guys from the Taliban, ISIS and Al Qeda are so much more moral.😕
It should have strings attached, so that the money we give goes to a specific purpose and not the 'general fund' that ends up in the pockets of corrupt politicians and good ol boys.

Don't be surprised about the aid to Hamas.

The U.S. is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and we have given assistance to them in Syria because they are anti- Assad. But every time we assault Assad's forces in Syria it strengthens the Taliban as well as ISIS, whom we are fighting in Iraq and Yemen.

So, why are we fighting Assad in Syria when he was never a threat to the United States, our allies or the stability of the Middle East ? I don't know either. Oh yeah, human rights. Those guys from the Taliban, ISIS and Al Qeda are so much more moral.😕

Why are we fighting Assad ? Simple. We are knocking down Israel's enemies.
Nigel Lawson on Brexit: ‘I love Europe! That’s why I live in France. But the EU has no purpose’

One simple reason justifies Brexit for Lawson. “The important issue is democracy and self-government. It is about that principle. Self government is more important than anything else.”

Personally, I find all this talk of sovereignty and self-government all very strange.

Other than one vote every 4/5 years, I am absolutely powerless to determine any personal sovereignty or self-governance for my self or family. If schooling is bad, we don't even have the right to determine how we should educate our very own children.

The guy lives in France adhering to French law and governance so that's how important British sovereignty and democracy is to him. :idea:
Yes, Atilla, the Brits are like everyone else in that respect. One is a democrat on election day. The rest of the time one does what he is told. That argument goes out the window, as far as I am concerned.

When I came out here in in 1965, my FiL told me that all I had to do was stay out of politics and I would be fine. I'm not a political animal, so had no problems. Franco's government never did me any harm. I have to admit that things have improved, since then, but I have never had a vote here and don't want one.
..........,Personally, I find all this talk of sovereignty and self-government all very strange. ....,......

yes, it's made much of by the elite band at the top of the heap so they can continue to enjoy the cream. That "fat cat" band, whatever political colour they may be, are prepared to go to extreme lengths to protect their position (even nuking each other out of existence at the height of the Cold War).
Yet another article showing the benefits of migrants on economy.

The government on Wednesday may forecast that the $570 billion economy, powered by record low interest rates and spending on refugees, will grow by about 4 percent this year, according to Nordea Bank. While Sweden’s generosity in accepting migrants has led to rising costs, fast growth in revenue is partly helping the nation to cope the with record influx.

“There seems to be a clear underlying trend that tax income is increasing more than expected because the economy is doing well,” said Michael Grahn, an economist at Danske Bank. “As long as the strong trend in the labor market continues, that’s more important for the fiscal balance.”

Of course the UK already knows this with the medical staff and builders who have come from abroad to contribute tremendously to economic activity whilst keeping labour costs low, thus increasing productivity.

However, I doubt any of this will register with the stop'm geting in and get'm out, Brexit crowd.
I don't think the Brussels fat cats have considered the results of a Brexit hardly at all. The EU, already very unsteady, may collapse. Why they don't even try to be efficient is beyond comprehension in this increasingly competitive world. The losers die message doesn't seem to have percolated through to their thick heads.
I don't think the Brussels fat cats have considered the results of a Brexit hardly at all. The EU, already very unsteady, may collapse. Why they don't even try to be efficient is beyond comprehension in this increasingly competitive world. The losers die message doesn't seem to have percolated through to their thick heads.

I think expansion is 'the' policy.

Population growth and expansion, stimulating births and new building.

Nature and man's undying evolving spirit will see these years will be consigned to history and in another 10/15 years time we'll be in another tremendous bubble.

Some people and laggards, simply don't get the bigger picture. 👍
I am amused to see Merkel has done a U turn on freedom of speech when the Turkish PM was abused. She was quick to apologise. FOS is an unsustainable myth. Even the Pope was going to punch the guy that abused his mother. Bring back the laws of slander imho.
I think expansion is 'the' policy.

Population growth and expansion, stimulating births and new building.

Nature and man's undying evolving spirit will see these years will be consigned to history and in another 10/15 years time we'll be in another tremendous bubble.

Some people and laggards, simply don't get the bigger picture. 👍

All Empires die of over expansion. British. Roman. Russian etc. If the Brussel sprouts knew their history they would know that. I can see a Brexit and the gradual collapse of the EU into " an every man for himself scenario ". Followed shortly afterwards by a land grab by the Russians if they are still strong enough.
All Empires die of over expansion. British. Roman. Russian etc. If the Brussel sprouts knew their history they would know that. I can see a Brexit and the gradual collapse of the EU into " an every man for himself scenario ". Followed shortly afterwards by a land grab by the Russians if they are still strong enough.

Europe has already expanded to 25 countries.

It is now in consolidation phase.

What we are seeing is frictional employment where factors of production get to be employed where they are most productive, hence the free movement of labour and capital.

It's all pretty much basic economics.

Europe is becoming more dynamic, productive and ultimately efficient.

Sadly, there are many people out there who simply don't get to see the bigger picture but focus in on their trivial little prejudices about nationalities and their small corner of the World.

What made America great is the diversity of its populace. Paid for by British investment (Kapital), built by cheap Chinese labour and African slaves (Labour) and a whole continent of ripe fertile (Land).

That is also basic economics factors of production if anybody would like to look it up.

That's it lesson over. I hope everyone wises up and vote In or else UK will be well and trully effed up by the ultra white super trash minority who think they are defending the Empire (that no longer exists) from an invasion (which it isn't).

Crazy world we live in. 👍

Maybe it is not the ultra white super trashy that are destroying the country, nor is the country dead or approaching thereto. It is the huge influx of non-Saxons that are applying undue and excess stress on the British way of life. It is causing upwardly mobile Britons to emigrate and become British diaspora. This is why Sweden has a "Sweden for Swedes" movement. Even though the government has accepted some immigrants, the majority are not too happy about it. If the non-Brits do not like the British way of doing things, they can always emigrate. Do not travel to another country and try to force your culture upon a pre-existing one. If those people love their culture so much, then they should stay where it is the prevailing culture. They should learn to embrace their new culture.
Maybe it is not the ultra white super trashy that are destroying the country, nor is the country dead or approaching thereto. It is the huge influx of non-Saxons that are applying undue and excess stress on the British way of life. It is causing upwardly mobile Britons to emigrate and become British diaspora. This is why Sweden has a "Sweden for Swedes" movement. Even though the government has accepted some immigrants, the majority are not too happy about it.

If the non-Brits do not like the British way of doing things, they can always emigrate. Do not travel to another country and try to force your culture upon a pre-existing one. If those people love their culture so much, then they should stay where it is the prevailing culture.

They should learn to embrace their new culture.


When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

And that applies to the U.S. as well as Britain and the EU.