Brexit and the Consequences

Peculiar strange coincidence. Funni that.

If one is thinking about cutting production in any one plant across the globe or about to hit higher transaction costs in conducting business what does one do.

Invest more in holding stock and managing admin or simply shift production.

No brainer to most. However, 30% would rather cut their noses off to spite their faces. LOL

Yeah I know before you all shout at once, car manufacturers cutting UK production has absolutely zilch to do with Brexit coz they all said so. 😍
. . . Brussels preparing to use technology to solve Irish backstop issue
This must be fake news Sig'. I mean, how many people have said how many times that there are no technological solutions to the Irish border issue. It's a remain mantra. So, in the unlikely event that this story actually is true, 😛 then it means that we've been fed a bunch of porkies all along in a bid to keep us in the EU/single market!
This must be fake news Sig'. I mean, how many people have said how many times that there are no technological solutions to the Irish border issue. It's a remain mantra. So, in the unlikely event that this story actually is true, 😛 then it means that we've been fed a bunch of porkies all along in a bid to keep us in the EU/single market!

😵 I suppose we will have to wait until next week when the official report is released to see if the leak is real, the DM report doesn't have any of the hallmarks of a fake, ie. no correspondent name being a major giveaway.

No way could I countenance that the backstop problem is contrived, no way, it was real to the former prime minister and the majority of the HoC, unless they were all snorting coke, drinking dodgy lassi's or inhaling opium 😂
This must be fake news Sig'. I mean, how many people have said how many times that there are no technological solutions to the Irish border issue. It's a remain mantra. So, in the unlikely event that this story actually is true, 😛 then it means that we've been fed a bunch of porkies all along in a bid to keep us in the EU/single market!
The Irish backstop was always a straw man – and so far it's made a pretty good job of achieving its aim.
All goes to show what i've said from the start. Brits are made of stronger stuff than the pussy Europeans. Nobody tells us how things are going to be. Been a battle, but we will get there ! 👍

Would have been considerably easier if we didn't have to battle our own sell outs along the way.

What say you Oscar? 😆
All goes to show what i've said from the start. Brits are made of stronger stuff than the pussy Europeans. Nobody tells us how things are going to be. Been a battle, but we will get there ! 👍

Would have been considerably easier if we didn't have to battle our own sell outs along the way.

What say you Oscar? 😆
Ask the cat.
The Cat Who Solved Brexit
You might as well vote a monkey to be the next PM for all the good it will do for Brexit, nothing will save the Tory party.

GE incoming, big broom to sweep clean, ready for a no deal Brexit [emoji1360][emoji16]

It's an interesting legal nicety but I don't suppose it will have much practical effect against the overwhelming Establishment & Parliamentary Remain movement. It will be interesting to see where we go from here with the appointment of a new PM which at the moment looks very much like being Boris. Despite his declared intention to leave on 31 October come what may, he's still up against the same forces that thwarted the 2 previous departures.

As I see it, this will only be resolved by means of a general election in order to be rid of Bercow (should have gone a long time ago) and all the undemocratic remaining-type MPs. The last thing the Conservatives will agree to is an election because they've got everything to lose and Corbyn has everything to gain. Nevertheless, Boris could resolve the situation by holding an election pact with Farage whereby they each stand down in constituencies where the other party is strong. Brexit party will hoover up the Labour and disaffected Conservative votes and Tories will pander to their faithful. They can then form some sort of coalition government to permit a proper Brexit whilst keeping Corbyn out of number 10 and hopefully consigning him to history. Eventually the fun will start again when Boris & Nigel fall out.

Anybody got an idea for a realistic alternative? Will the Lib Dems feature at all?
It's an interesting legal nicety but I don't suppose it will have much practical effect against the overwhelming Establishment & Parliamentary Remain movement. It will be interesting to see where we go from here with the appointment of a new PM which at the moment looks very much like being Boris. Despite his declared intention to leave on 31 October come what may, he's still up against the same forces that thwarted the 2 previous departures.

As I see it, this will only be resolved by means of a general election in order to be rid of Bercow (should have gone a long time ago) and all the undemocratic remaining-type MPs. The last thing the Conservatives will agree to is an election because they've got everything to lose and Corbyn has everything to gain. Nevertheless, Boris could resolve the situation by holding an election pact with Farage whereby they each stand down in constituencies where the other party is strong. Brexit party will hoover up the Labour and disaffected Conservative votes and Tories will pander to their faithful. They can then form some sort of coalition government to permit a proper Brexit whilst keeping Corbyn out of number 10 and hopefully consigning him to history. Eventually the fun will start again when Boris & Nigel fall out.

Anybody got an idea for a realistic alternative? Will the Lib Dems feature at all?

Posted previously.

Sounds to me like you are politically homeless at the moment Jon, given the fragmentation of the remain vote between Cons, Lab, Lib, Green and that other party that no one is quite sure the name of ! Wot a total shambles and all brought about because parliamentarians decided that they knew best under a treacherous remain leader.

Anyway, it's probably not too presumptuous of me to claim victory in the No Deal Brexit stakes, because as of now we still don't have a deal and the likely hood of getting one are about the same odds as winning the lottery.

The stakes have never been higher for the EU and their socialist, centrally planned, superstate project. And as such i'm sorry to say it's over for the political EU because the people of Europe have had enough of it. This is not just a UK populism issue, it is Europe wide. But one of the biggest mistakes made by the EU was to think that they could go up against the Brits and win. That was never going to happen. We have more than enough allies all across European countries. We have a long history of fighting for democracy and against oppressive dictatorial regimes, which of course the EU is.

