I have copy/pasted a post i made in Dinos EU ref thread, it is a view born of my own personal experience :
I live in the south east of the UK & my work takes me all over the south & up to the midlands.
The nature of my work places me in different locations usually for a day at a time.
Many of the town centres have become horrible places to work, I've worked in towns where I have not heard one single English accent for hours on end at a time, & the abuse I've witnessed between different groups of non English speaking groups has been jaw dropping & genuinely frightening at times !! this is the reality of the here & now, & I have witnessed it first hand for a long enough time.
Immigration is vital for the mix of cultural diversity that I know & love about the UK, but it's high time that we wake up & see the very real situation in front of our eyes. We are a small successful island & I for one am proud of our English ways, when another culture comes here adding their flavour while completely taking on the English culture, then it enriches us all, but the reality is that for quite some time now people have been coming to the UK & completely taking it for granted.
If we leave Europe it doesn't mean the world will end for us.
I lived in Australia for over 3 years (some time ago now) & among many other things their points system encouraged quality & gave a real sense of the Ozzie's being very proud of who they are.
I am not some Daily mail-reading-Nigel Farage-loving loon, just someone that sees it for what it is.