Brexit and the Consequences


As before the deal we currently have is the best one and there is no freaking rational for a better one. It's all tripe and lies.
The real men behind Brexit aren't interested in EU rules or laws or taxing financial transactions and declaring monies in safe havens. It's a con.

Financial system is screwed having ripped off the tax payer with a bailout and no one wants to pay pack didly dot.

Brexit is a farce. It has nothing to do with national identity or migration controls, rules or regulations.

Should be clear to most by now. No way will EU give us a better deal than the one we have now. Gotta be kidding to think they would.

As before the deal we currently have is the best one and there is no freaking rational for a better one. It's all tripe and lies.
The real men behind Brexit aren't interested in EU rules or laws or taxing financial transactions and declaring monies in safe havens. It's a con.

Financial system is screwed having ripped off the tax payer with a bailout and no one wants to pay pack didly dot.

Brexit is a farce. It has nothing to do with national identity or migration controls, rules or regulations.

Should be clear to most by now. No way will EU give us a better deal than the one we have now. Gotta be kidding to think they would.

So given that the EU is on a trajectory that the UK is NOT interested in, then it follows that NO DEAL is the only acceptable outcome. 👍
I'm afraid Johnson, I don't believe you.

Apparently Cummings doesn't like Nigel (I'm not at all sure that he likes anybody) and presumably is advising against any kind of election pact. Big mistake IMHO. Already, Nigel is exposing Boris's deal for what it is. Outcome of the election at this stage is totally unpredictable and I'm sure we are going to be in for a few surprises.
So given that the EU is on a trajectory that the UK is NOT interested in, then it follows that NO DEAL is the only acceptable outcome. 👍

Says who?

Farage the big gobby much ado about nothing. Boris the wannabeee great PM. Trump the self interested I'm so freaking Mr wonderfully fantesticle?
. . . Says 17.4 million people. C'mon At', get with the program!

Their advice has been duly noted and Parliament has been debating and trying to act it for the last 3 years.

Parliament has specifically voted against a hard Brexit - leaving the EU without a deal.

You running away with your self again... 😱

Now get your pen and paper and write out 1000 lines...

The Brexit referendum was only advisory. Parliament is Sovereign in the UK. I must look up what that means.
The Brexit referendum was only advisory. Parliament is Sovereign in the UK. I must look up what that means.
The Brexit referendum was only advisory. Parliament is Sovereign in the UK. I must look up what that means.
The Brexit referendum was only advisory. Parliament is Sovereign in the UK. I must look up what that means.
Why oh why do you do it? 'It' being so obtuse. Again!!!
Their advice has been duly noted and Parliament has been debating and trying to act it for the last 3 years.
No, parlaiment has spent the last three years trying to overturn the referendum result knowing full well that their actions completely undermine the democratic process and make a total mockery of our political parliamentary system. Their excuses are as patronising as they are pathetic. Namely, that the 17.4 million aren't too bright (as you've insinuated on here numerous times) and didn't know what they were voting for. For the last bloody time - YES WE BLOODY WELL DID!!!

Parliament has specifically voted against a hard Brexit - leaving the EU without a deal.
How do you (or they) square that with voting unanimously in favour of Article 50 which quite specifically stated that we leave on March 29th with OR WITHOUT a deal? Don't bother replying, because all 17.4 million leavers know the answer - along with all remain voters - many of whom now openly side with Brexiteers because they understand and accept this very point.

You running away with your self again... 😱
Pot, kettle, black.
When oh when are you going to face reality and accept you lost the referendum and get on board with leaving under the best possible terms, rather than to continue to dispute a result that's as plain as day and come up with the most preposterous and ridiculous excuses in a vain attempt to explain why Brexit hasn't happened?

The Brexit referendum was only advisory. Parliament is Sovereign in the UK. I must look up what that means.
Now get your pen and paper and write out 1000 lines . . .
The Brexit referendum is 100% binding based on the official published government position clearly stated in their leaflet delivered to every household in the land. It's the British people who are sovereign, MPs are merely there to serve THEM and NOT their own personal interests.
I must look up what that means.
The Brexit referendum is 100% binding based on the official published government position clearly stated in their leaflet delivered to every household in the land.

Errrmmm you need to take that to Cameron and ask him to deliver his binding position. 👍

Some people just don't learn. 😱

Whilst I'm at it, Boris seems to have a binding position too so why is he unable to deliver. Get your election sorted out. Get a majority in Parliament. Then vote your Brexit bill through. Not bleeding rocket science is it. 😎
Errrmmm you need to take that to Cameron and ask him to deliver his binding position. 👍

Some people just don't learn. 😱

Whilst I'm at it, Boris seems to have a binding position too so why is he unable to deliver. Get your election sorted out. Get a majority in Parliament. Then vote your Brexit bill through. Not bleeding rocket science is it. 😎

Because it's not Brexit. 😆
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Nothing ventured, nothing gained, there is only one party that has the slimmest chance of giving us Brexit (and it ain't the Tories). No tactical voting for me.

And also (In best successful military tradition), Nigel has the good sense to do the unexpected – no doubt the Tories are now wondering how to redeploy resources they were going to throw at him in his chosen constituency. If his message about Boris's BRINO resonates then the Tories will be in deep trouble.

As far as I'm concerned only TBP offers any hope of a genuine BREXIT and Farage is one of the few politicians to have consistently said the same thing and not be bought off – peerages etc.
I have just been reading the definition of a pyrrhic victory.
It's an interesting thought! If Farage was actually able to achieve one then perhaps it wouldn't really matter seeing that his driving aim has always been to leave the EU and then get back to a "normal" life. After destroying the present Remainers chances, someone else could then spend the next 10 years trying to get back in along with the Scots after they leave the UK.
As far as I'm concerned only TBP offers any hope of a genuine BREXIT and Farage is one of the few politicians to have consistently said the same thing and not be bought off – peerages etc.

What needs to happen for TBP strategy to work is to wake up true Brexiteers to Boris's BRINO. I think the Tories played a blinder with Boris's 'deal' and the subsequent ERG endorsement, quite a surprise to me that the ERG suddenly switched to supporting it. Unfortunately for the Tories it has meant that the ERG has also tainted it's supposed reputation for being hard Brexiteers, it shows they never were and shows that the whole lot of them have been in cahoots and lying to us all along, either that or they have just given up or, more likely, they are scared for the Tory party, so the ERG reverted to party politics to the cost of Brexit (and potentialy, ironically, still to the cost to the Tory party at the elections).

It will all depend on how many Brexiteers manage to filter the noise about letting Corbyn in or top slicing the Tories and therefore do not vote Tory in a tactical vote and stick to their convictions and vote TBP. If there are 4-5 million votes for TBP it will show the Brexit dream is still alive.
Interesting developments! Boris caving in already?

I have just been reading the definition of a pyrrhic victory.

Yeah but Brexiteers get to keep £9bn to fund their pole dancers so they can have a decent chance of becoming real high class entertainers/entrepreneurs.
If I said white men enslaved black men for over a hundred years, would you say I was being racist?

No, that is factually correct, but identity politics meets the definition of raciscm in the context of skin colour, does it not?
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