As for the upcoming UK politics.

The Brexit Party will smash the rest into the ground at the EU elections. (people power)
The Tories will not pass Mays deal, or any kind of Con Lab fudge. At which point they hold a leadership election where a Brexiteer wins through. I suspect it will be Raab that emerges victorious.
Then the govt limps on for a bit. But behind the scenes, I expect whoever becomes leader will get into secret talks with Farage's Brexit Party in order to devise a general election strategy based on keeping Corbyn's marxist party out of power. Tories will concentrate on the South and the Brexit party will throw all their resources into Labours disaffected North and Midlands.
Between them, I expect they will get enough seats to form the next Govt and particularly if the Tories get on message.

After the general elections, I expect a No Deal to be implemented and whilst the EU scramble about with their own internal struggles as everything collapses around them, we will be in a much stronger position to dictate trade terms. ( basically, they will come grovelling cap in hand for a trade deal coupled with any other arrangements the UK would like to be part of)
Posted previously.

Sounds to me like you are politically homeless at the moment Jon, given the fragmentation of the remain vote between Cons, Lab, Lib, Green and that other party that no one is quite sure the name of ! Wot a total shambles and all brought about because parliamentarians decided that they knew best under a treacherous remain leader.

Anyway, it's probably not too presumptuous of me to claim victory in the No Deal Brexit stakes, because as of now we still don't have a deal and the likely hood of getting one are about the same odds as winning the lottery.

The stakes have never been higher for the EU and their socialist, centrally planned, superstate project. And as such i'm sorry to say it's over for the political EU because the people of Europe have had enough of it. This is not just a UK populism issue, it is Europe wide. But one of the biggest mistakes made by the EU was to think that they could go up against the Brits and win. That was never going to happen. We have more than enough allies all across European countries. We have a long history of fighting for democracy and against oppressive dictatorial regimes, which of course the EU is.

As for the upcoming UK politics.

The Brexit Party will smash the rest into the ground at the EU elections. (people power)
The Tories will not pass Mays deal, or any kind of Con Lab fudge. At which point they hold a leadership election where a Brexiteer wins through. I suspect it will be Raab that emerges victorious.
Then the govt limps on for a bit. But behind the scenes, I expect whoever becomes leader will get into secret talks with Farage's Brexit Party in order to devise a general election strategy based on keeping Corbyn's marxist party out of power. Tories will concentrate on the South and the Brexit party will throw all their resources into Labours disaffected North and Midlands.
Between them, I expect they will get enough seats to form the next Govt and particularly if the Tories get on message.

After the general elections, I expect a No Deal to be implemented and whilst the EU scramble about with their own internal struggles as everything collapses around them, we will be in a much stronger position to dictate trade terms. ( basically, they will come grovelling cap in hand for a trade deal coupled with any other arrangements the UK would like to be part of)

There is only one small flaw in the logic, Boris is not a leaver, he's not a remainer either, now there's a conundrum until you factor in that he is a bullshitter 😀
Wot a conundrum!

This, I think, is where we are headed, the overwhelming sentiment amongst voters is for Brexit, that will win through for the Brexit party in a GE, BP form a minority gov't in coalition with the Tories/DUP and any other Brexiteers. Most Tory remainers will lose their seats.

All this talk about a Corbyn govt is scare tactics by the Tories to get voters to vote tactically for the Tories, nothing more, Labour are devastated just about everywhere.

It'll come down to what happens on 31 October regardless of who is PM.
There is only one small flaw in the logic, Boris is not a leaver, he's not a remainer either, now there's a conundrum until you factor in that he is a bullshitter 😀

The public know what he is for sure, but perhaps more importantly, they know which side he was on at the referendum. He can't escape that position, so he might as well give it his all. Nothing to lose by taking a hard line.
The public know what he is for sure, but perhaps more importantly, they know which side he was on at the referendum. He can't escape that position, so he might as well give it his all. Nothing to lose by taking a hard line.

And then he went and voted for May’s remain, let’s hope he sticks by his word this time.

Boris 'won't rule out suspending Parliament to get no-deal Brexit
After the general elections, I expect a No Deal to be implemented and whilst the EU scramble about with their own internal struggles as everything collapses around them, we will be in a much stronger position to dictate trade terms. ( basically, they will come grovelling cap in hand for a trade deal coupled with any other arrangements the UK would like to be part of)

Why would you expect a NO deal to be implemented? What with 31% of proxy vote having a preference for it!

You are basing your judgements on the collapse of the EU for which there is no evidence? Much like UK but to a lesser extent minority popular parties hardly have majority in EU.

There is a big drift probably as wide as the channel between your expectations and reality.

EU is prepared for UK departure. Is the UK prepared to lose EU? That imo is the more fundamental question that requires attention.
As for that Boris the fool, in some respects I think he'll make Corbyn look like a great alternative soon enough.

UK I fear will rival Italian and Spanish politics soon enough with the crop of politicians we currently have.

People will get the leaders they deserve based on their wet dreams.
As for that Boris the fool, in some respects I think he'll make Corbyn look like a great alternative soon enough.

UK I fear will rival Italian and Spanish politics soon enough with the crop of politicians we currently have.

People will get the leaders they deserve based on their wet dreams.

Boris for PM [emoji23] looks a dead cert.