Brexit and the Consequences

i'll be placing my energies into trading the disastrous performance of the GBP during this impending time ....

RIP sterling

The EUR will fare worse though....EZ tipping into recession already and we haven't even left yet ! 😆
The EUR will fare worse though....EZ tipping into recession already and we haven't even left yet ! 😆
Careful c_v - you'd better mind your Ps and Qs - otherwise you might discover there's a special place in hell reserved just for you. Still, I suppose the silver lining is that remoaners will be conspicuous by their absence!
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Careful c_v - you'd better mind your Ps and Qs - otherwise you might discover there's a special place in hell reserved just for you. Still, I suppose the silver lining is that remoaners will be conspicuous by their absence!

There probably is, but I doubt it will be because of Brexit 😆
They weren't off-the-cuff remarks, but a planned outburst.

The softly-spoken politician who holds the authority of all EU countries has just completely condemned a chunk of the British cabinet, wondering aloud: "What that special place in hell looks like for those who promoted Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely".

His right imo. 👍

Points quite a few of us have made along with much of the British reasoned press. 🤔
They weren't off-the-cuff remarks, but a planned outburst.

The softly-spoken politician who holds the authority of all EU countries has just completely condemned a chunk of the British cabinet, wondering aloud: "What that special place in hell looks like for those who promoted Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely".

His right imo. 👍

Points quite a few of us have made along with much of the British reasoned press. 🤔

Tusk is a total idiot and he has plenty of previous. He has now become the greatest asset for Brexiters. 😆

Part 2.
Still think it's a good program ?
They seem to be suggesting that Europe could have brought the world financial system crashing down. Whooda thunk it !
Tusk is a total idiot and he has plenty of previous. He has now become the greatest asset for Brexiters. 😆

Part 2.
Still think it's a good program ?
They seem to be suggesting that Europe could have brought the world financial system crashing down. Whooda thunk it !

Yes I did watch that program and I thought EU did well to ride out of that storm stronger and better than before with the ECB doing whatever it takes to protect the Euro. Greece made the right decision. The Greek finance minister Varoufakis came across as an absolute fool and as before, you think he talks sense is a clear display of your hypocrisy promoting a marxist economist who has no idea about the mess he finds his country in whilst demonstrating astonishing level of arrogance along with his Prime Minister. I also thought Merkel and Sarkozy were both really good. UK no where in sight, but on the contrary relishing smug standoff displaying relief and arrogance outside of the Euro. Hardly team spirit.

Don't forget EU also saved the PIGS in the process including Ireland.

I think realisation is dawning on the EU that they will be better off without the UK, gaining industries and advantages it had to share before. World trade is turning East.

One small questions, my understanding from Brexiteers was that using WTO rules because we import more than export, we'd gain bigger returns from tariffs. Now they are talking about not stopping or collecting dues on entry but making all trades free and collecting tariffs later after crossing, assuming it can be done. I'd like to see plans and evaluations that this is indeed possible.

I fear we will drop rates or not be in a position to fully collect them, whilst paying the full amount when exporting to EU and enduring transit delays with lorries queuing up to get out of Dover etc. Have I got it wrong or is there something very wrong with our plans for no deal brexit?
Yes I did watch that program and I thought EU did well to ride out of that storm stronger and better than before with the ECB doing whatever it takes to protect the Euro. Greece made the right decision. The Greek finance minister Varoufakis came across as an absolute fool and as before, you think he talks sense is a clear display of your hypocrisy promoting a marxist economist who has no idea about the mess he finds his country in whilst demonstrating astonishing level of arrogance along with his Prime Minister. I also thought Merkel and Sarkozy were both really good. UK no where in sight, but on the contrary relishing smug standoff displaying relief and arrogance outside of the Euro. Hardly team spirit.

Don't forget EU also saved the PIGS in the process including Ireland.

I think realisation is dawning on the EU that they will be better off without the UK, gaining industries and advantages it had to share before. World trade is turning East.

One small questions, my understanding from Brexiteers was that using WTO rules because we import more than export, we'd gain bigger returns from tariffs. Now they are talking about not stopping or collecting dues on entry but making all trades free and collecting tariffs later after crossing, assuming it can be done. I'd like to see plans and evaluations that this is indeed possible.

I fear we will drop rates or not be in a position to fully collect them, whilst paying the full amount when exporting to EU and enduring transit delays with lorries queuing up to get out of Dover etc. Have I got it wrong or is there something very wrong with our plans for no deal brexit?

One of the greatest mysteries in all this is how remoaners are so blinkered as to sidestep the undeniable facts.

Greece should never have been allowed to join, as it has been well documented that the numbers didn't stack up. Goldman Sachs doctored the figures to suit.

Greece should have left the EU and sorted itself out.

Greece should have been kicked out so as to save the prudent EU countries voters a lot of pain and money.

Varoufakis, being a marxist, is only interested in sharing the misery amongst all. Equality in poverty bruv....yay...up the revolution.
The only thing I agree with him on is the intransigence and incompetence of the EU and it's second rate leaders.👍

UK were nowhere in sight because we had the good sense not to get involved in the stupid Euro currency in the first place.
Brexiters have been telling remoaners for years that the Euro was flawed and unworkable. It only took a small country like Greece to cause a near catastrophic collapse of the system, with the unknowable contagion effects spreading throughout the world financial system. Europe is far from out of the woods, or as you put it, stronger and better. On the contrary, it lurches from one crisis to another, with small periods of misplaced calm in between times.

Luckily, there are sufficient numbers of high IQ Brexiters able to convince the mass of voters that the EU is a crock of s***e and as more time passes, our job becomes easier as more evidence emerges that we are right. 👍
Yes I did watch that program and I thought EU did well to ride out of that storm stronger and better than before with the ECB doing whatever it takes to protect the Euro. Greece made the right decision. The Greek finance minister Varoufakis came across as an absolute fool and as before, you think he talks sense is a clear display of your hypocrisy promoting a marxist economist who has no idea about the mess he finds his country in whilst demonstrating astonishing level of arrogance along with his Prime Minister. I also thought Merkel and Sarkozy were both really good. UK no where in sight, but on the contrary relishing smug standoff displaying relief and arrogance outside of the Euro. Hardly team spirit.

Don't forget EU also saved the PIGS in the process including Ireland.

I think realisation is dawning on the EU that they will be better off without the UK, gaining industries and advantages it had to share before. World trade is turning East.

One small questions, my understanding from Brexiteers was that using WTO rules because we import more than export, we'd gain bigger returns from tariffs. Now they are talking about not stopping or collecting dues on entry but making all trades free and collecting tariffs later after crossing, assuming it can be done. I'd like to see plans and evaluations that this is indeed possible.

I fear we will drop rates or not be in a position to fully collect them, whilst paying the full amount when exporting to EU and enduring transit delays with lorries queuing up to get out of Dover etc. Have I got it wrong or is there something very wrong with our plans for no deal brexit?

Don't forget that unless there is a printing machine with an unlimited capability to print Euro's (which I have a suspicion the EU is using), then there is an ordinary EU taxpayer on the hook for all of this. A great many are already unhappy, with a great many ready, if unwilling, to join them when they realise what they are paying their EU taxes for.
Kind of bored of all this now.....

What? Surely not! After all we've still got another 1200 posts to go before we hit the magic 10,000 at which point we achieve True Enlightenment.... or Brexit.... or not...maybe CV and Attila can get us there sooner rather than later.

Sharpen your quills girls!😛