If I was a citizen of one of the PIGS countries I would be appalled to be ruled by a bunch of kleptocratic glad-handers. However, I would still not abandon my country's sovereignty for all time to a foreign bunch of neo-Marxist kleptocratic glad-handers.
The UK will make its own policies and its up to us how good or bad they are. The British will get the sort of government that the British deserve. But at least it will not be the sort of government that some foreign people think the British deserve.
I wouldn't abandon Parliament and would fight to keep it free yes indeed. I'm with you 100% on that.
The EU club is an agreement which we signed up to and I felt it worked really really well giving us prosperity.
As with the take back control club, I fear you are imagining a hypothetical scenario which is far removed from reality. The club has rules and agreements. There are different level of membership too.
So how has the UK improved since taking back control. What was so appalling that we are doing so much better now?
Listening to Radio-4, University projects of all sorts are really struggling to get funding from the EU. Government not stepping in to compensate either.
What deals have we made in the last 6 years that we were unable to do before?
Apparently, the vaccine go / no-go decision was made ultra fast but UK deaths not much difference but even worse than our European ones.
LBC started a show about benefits of Brexit and it basically whimpered out in less than an hour because no one called in. Those who did to complain got turned away because it was about benefits of Brexit.
I don't see how leaving the EU has improved our lives at all.
I didn't see how my freedom or democracy was curtailed being a member of the EU either.
I feel control has been taken away from by virtue of additional restrictions about what I can do and not do in Europe.
How has my right to vote either at LA or National level changed. What more control do I have that I didn't have before?
It's crazy. So many Brexiteer words with no meaning.